Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

You should always ask game related questions in the game's forum. In your case Welcome and good luck with future runs :)

Stvrlee vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

There was a 3month break for yoshi and nobody has voted anything for him either, therfore I'll give my thoughts to all of the layouts I haven't "rated" yet.

So let's start from the top to bottom with @Kylovic: The Layout is quite big and shows everything important. I don't know if it is from the Game, but I personally like smaller borders since smaller loss of the actual game. Therefore the thick border on the right and bottom are over the top imo, but give a cool effect of 3D which I like, so big issues there. Especially since not allot of space is wasted therefore.

The Splits on the other hand are way too big imo. They take over the entire left side of the layout which can be used for other stuff. I think more people should take a look at vertical splits since they are very space efficient and still look nice. But since you don't display allot (yet?) on the Layout except for the "basics" there's no problem either. Text is big and good to read, everything is rather simple which doesn't mean it's bad btw and overall an very welcoming layout. _ @biskuit Well, everyone has their own taste and requirements. The issue with such super simple layouts is, is that every stream looks the same. Therefore it's hard to remember it and appreciate the stream. It also shows how much effort you put into streaming imo and shows me that you don't care (At least that gives me the impression). _ @HowDenKing Finally some Facecam stuff! I like that every component has it's own place/box and is therefore easy to distinguish and to separate. But I think the Game is a bit too small compared to the other things since they do take up around 30-40% of the screen where the focus should actually be on the game. You also have allot of unused space on the bottom part which makes the size-loss even weirder. I had the same issue with my first layout which I posted so don't worry :P

Aside from that, I noticed that you have a striped background but you don't use stripes anywhere else which I think is rather sad since you could surely do something out of it. What really bugs me tho are the splits. Better said the design of it. It's a un-styled default style from livesplit and stands out allot, rather than to integrate with the layout. My idea would be to make the background transparent (using OBS chroma key) and using a different font and colors to fit the background.

Facecam: I like the improvements that you did and think that this makes allot more sense now. But I think the position of the facecam is strange. It should be horizontally to the game, rather than vertical since humans have a bigger horizontal sight and focus than vertical. With that, viewers don't have to un-focus when they want to watch both.

All in all good Ideas, but you could think more out of the box. The current layout isn't really flexible and wastes space on nothing _ @ROMaster2 Oh snap. I'm sorry, but I think this is a bit of a mess right now. It seems like you try to aim for a super simple layout, but still attempt to fit in everything else on way too less space. You have splits, chat, current song and a discord link all one side, in completely different sizes, fonts and colors.

Again like allot of people default settings from livesplit (Except for the timer). Chat seems to be captured from the browser which is really meh. You should use either an IRC Software to connect to your chat and capture that (Chatty for example) or use a web-service like StreamLabs (Formerly known as TwitchAlerts). Then for the current song: It's too small imo and is squeezed in somehow. It's also weird with the discord link that it's that huge. Overall problems are with the fonts again, since every single one of these has an other again. You should use one or two different ones, but that's it. mixing like 5 different ones is a nightmare imo.

Also the "background" for the stuff on the left side is chosen rather bad since it changes allot between the lightning and makes it harder to read stuff. I personally really don't like it, but I can understand that you want to put as much as possible into the view. Sadly you can't fit in everything on just such a small space, so maybe make your game a little smaller, put the discord link under the game (horizontally) as well as the current song. _ Last but not least @TheOneCalledTodd I like it that you have a customized layout and especially like the megaman and kirby work. But sadly allot of space is wasted in allot of cases. You have a huge margin between the game and your facecam which isn't needed. You use a 16:9 game layout for a 4:3 game which gives these annoying black boxes and didn't optimize the game size in any manner.

Simply make a 4:3 space for the game, make it really big, but not full so you can put mega-man and kirby below it. Move your Twitter to the right, your split a bit more up and there you go, a much bigger screen and space for everything.

Anyways, the Splits look good, facecam on point (Still with a too big border tho) and has a very charming look. You should just optimize the layout a bit with proper positioning and scaling.

