Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

ask in the MM forums

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

dude ... you dug out this 2month old thread to post a damn ROUTE update in the general forums? wow

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

So you want to see how it would look like summerized?

Speedrunners shouldn't use the word "casual" for describing normal playthroughs since it's not kewl and people might get offended/discouraged. <<

If you haven't noticed, you're on the Internet here. EVERY FUCKING IDIOT get's offended or cries over some little shit ALL THE TIME. We don't call them "filthy amateurs" or "noobs" or whatever, it's not harmful at all. If you're simply butthurt because someone is referring to you/viewers as casuals than simply don't watch.

Speedrun Marathons like GDQ may even concern that, but then this is simply the wrong Forum/Site. For some marathons it's about the donations and views, some about the people and community behind it. Saying that ALL marathons should focus on donations/butthurt viewers is just plain wrong and that's the end for me.

topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Why is my post literally answering, in the same category (The Site), STICKY and in CAPSLOCK so everyone can see it? jeeez

Timmiluvs vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

This is a similar post to my FAQ, but this will cover more stuff. You can still check it out until this is finished:

Would be cool if this would become sticky at some point. If you think I missed something out, tell me and I'll add it.

Anyways. Since I think you're new on the Site and/or to Speedrunning, here's the basics of the Page that you should know about.

I'm using for:

  • = SRC
  • SpeedDemosArchive = SDA
  • SpeedRunsLive = SRL
  • Leaderboard = LB

[section=Abbreviations/Jargon] Other abbreviations or speedruner vocabulary can be found on SRL's FAQ which describes most of it neatly.

[section=Speedrun Community structure] Essentially, SRC is a place for Communities while usually each Game/Series has an own one. That means that SRC is providing a platform for each Community (Leaderboards, Profiles, Forum, etc.) but DOES NOT handle the Game itself!

If you have any Questions, Suggestions or Complaints about a Game/Series, do that in their Forum where it belongs! A lot of communities have a Discord or an own IRC server, so check these out if you want to know stuff since some might abandon the forums!

If you have SERIOUS complaints about a Moderator, contact the PERSON first. Don't start another thread in the general forums pointing stuff out. Examples for that is when a Moderator rejects a run of yours. If he/she doesn't give a reason, ASK them.

If the issue isn't resolved, clear that with OTHER Moderators of the Game/Series (If there are any) before you go up to the SRC Admins. They have got enough stuff to do. Don't bother them with unimportant stuff that you can solve yourself.

¤¤Games Done Quick¤¤ - Since I saw some posts regarding that as well I wanted to point out that GDQ is an OWN Group as well. They are strongly involved with SDA and use that as well for most of the communication. So asking/requesting stuff about GDQs should - like pointed out above - be done DIRECTLY to them.

[section=SRC, SDA and SRL] As explained above, the Speedrunning community is rather a huge bundle of smaller communities than ONE huge one. That also applies to the various Sites that exist. The most well known ones are SRC (this site), SDA and SRL. Each has their own Admins, Communities and uses. While they cooperate with one another, keep in mind that they are SEPARATED.

If you want to deal with other communities such as SDA or SRL, then go there. Over here you won't get the attention that you might need and it's simply the wrong place. This applies to all Communities and I'm just pointing SDA and SRL out here since they are the biggest next to SRC.

[section=Speedruns] If you have made a speedrun yourself and want to submit it, DO NOT create a thread posting it. ¤¤That's not how you do it!¤¤

Search for the Game you did your run in and go to its Leaderboard. In the top-right corner you can see a big button that says "Submit run". Click it! A form with all required information opens up.

Be sure you have READ THE RULES! You can take a look at them with the big button at the top-right corner which says "View rules". This will show you the rules of the CURRENT CATEGORY. Select the category you have done your run in to see what rules apply to it.

In the case that the Game isn't listed on SRC yet, you can request a leaderboard for it here: Again, read the rules before you do stuff.

Another important thing: PATIENCE! If you submitted a run or a leaderboard, then you have to wait. It can take up to two or three weeks until a Moderator/Admin is verifying /checking the request. If a RUN takes longer than two weeks, contact the moderator on their social media (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, whatever you find) to let them know about it. If nobody responds you ask here:

[section=Notifications, Messages and Menu] I think it's kind of self explaining, but some people don't seem to see or get it. When you submit a run or a request for a LB, you get a message that tells you that you'll get a Notification when everything's ready. You can see your notifications in the top-right corner at the BELL-Symbol. Simply click on it and you'll see all notifications.

