IL splitting
8 years ago
Michigan, USA

When do you split for an IL, I've seen as the inkling pats the doll, and I've seen as you grab the zapfish. I would think its as you grab the doll because most things start/end when you've no control of your character anymore.

United States

IL starts when you press ZL to enter a level, and ends the second you grab the zapfish and yell woomy. People who split after the zapfish grab subtract the time in between the split and when you grab the zapfish. Its to make it easier because it's hard to split exactly when you grab. For example splitting on music cue is about 3.7 seconds, and splitting on fade out is about 6.1 seconds. It doesn't really matter because I confirm the times upon submission anyway.

Michigan, USA

ok, ive noticed afew off. ucch as a 6 second headstart on the rumble at the rig il and early split on the far flung flooders il.

United States

Some videos have capture card delay. The timer doesn't start nor end at the exact right spots. With these videos, the timer starts early, but also ends early, so usually it evens out. Like I said, I verify the times on my own timer, and edit for any discrepancies. I've never edited more than half a second, all of the IL times are fairly accurate.

As for the "6 second head start" like I said before, it's almost impossible to split exactly when you grab the zapfish while you're playing the level. Breakdancinggamer decided to start the timer at -6.04 because that is how much time is between grabbing the zapfish and screen black out. (It's not perfectly exact, but it does the job.) This way when he splits on the blackout (as most people do in actual runs) the time shown on the timer is the correct IL split.

I would like to assure you that I am taking the ILs seriously. Even when Jebuskiller submitted the 20 ILs in a row I verified their time, even though I literally saw them happen live and had no reason to doubt the times. I retime them to the best of my ability, usually just to make sure that they are not an obscene amount of time ahead, but occasionally I edit the time to make it more accurate.

Michigan, USA

Ok, oddly enough I myself didnt know of capture card delay till just now. And I never questioned how seriously you take your job as a mod. To be honest I dont think I have even questioned a twitch mods level of seriousness . I would like to say sorry if I came off in such a way where it seemed as though I was questioning your judgement.

United States

Nah it's all g

Kentucky, USA

glad theres some conformation on this then, that cap card delay had me worried a bit there, but i havent ran this in a while so i guess my run isnt even relevant anymore anyway haha