Looking for twitch bot testers
9 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Hey everyone! For the past couple of days I have been working on a twitch bot and i'm in need of testers to help suggest things and report bugs. What makes this bot different from the others is that you can use your own accounts (broadcaster account or a separate mod account), instead of giving mod to an anonymous account or having the oauth code of your account stored on some server. This bot runs off your computer and is configured through text document and has a nifty, poor looking gui (its a bit pointless, but I thought it would be interesting. Shows announcements). The only connections that it uses are connections to the speedrun.com API (for world records), my update check (URL is on my github page) the TwitchAPI (chat and obtaining the current game). There are more features, but there mostly listed on my github page. You can grab it here: http://pb.pogo4545.ca/. Thanks if you are trying it out!

PS: I wanted to post it here since i'm using the api here :p.

EDIT: Changed the URL so no one has to navigate my site :).