topic: Talk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Ofcourse kim jong un speedruns. He is the world record holder in OoT, SM64 and Pokemon Red to name a few games OpieOP He just cant be bothered to put his times on some leaderboard, he has a country to run

In all seriousness though, congrats dude. Sounds like you had an amazing time :3

Goodigo vinden dit leuk
topic: Talk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Gamer, or link, or whatever you go by. Remember how a couple weeks ago when you randomely asked for a series moderation on final fantasy I told you thats now how you should do it. Remember how I told you mod was something you earned through hard work and through being known in a community. Lets just say from the sound of it you didnt end up listening to my advice.

Since thats the case I will give you a new piece of advice. Maybe you shouldnt be focussing on the leaderboards so much as on the actual speedruns. Maybe you should just not care about that account or the arbitrary moderations and go back to actually just doing speedruns. And maybe, just maybe, after you've spend a lot of time actually doing runs you might get asked to help moderate a board rather then appointing yourself that title.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Shame somebody deleted the thread. Basically what it was about was an IL run he had on there that was nearly 14% faster then possible. And we're talking about a game where its litteraly hold down to win (the IL is about 75 frames, his time was about 11 frames faster somehow). That doesnt check out. Then when further investigating it turned out he has no video up and on the ones that require video the link said, effectivaly bypassing the video check. After pointing him out he removed all his runs. We're talking a browser game where its takes nothing special at all to make a recording (Set up a local recording in OBS takes practically no effort at all)

Making a video for speedrunning is as easy as you can get. Any phone can make video's and in a day and age where anyone can I feel like its absurd we dont demand it. You can still speedrun without video, but if you dont care enough to record evidence, then why do care about getting that same time on a leaderboard. You can speedrun for fun all the same, but when you make it official, you should have it official.

Also the notion of "only 2 WR's" is just rediculous. How can you claim to hold a record if there is no evidence of this. Thats like saying you have the fastest time in the 100m sprint with nothing to back it up. Making a video isnt hard. You can do this offline as a local recording or even with potato cam and just upload to youtube afterwards. It doesnt take a scientist to figure out how to do that anymore these days. 1 google search would result in step by step guides as to how to make a video and even my grandmother could figure this stuff out.

Now, if that wasnt enough, there are so many things wrong with his story.

  1. He has mod in douzens of games he doesnt even run
  2. he "accidentaly" unmodded himself of a game (and trust me, thats hard to do by accident)
  3. The moment I pointed him out he just flat out gave up, he didnt even resist the notion
  4. The moment he got pointed out he immidiatly said he would retire speedrunning.
  5. When asking for evidence, he didnt even try to make a video proving his skill
  6. All his runs are self verified
  7. He got pointed out by 1 person and requests a namechange the day after and all of that is not even mentioning the point he had 1. A run faster then remotely possible and 2. Has no video whatsoever

These arent just 1 or 2 little things, there are litteraly red flags all over the place here. This isnt the first fraud I encountered and trust me, there are more things wrong with this story then I can count

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Good job dylan taking everything I said completely out of context. This was the full message:

Dylan, you're a fraud and you know it. After I pointed this out on one of your runs you took down all the other runs of that game, you have no evidence whatsoever and for some curious reason you finally started proving with video today. Your runs are a fraud and you do not deserve to be mod of any of the games you mod. I have already disproven one of your runs and I will find ways to disprove more and unmask you as the fraud you are.

To any mod, please do NOT mod dylan. He is a fraud and a disgrace to the speedrunning community.

Also, for those wondering what Im talking about:

  1. He has no video evidence on any game before today (June 30th)
  2. I have disproven one of his times as it was about 14% faster then the fastest possible time to get in said run (more info:
  3. Today (June 30th) he started submitting times with video (or rather, half a video) to disprove my point
  4. Nearly every single run he has on the board is self verified

I dont mean to publically shame anyone, but I feel like fraudulant people are a disgrace to the speedrunners that work hard for their times and should be dealt with appropriatly.

My pieces of evidence stand to this day. There is no video evidence on his runs and he has done nothing to prove anything still. This was a respond on a post where he asked to be remodded cause he "accidentally unmodded himself", something you cannot do by accident (it asks something along the lines of are you sure you want to unmod yourself before its even close). He's just asking for attention and I would request he would provide video for his next run. Something he has neglegted to do to this day.

topic: Talk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Having disproven several fraudulant runners in the past (including dylan who responded earlier) I feel like I should share my 2 cents on the matter.

