Hi! I'm here to learn.
United States

I have some free time coming up and inspired by summoningsalt I decided to make a YouTube series on less obvious speedruns. I have some games in mind but no clue how to start. I hope to learn from you!

CarkInTheDark and Casssss like this

If you have any specific games in mind, you may find the game-specific leaderboards and the associated pages such as Forum/Resources more effective than asking in a general forum like this. There's no guarantee that game-specific runners monitor these forums.

United States

I do! Arkham Asylum is my first pick. I'll go there, but just wanted to introduce myself here first.

Richmond, VA, USA

Welcome aboard Seashore, I look forward to seeing your work.


I love me a good documentary, good luck!!

Oklahoma, USA

MY BOI SUMMONING SALT IN THE HOUSE!!! Best of luck! Can't wait to check out some of your runs later.