World record by being the first submission for Neutral Saffron Seedless HM13.
Early game synergies made it easier to focus on dodging while dealing almost passive damage and maintaining Flow.
Got a Harpoon and Eternity Cannon for early damage, followed by Card Thrower and Second Breakfast to synergize with Eternity Cannon even more. Anvil helped cancel out Sell Fire pacts and Thermite, even though the Harpoon negated shield gain by increasing spell power into 14-damage flames giving 13-shield per contact. Turned down a consuming Barrier to get a normal one later. While waiting for the second Barrier, bought a Deck Shield and upgraded it to give Flow which together with dodging preserved the extra revive throughout the run. Waterwheel and Waterfall sped up late game fights and helped stack shields for Barrier, but Eternity Cannon still felt like the biggest source of damage for non-bosses.