Providing video evidence nowaways is as easy as one can expect it to get. Nowadays all you need is a regular mobile phone of sorts and most will have a camera of sorts on it. Im not even talking about a capture card or anything, 99% of phones can do this to some extend. From there its not a big leap to upload this recording to youtube and provide this with the video.

That being said, the very fact that video evidence isnt required across every speedrun out there is something that bothers me. On a lot of games it is still too easy to get a run verified without a video. Sure, if the run was done during some marathon or tournament that tons of people watched (and for some really weird reasons wherent highlighted) exceptions can be made, but they should be rare or even virtually non-existent.

People work hard on getting their times on the board and its fine to not have video proof, but at that point you also shouldnt submit. You can speedrun for the fun of speedrunning even without getting a time on a leaderboard, but if you want your times out there, get a phone and record it (at worst).

Ive tried making a case of this before, and I will keep doing so untill video is just manditory across the board. In the 1 1/2 year I've been speedrunning I've managed to find too many frauds that just pull the good name of speedrunning through the dirt.

Aureus_Lunae, Deln, en zewing vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Dylan, you're a fraud and you know it. After I pointed this out on one of your runs you took down all the other runs of that game, you have no evidence whatsoever and for some curious reason you finally started proving with video today. Your runs are a fraud and you do not deserve to be mod of any of the games you mod. I have already disproven one of your runs and I will find ways to disprove more and unmask you as the fraud you are.

To any mod, please do NOT mod dylan. He is a fraud and a disgrace to the speedrunning community.

Also, for those wondering what Im talking about:

  1. He has no video evidence on any game before today (June 30th)
  2. I have disproven one of his times as it was about 14% faster then the fastest possible time to get in said run (more info:
  3. Today (June 30th) he started submitting times with video (or rather, half a video) to disprove my point
  4. Nearly every single run he has on the board is self verified

I dont mean to publically shame anyone, but I feel like fraudulant people are a disgrace to the speedrunners that work hard for their times and should be dealt with appropriatly.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

The runs where copied from the original FF speedrun wiki. I suspect they may have had proof at one point (because of which they where accepted in the first place) but lost this overtime due to the age of the runs (all the runs being at least 4 years old after all). They used to be combined with the Any% GBA runs, but because of that we decided it would at least be best to split the categories. Thats about as much as I can tell you.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Pretty much what Rory said. PSP and GBA are the same, although in terms of learning PSP is a little easier (cause of having defend, which helps grinding a lot). PSX and NES I have no experience with.

FCEUX isnt accurate, so its banned across all NES games pretty much. Nestopia or Bizhawk are both fine emulators for NES.

In terms of GBA, I personally use mgba, although gba emulation is always considered inaccurate. From what I heared mgba is the most accurate gba emulator out there, so Im going with that. My current run (the WR on GBA) was also on this emulator.

PPSSPP is a suprisingly accurate emulator for PSP and works fine for running FF2.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

I think in general for every game it would be best to see if it would be possible to get a 2nd moderator if another runner happens to show up. On a game hardly anyone runs this can be easier said then done (I have the same problem modding the regular Dissidia), but if at all possible it should be. Not only for consistency in rules, but also in case something where to happen to one of the moderators. In order for that to happen it'll take some time for some games (both DFF and D012FF being no exceptions), but eventually another runner miht show up and you can see how to aproach it from there.

Rules can always be changed if it suits the need, and if it really makes things different there is always the option of adding a seperate category for it.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Just submitted Final Fantasy. Apologies for the long submission due to the amount of possible incentives. Good luck on planning the marathon :P

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

I have added your form of timing in the rules as the standerd. It seems most people have switched to it and I personally feel like its a more accurate way to time the game.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

I am happy to see that we have switched to a need for verification on runs and the need for video evidence. All runs without video evidence have been removed from the leaderboards.

I have also added the rules for timing in the rules to avoid further confusion on the matter.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

Ive been trying to spark this discussion on several boards, but I feel like it might be something for the entire speedrunning community in general. Recently I've been seeing several boards where there are runners, without any form of evidence, can submit times. This concept stretches even to the point of world record claims. I feel like this is wrong.

