Breath of the Wild Cemu
6 years ago
United States

So, I do have a Wii U that I could do my runs on, but I don't have a good way to record the runs as I don't have a capture card. My question is, is it allowed to play BoTW on cemu if locked to 30fps with no graphics packs? Shaders would have to be preloaded too otherwise it causes stuttering, but the rules aren't very specific about this and I don't know a good way to contact the moderators of the leaderboards.


When you try to submit a run you can see "Emulators are banned" so they are not allowed. Also, filiming the run with a camera is completely fine, no need for capture cards.

A general thing for all games is, if you want to ask something, either use the games forum or the games discord (discord is usually in a sticky forum thread or in the resources section). For questions to the mods, ask them on their social media, linked on their profile.

Hako, DarQ, and HowDenKing like this

All of the mods for pretty much every Zelda game are incredibly active on social media, this site and the ZSR/individual game discords so contacting them should never be an issue.

Also, for more info on why CEMU is banned - it’s pretty inaccurate from a real WiiU