Taking a hard look at all my wrongdoings on this site
2 years ago
French Southern Territories

[quote]speedrun.com is taken seriously and if people are joking around there are consequences.[/quote] Joking around is not necessarily a problem. Being silly or making jokes is perfectly ok. The thing is, your posts are borderline spam. You have been posting more frequently on the forums than anyone else, including myself for the past weeks and almost none of it has been helpful or constructive. When you do try to be helpful, you often end up getting corrected later or you just repeat something someone else has already said, and when you make jokes they are usually not funny. People just got fed up with you and asked you to stop. You shouldn't try to make helpful forum posts if you don't know what you're talking about. Only answer a question if you know the answer. If I were to start responding to the streaming/recording/equipment forum I would probably be more of a nuisance then help, I don't know anything about that kind of stuff.

[quote]There was a controversy in Wheely 3 that started because I was an idiot.[/quote] Everyone makes mistakes and is an idiot sometimes, I used to not be a great moderator either and getting the hang of everything is hard. It's better to learn to handle this kind of stuff late than never, it's good to hear you're going to change.

I'm sorry if anything in this post was too brutally honest, I've chatted with you in the bots deletion thread and you are a fun guy to talk to, it's just that on the src forums it seems like you are making posts for the sake of making posts, and it's not a good thing.

Benjams, Quivico and 6 others like this

jesus its just a forum relax

United States

95% of what I post on here is nonsense. Like, in general.

The frequency at which I serious-post is quite low. Woweeblanket

MrMonsh, happycamper_, and Merl_ like this