On one of the leaderboards it even states in the rules that no evidence is required for 6th and under. I have been fighting this issue on boards that I do have a times on, but this being a game from a big franchise I feel its wrong since too many people cheat their way onto these leaderboards (and even getting World Records) without proof. I think not requiring proof means people that work hard for their times get sh¤¤ on by people who hope to get credit through faking runs.

To take the matter at hand I tried exactly that. I submitted a run for 6th place on a time exactly 1 second less then the previous 6th spot with the comment "This is to show how important video evidence is". 3 hours later I look on the board to see that it actually got accepted. A run that I can confirm has never been done. I never even played the game (and had only seen a few runs of before).

This little story is not meant in any way to mock the community. However I do hope to show with this how easy it is to cheat myself onto a 6th spot of the leaderboard of a big franchise. Like mine, there are 10 more runs on that board that have just as little proof. Usually either with a comment of "my recording got messed up" or something along those lines, or no comment at all.

My time on this board has been removed by now by the exact runner that has several world records without video evidence and doesnt have any evidence on any of his runs.

To make a long story short, I feel like its time that the entire speedrunning community started to get together to adress this problem for all games. Video evidence does not require a lot of extra money or effort and should be easily doable for any runner. We as a community should start getting rid of cheating players by demanding video evidence on every submitted run.

Gnist, Aureus_Lunae en 10 anderen vindt dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

Its funny btw how it got removed by the one guy that doesnt have a single piece of video evidence on any of his runs

Kylovic vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

Long story short, I stumbled by chance on the leaderboard of this game and I noticed how it said that no proof is required for 6th and under. Recently I've been fighting this very issue on several boards (boards that I do have a time on) as I feel its wrong since too many people cheat their way onto leaderboards (and even getting World Records) without proof. I think not requiring proof means people that work hard for their times get sh¤¤ on by people who hope to get credit through faking runs.

To take the matter at hand I tried exactly that. I submitted a run for 6th place on a time exactly 1 second less then the previous 6th spot with the comment "This is to show how important video evidence is". 3 hours later I look on the board to see that it actually got accepted. A run that I can confirm has never been done. I never even played the game (and only seen 2 runs of).

This little story is not meant in any way to mock the community. However I do hope to show with this how easy it is to cheat myself onto a 6th spot of the leaderboard of a big franchise. Like mine, there are 10 more runs on the board that have just as little proof. Usually either with a comment of "my recording got messed up" or something along those lines, or no comment at all.

I will remove my time in a few days, hopefully in that time I will have been able to have started this discussion anew. Speedrun leaderboards should always need some form of actual proof that isnt easy to fake. This counts especially for major franchises like super mario.

Ampsen, Kylovic, en 1UpsForLife vindt dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

The topic for me was brought up by one of the other runners, and I do agree with him. At this point in time, everybody can verify his/her time by himself. No video or proof required. I feel like that is wrong.

Though this is only a very small game and though for most its probably more of a meme then anything else, it does bring up an interesting question. Personally I think proof should be required, so that the effort put in by anyone is actually what its worth. There are several runs on the board without any proof that it actually happened.

Earlier I posted the following message in responds to dark's (the game mod's) run: Dark, since I couldnt find any other way to contact you this seems like an appropriate place. Im noticing some runs on the leaderboard that imo (and Slylobsterr seems to agree with me) that are very suspectible to cheating (i.e. the run has never actually been done). Because of that I was wondering if it was possible to have to put runs through a mod before putting it on the leaderboard (which is done for most games). I'd be happy to help you in the modding process if that would be needed. I feel like runs should always be as legit as possible, which some of the runs dont seem to be right now.

The decision in the end is up to the community, but this is my opinion on the topic

TheGlitched64 vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

I think official rules for the timing should be stated before we discuss it, though I personally feel like placing the lamp makes more sense then the previously used textbox. The lamp is the last real imput and thus timing it with the timer is much easier.

Kudos to you for ever seriously running this :P

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool9 years ago

No matter which game, no matter if there are other runners or not, every run should need video varifacation. Some people work hard on getting a good time and thus there should be no potential doubt to cheating when a time is submitted.

In my book: Proof or it didnt happen.

Kylovic en 1UpsForLife vindt dit leuk
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