Rearrange game order on your profile
4 years ago

Hi, from what I can gather the way games are listed in your profile go in order from your latest approved run to the earliest one. So if you've run, say, 10 games, the game at the very bottom would be the one with your oldest run on it, whereas the first game to appear would be the last one to get approved (e.g. if the latest was submitted to any leaderboard was two weeks ago, that game appears first)

I have a small customization proposal, which is letting users be able to arrange them in any order they'd like. I know that personally I'd want to rearrange them based on my place on the leaderboard rather than a chronological order. I might imagine other people may want to do the same, or want to categorize them another way, like perhaps alphabetically, or by series, depending on what it is they've run.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
DIABLERIE, Xandawesome i 8 inne podobało się to

"Hi, from what I can gather the way games are listed in your profile go in order from your latest approved run to the earliest one. "

False, for whatever reason if you upload runs with the same date they are inverted from oldest to newest run (of the current date).

But I agree, rearraging games is a good thing to have, and it will fix my issue even not fixing it.

Aberdeen, Scotland

@dha that is a bug. Not intentional design. So what OP said is correct

DIABLERIE i Pear podobało się to
United Kingdom

I would also like to see this with level runs. ILs on your profile are listed from oldest (top) to newest (bottom). So to see your latest IL runs you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, which is strange.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
Pear, Cuttyflame, i Imaproshaman podobało się to
Richmond, VA, USA

I like this idea a lot. There are some games that I wouldn't mind burying down the list :)

Pear i afnannen136 podobało się to
Texas, USA

Oh, so that's what order they're in. it would be cool if they had the sorting modes from your followed games and the site's games.

Pear i afnannen136 podobało się to
Nevada, USA

I like the idea of sorting PBs. You could also just make the entire list all sortable. Sortable by newest run, oldest run, highest position on leaderboards, or most popular games (boards with the most runners), and maybe other options that I haven't considered. Something like that would be pretty sweet :)

Pear, Imaproshaman, i afnannen136 podobało się to
United States

It'd be cool if the IL page was sorted right though.

Pear i Cuttyflame podobało się to

why hasn't this been done yet ;-;


Please don't necropost on threads that are a year old.

Symystery i Pear podobało się to

[quote=WhicheverMirror]why hasn't this been done yet ;-;[/quote]

Because it takes time and resources to create new features, and there are lots of new features that need to be made. The site's also in a major period of transition at the moment, so there's a lot of back-end work, polishing, and bug fixing that takes priority for now.

And yeah please be mindful of how old threads are when replying in them.

Edytowane przez autor 3 years ago
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