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I'm really excited for it. The trailer was meh imo, especially the music was annoying af, but it showed some good potential in mobile gaming.

What I hope it supports is, finally a damn Video-Output, since I think everyone knows how expensive the 3DS Capture-Card is. Since it is mobile technology, it surely isn't as powerful as a PS4 or XBO, but probably on a same, maybe a bit higher than WiiU which would be awesome.

I also hope for some support of already purchased equipment such as for the WiiU Pro Controller, Gamecube adapter and maybe some other features I haven't thought about yet :P

All in all it shows great potential, especially with 3rd party support finally again.

topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Things that may be causing this:

  • Wrong Category/Sub-Category selected
  • The Run has a variable that is marked as MISC and therefore hides it. See in the Filters
  • You have a required variable but no default assigned to it.
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Ok, found a really weird bug. As I was checking the WARP Leaderboards, I found this:

This doesn't list all full-game runs, but shows an IL instead O.o It also doesn't show all of them, just one I took a look at other Games, but it only occures to this Leaderboard somehow.

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

It depends on what you exactly want to do. When you ONLY want your splits to have a background go with drakodan's suggestion by doing that:

  1. Right-click on LiveSplit
  2. Edit Layout
  3. Layout Settings
  4. Layout -> Background
  5. Select Image in the Dropdown list
  6. Click onto the "Color" picker left to that to select the file

Otherwise you need to do what Pack said with the Color Key.

AquaBlake vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Seems like you installed WSplit wrong. By reading the Stacktrace you can already find out whats wrong: System.IO.FileNotFoundException obviously tells you there's an Issue by loading a File.

So either you installed WSplit wrong, you're mystically missing files, your MBR is screwed or 5k other things. What you could do:

  • Re-Install/Re-Extract the Program
  • If you extract it, extract it into a folder without special characters
  • Check your drive where it's installed for errors (Right-click > Properties > Tools > Error Checking)
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I noticed that somehow the spioler BBCode got screwed up. Spoilers are simply white with black background without the actual spoiler and just simply looks weird.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I don't get the question. Just throw them together in OBS and split on what you see on your side.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Oh hey, this thread :P Haven't updated it in a long time. Changed layouts like 3 times in between. Anyways, @rom:

I'd say a rather common layout. I'm personally not a big fan of it since all parts in the layout are clearly different and don't have a unified style. With that I mean Text-Size, used Fonts and general color design. I know it's "complaining" on high standards, that's why my view might not be the best. Otherwise it has all the stuff on it that it needs but also a chat which is neat because you can read the chat in the stream in full-screen mode aswell and in replays/highlights you know what the streamer is talking about when it's related to the chat.

Full-Sized for Casual games:

(3)DS Speedruns:

Normal Speedruns:

Aaaand GBA Speedruns: I know I got allot of empty space on the left side of the game. Need to find something

ROMaster2 vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Let's do it as well ... even tho I don't think I'm a good speedrunner myself ... yet Kappa Since I learn ALBW (The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) I think I can reflect what I do to learn that.

  • How do you learn a new game? Play through the Game casually first, then take a look at a run and do my best to do the same :P Also reading/watching tutorials, guides and infos about glitches/bugs.

  • How do you practice? Simply trying to do the run I guess xD When I have a choke point in the run, I practice that till I get it right. As soon as I get the run down preety much, I take a look at really advanced tricks and may search for new glitches/bugs and may get these to work. Otherwise just try to get better and reset a million of times.

  • Do you set goals? If so, then how? When it's a longer run, I try to get it to finish. After that I break up the game in parts/splits and just try to get better in each of these segments.

  • Do you have a personal philosophy or method? Not really I guess. Have fun while doing it and try to do it in a regular basis - daily if you really have the time.

  • Do you take it seriously or casually? Kind of both? Personally I really want to get it to work and do practice it allot, so therefore I take it seriously. But when I get too upset, I just let it be and do something else. Especially since I know that at some days the runs go really well ... while on others it's just never gonna go.

