Edit Requested Game
6 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

So I went to request a game to be added to speedrun.com and my friend linked me to where I can request it so I typed it all in and hit request and then I see that it says it's Requested as part of another game. Apparently, the link wasn't for requesting a game but was instead for requesting a game as part of another. Am I able to go back and edit it? I am not seeing where I can do that. Also, where do I submit requests for a new game since that was clearly not the right spot?


Not sure I fully understand what happened since I've never requested a game myself (I'm sure someone else will probably understand more or be able to offer more insight), but just to make sure, was this the link you used to request a game?


Wisconsin, USA

Yes, that page is identical to the one I was on. But I believe the link I had had something on the end of it that I overlooked so it added it as part of a series rather than its own game. Since you said you haven't done it before I take it you wouldn't know how I can edit it. I wasn't able to find a way to do so when I looked. Should I just resubmit what I had with that link or wait for an admin to see it and possibly put it in its correct place?

United States

If you click request game on the series page it requests as part of that series. It's not particularly intuitive. Just resubmit for now.

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