training with custom scripts
3 years ago

Worms 4 is easily modable. All scripts ruling a level's scenario are stored in the game folder /data/scripts. They're in .lua, openable via the notepad, and the code is fairly legible.

I'm working on Lv12 Ghosthill Graveyard right now, and I found it useful to edit the associated script, in order the spawn only the last wave of enemies: in the function Initialise(), you should input the following values: -IndexNumber=4 -WormsDead=6 -WormNumber=7 -EmitterNumber=4 -lib_SpawnCrate("Crate4") -AmountOfGoldSpawned=3

or for the 3rd wave of enemies: -IndexNumber=3 -WormsDead=3 -WormNumber=4 -EmitterNumber=3 -lib_SpawnCrate("Crate3") -AmountOfGoldSpawned=2

I guess there are other levels for which this could be useful, I'll look ahead. Also one common thing to do might be to grant yourself infinite turn time, by editing:

SetData("TurnTime", 0)

(and don't forget to backup of course)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
M4T_, davidsover, and GoliaPh like this

Would be cool to find the position values to move the worms across a map. LUA files refer to the "databanks" folder for details, but there are XML files that store data only and while there are values responsible for the positions, changing them yields no results.


I'll investigate, maybe "placeWormAtPosition" should be true?

or there are spawn points in the maps?

Edited by the author 1 year ago

They only seem to store the values, I have not had any success changing the positions. Stuff like this seems to be hardcoded, maybe I could search for clues in the mods created by the players.


Alright, I have edited Storm the Castle to instantly spawn every enemy worm and give me a Jet Pack. Not as quick as modifying the position values, but retries are still somewhat fast. Now I only have to find an efficient way to repeat the same Fire Punch setups.

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