Requesting help regarding load remover for Devil May Cry 5
4 years ago
Delaware, USA

So Devil May Cry 5 has been out for a couple months and it's pretty clear to everyone that's running the game + some outside of it that with pure RTA the game suffers from pay-to-win issues with a lot of load screens and cutscenes that (I assume) mask some other load screens and are not immediately skippable. The end goal for the game is to have LRT be the main timing method.

I'm making this post because we've been dealing with this issue for a while and have had multiple people working on figuring out a load remover to no avail. If there's anyone interested in helping, please respond here and/or message me on discord. It would be greatly appreciated.

Lorraine, France

Are you speaking about a livesplit auto splitter? You can start with the documentation there: They also link a discord a the end of the page.

To sumnarize you need to look at the memory of the game with another program like cheat engine to identify where information about loadings is stored (and more if you want auto splits for chapters, bosses or whatever) then write a script to use with livesplit. This takes some work, and knowledge in computer science would help.