Are "No Knife" or "HG only" category coming?
5 years ago
Washington, USA

I was just curious about if "No Knife" Or "HG only" were coming to the CE boards? There was talk about it a while ago and it all went silent.

United States

They're coming. We apologize for the long wait and hope to have them up soon. :)

NixIssues likes this

Is the "No Knife" still coming? Recently came back to running this game and after RE3R a No Knife run sounds pretty appealing.

Also can we get assisted added as difficulties for this and handgun only? I feel like this would make it more popular.

United States

We have no plans on adding new categories to the boards. May I suggest though if you want to do "No knife" try HG Only, since it is actually a no knife category too, so there's that option.

If not you can still do no knife runs, just because it is not on the boards does not mean you can't do it.

WhamBam_TV likes this
California, USA

i think 60FPS kind of covers the knife issue fine...does not completly remove the knife but makes the knife, normal i guess

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick replies.

I will be giving handgun only a go for sure though.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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