  • At what point to you post your first time? Long runs: As soon as I finally finish the game speedrun wise. Short runs: When I'm ok with the time ... mostly around when I'm "only" 10min behind WR, when I think that I didn't make major mistakes or when I think it's still good to watch.

  • Do you wanna be the very best? Nah. As long as I'm good at the run I'm totally set.

  • Do you ever stop purely practicing, only playing for PBs? Like I stated earlier: When I fail a part often/I feel like I can improve at a part, then I practice that. Otherwise simply go for PBs yea.

  • If so, then at what point do you feel that you don't need to practice? ...

  • Do you play multiple games? Is this a question about casually playing games or running them? For casual games, I already made a post about it in a thread where it was asked as well: Speedrun wise I don't really feel like running the Games I've so far except for FAST Racing NEO. Therefore I'm currently learning:

  • F-Zero: GP Legend

  • A Link Between Worlds

  • Redout

  • New Super Mario Bros.

  • When do you decide to stop playing a game? When I don't feel like it anymore. When I have to force myself to do the run or when the game simply doesn't fit me (anymore).

  • What motivates you to keep going? Nothing when the Game/run is really bad/I don't like to do it at all. When I think that I could do runs of it, but don't really feel like it, only other people could motivate me. Mostly when there's an active community to race with or people who would like to see it.

  • Do you go back to games that you already stopped playing? Sometimes to only figure out why I hated it and dropped it in the first time.

-What motivates you to get back into a game? Mostly because I think my run sucks and could be improved by so much or when new glitches/routes/tricks have been found.

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

These are some recommendation then:

  • Elfen Lied (duuuh)
  • Corpse Party
  • Owari no Seraph
  • Psycho Pass
  • Terra Formars

Obviously these are Animes I liked and therefore recommend them since you may like them aswell based that you liked Hellsing. For better recommendations it'd be better not to describe a Series, more about genre you like since it's easier to match rather than a "Cool dudes do cool Stuff" kind ;P

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Too much osu! (4K Mania), some Leauge and CS:GO from time to time. Dead by Daylight which is really fun, especially with friends, and otherwise some Games I have bought be either never touched or finished such as the Prime trilogy or some Dark Souls ... or Zelda. So much to play BibleThump

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Aw hell no. Since I watched an entire Tony Hawks (dunno which one) Speedrun on a GDQ wherre this track got repeated every single time for like 30min, I just want to turn off everything as soon as I hear it xD

topic: WARP
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Haha damn ... I didn't think someone would actually run/care about the game, that's why I never took a look into the forum.

Cool found, I'll give it a try as soon as I get some time. Maybe even considering doing a good time in it again ... we'll see. Thanks for letting us know!

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Was having a simular problem with WARP (appart from horrible control issues) where you mostly "only" have optimized movement and do some very wonky glitches which may fail really badly. I still liked to do it and continued. What I think is that when a Game isn't that interesting, you yourself gotta make up for it then. By that I mean trying to be as active, entertaining and communicating (only possible if active chat ofc). The bigger your community/stream is, usually the esaier that part is as well since you have some regulars which stick by no matter what and provide a possibllity to interact.

All in all: If you really like it, go for it, but don't expect to be superly watched if you're not able/don't want to make up for it yourself.

kobepilgrim vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

oh snap ...

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Like in every Game on this site ever, the community has to decide if emulators are valid or not. They also define the rules for it, such as the emulator to use or banning such. When you submit the run, simply select the console you're emulating and click emulator on. If there's no such thing, then emulators are banned. For more info ask in the games forum

topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Yo, as I was streaming some runs/practice again (some days ago) I also took a look on where the links/integrations work out and for some reason I never appeared on the stream page here :(

I had no [nosrl] tag in it and tried it with a [srl] tag, didn't work either way. On SRL I was listed tho ... also after restarts it didn't work which seems really odd to me :/

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I'd simply deny it tbh O.o I have never heard nor seen anyone doing that either

Over PreFiXAUT
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