Splatoon 2 ILs Question
5 years ago
Zeeland, Netherlands

Okay, so I have been running Splatoon 2 ILs for a while now. I wanna start practicing Any% and NG+. The problem is (only for Any%) that there aren't New Game ILs, while Splatoon 1 has New Game ILs. So I wanna ask why aren't there any New Game ILs?

Michigan, USA

Splatoon 1 New Game IL's are arbitrary and stupid. Also, fairly unpopular. They were okay I guess because you just used the same weapon for every level. But for Splatoon 2 its a different weapon every time. Also for some levels the weapon choice is stupid like the ROLLER ON BOSS 2! This player Spacecore submitted a bunch of S1 records for New Game and TonesBalones/ThunderFilms realized how dumb the category is. They plan to remove it very soon. If you want to learn Any% for Hero Mode watch Movefish's tutorial series and ask questions in the Discord.



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