The button next to it, the HOURGLASS shows all pending actions such as runs that require verification. On the other site there's the Message symbol. if you click on it, you see it's in the works. Just be patient and use other Services such as Discord or social media.

Other helpful links are in the Menu. You can open it up if you click on the THREE DOTS next to FORUMS.

[section=Is X allowed/banned?] If that question is regarding a Game/Series, check the Community of it.

Otherwise default rules for communication apply:

  • Don't post spam, offensive or sexual content
  • Don't harass other people
  • Think before you write/do stuff

Basically: Don't be an ass

[section=Emulators] Also Emulators fall under the Control and Rules of the GAME. Ask the Moderators of the game about it!

[section=What should I speedrun?] This question has been asked like 200 times already and has always the same answer. Whatever you like.

Speedrunning a game is a long process, so you have to like the game. If you plan to get really good in the game, you must also love the game a lot since you're gonna spend a lot of time in it. If you just wanna start with a game to try stuff out, simply run a game you liked when you were younger. Older games are usually easier to run.

[section=How do I record?] I have seen this question a lot as well. I'd say around 90-95% of people on SRC stream with OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). You can surely find tutorials and guides everywhere, so just search for them. Just be sure to use OBS Studio and not classic since it's outdated and more unstable now.

Other solutions are XSplit, Gameshow, Vmix and Wirecast. There're surely even more out there, you just gotta find them.

LordParoah, The_Retro_Challenger en 30 anderen vindt dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I may have had the same issue. On default the 'HAS PB' is checked which means it'll check if you have a PB in the game before showing you running the game. So be sure to have a PB for the game if you want most people to see you in streams since not allot of people uncheck that or use filters allot.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

uh ... what the fuck?

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Just like Drakodan has said it already. Here's also a thread on how to do the Images as backgrounds:

From there on just use some good colors which are easy to read and some nice fonts and you're done. This is all I can tell you from all "information" you gave to us. If you need help with something, then post it.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

This topic doesn't belong to the main forums so simply stop here. It's a matter for the source community not of the overall one. Message/Contact the Mods/community on Twitter, Twitch, Discord or their forum.

Timmiluvs vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

That's a great idea. Just allot of work. I'd really like to help you out with that project if you/someone want's to tackle that down. Only issue is that I don't know C/C++ which this project is surely going to require (for LiveSplit and OBS API/hooks)

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Allot of talk is kept in the community, since not everyone asks questions regarding a game in the general forums ... except for some heroes -.- To see what's going on you should keep an eye on the game's forums if you care about that. But since discord becomes more of a thing, allot of communities "abandon" the regular forums for normal talk since it's easier and faster.

Just because not everyone is having permanent issues on how to start Livesplit or because usually the most people can use a damn search engine, it's simply not flooded with dumb and the same questions over and over again which I think is good.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

You should ask in the ALTTP forum or go to their discord.

Lomiig vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

IDK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, stop it with !-Marks when you don't need them, it just looks dumb. You also know that wikipedia isn't the once source for info? If it got released on Steam/Origin/any other DRM Service, then send the link to that. You can also try to find it from the publisher/ves themself, since they usually have something for that as well.

If the Game is older, I really don't know since I don't care about them and never had to search for them

OmegaFallon vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I just either listen to the ingame music or my music playlist (if someone cares: , be warned, horrible music taste for most of the peops).

Sometimes I do some-requests in more chill games too, so yea

james vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

There are some solutions:

  • Chat from your channel/dashboard within your browser with window capture
  • CLR browser/BrowserSource and use the chat from there with this URL:
  • Getting an extra local program like chatty and capture that
  • Registering a service like StreamLabs (former Twitch Alerts) or TipeeeStream and use their Plugins/Solutions

I'd personally go with a service since you got a lot of customization and it's the most pretty one.

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

Programming here as well. I do some casual games with friends and go out from time to time. Not allot or anything special but it's a nice variation for me :)

OddsomeOddy vinden dit leuk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

I use TwitchAlerts' Chat-System with OBS. Has custom HTML and CSS which is really nice, so I never have to bother about that and chat looks 1000 times better than cropping it from the dashboard or using the original twitch-chat with the OBS Browser.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Is this seriously happening?! We need a golden PogChamp

topic: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT7 years ago

BattleBlock Theater Ibb & obb Portal 2 Magicka 1&2 Terraria

Just to name these I know since they are in my steam library

Over PreFiXAUT
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