Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Personally I usually just run races or no-reset runs mostly. You tend to be able to get pretty good times just from that already (feel free to join the discord btw ( and join in on those. Other then that, compare against average splits or just turn comparison off. Dont let splits discourage you too much as FF1 can just swing any way from time to time so splits dont really say too much generally.

Krymson vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 24th of February – 19:00 CET Till : 26th of February – 19:00 CET (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8-10 For refference: AwesomeSpace is located in the building next to the police station.

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contact info Please join the public discord: We require runners to have joined the discord by the time submissions close in order to be accepted into the marathon, as discord is our official means of communication.

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games.

Submissions will close on February 12th (11 pm CET). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We require runners pay their ticket by the 19th of February. Tickets are €6,- per person. Due to increasing administrational costs, we have to raise the ticketprice up to €6,-, we will make sure this price will not increase in the forseeable future. Viewers can pay upon arrival.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Terms of Agreement

Code of Conduct

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Schedule is live :D

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

For NES the run feasel and gyre did is probably the closest you'll get. All of the other versions of the game are pretty well documented, but NES is not (mostly because very few people run the NES version). Either use their run as a basis or ask one of them directly, they might be able to help you out.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Lufia 4 between my 2nd and 3rd run. Wouldve been more if I finished my 1st run, but had to give up that run as it was going well over 16 hours. The improvement was from a 13:38:30 to a 10:52:22. Close to 3 hour improvement. Cut another 2 hours since then (now at a 8:54)

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 20th of January– 19:00 CET Till : 22th of January – 19:00 CET (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contacting info Please join the public discord with the link down below:

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games

Submissions will close on January 8th (midnight CET, the transition of Sunday to Monday). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will soon be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We request runners pay their ticket by the 15th of January. Tickets are €5,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Its already known to save time. The only reason most runners dont actually do it is because it means only 1 in every 6 runs on average will get beyond pirates just on that. This means a lot of resetting, first of all to get a good early game (which quite a few top runners already reset over) and then on top of that only getting 1 in every 6 runs beyond that 6:30 point anyway.

To give a bit of backstory, back when crono was grinding for WR he would reset over good menu/ good garland/good pirates to begin with. This would mean that it'd take him about 30 minutes to get a run going. If he had gone for 15, that would have multiplied by 6, meaning one run every 3 hours.

Tldr; yes it saves time, we know that. Feel free to go for it, just know that its a 1/6 drop and by 2 times it doesnt save time anymore.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

3 days left till submissions close, so if you still want to submit, get the submissions in now :D

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

Who are we? We are the Benelux Speedrunner Gathering. A small yet dedicated group of speedrunners from in and around the Netherlands. We hold monthly weekend-long marathons as a meetup for speedrunners, as well as to raise money for the Dutch Cancer Society.

Our intention with BSG annual Our intention is to have a weeklong annual BSG event in August in the Netherlands. We are currently looking at the end of August, depending ofcourse on ESA and SGDQ. As such we are currently gathering interest for this event. Keep in mind that although we are called the Benelux Speedrunner Gathering, we are very open to have runners and viewers from across the world, the name indicates location and initial focus only.

Interest form Through an interest form we would like to get an idea of how many people would be interested in attending this event so we can get an idea of the size of the venue we need.

Contact If you have any questions or have anything you'd like to know, feel free to contact us in discord:

DivisionX, Boxmeister, en jelluh24 vindt dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 16th of December– 19:00 CET Till : 18th of December – 19:00 CET (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contacting info Please join the public discord with the link down below:

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games

Submissions will close on December 4th (midnight CET, the transition of Sunday to Monday). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. Limited availability and tickets for these slots will soon be available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We request runners pay their ticket by the 13th of December. Tickets are €5,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Runners from outside of the benelux We have had the question a few times if runners from outside the benelux are welcome so we figured we would emphasise it here. Yes, everyone is very welcome to join us. If you are from outside the benelux and would like to attend, feel free to submit as a runner or join us at the venue as a viewer.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

The date and time From : 11th of November – 19:00 CET Till : 13th of November – 19:00 CET (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contacting info Please join the public discord with the link down below:

Submissions You can submit runs here:

We ask runners to submit their runs individually. At the end of each form, you will find a new link to the form to submit additional games. In case you want to submit multiple categories we ask to fill out a separate form for the other categories (i.e. Any%/ 100% in a different form). Please keep submissions to a maximum of 5 games

Submissions will close on October 30th (midnight CET, the transition of Sunday to Monday). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing Mass housing is available, which is being hosted in the building across from the venue. 9 total spots are available and tickets for these slots are available through the ticketing system. only 1 ticket per order to ensure the fairest distribution of mass housing tickets.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We request runners pay their ticket by the 8th of November. Tickets are €5,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival.

Food and drinks Due to venue terms of use we are required to not allow any drinks into the venue. Both drinks and food are provided by the bar in the venue at very low prices.

Charity Our marathon is proud supporter of the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization focussed on curing and preventing cancer as well as helping relief the strain on the people suffering from this disease. As such you are welcome to submit donation incentives along your submissions or donate to this great cause during the marathon.

Daravae, Boxmeister en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool7 years ago

1 week till submissions close, so if you want to submit, best do it now KevinTurtle

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Having run and commentated my run in about a dozen marathons I'd like to self-commentate my run. It'd honestly feel weird if I wasnt.

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

The date and time From : 2nd of September – 19:00 (GMT + 2) Till : 4th of September – 18:00 (GMT + 2) (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht Marco Pololaan 8

Public Transport Tram: Stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contacting info Please join the public discord with the link down below:

Submissions You can find the submissions form here:

If at all possible, we would like the runners to batch submit all their runs at once. That said we will not enforce this as a policy; you can still add games as an afterthought, just make sure to keep it at a max of 5 runs.

Submissions will close on August 24th (midnight CEST, transistion of Wednesday to Thursday). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing We currently do not have mass housing available. If you want to stay overnight, ask one of the runners living near the event through discord or other means.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We request runners pay their ticket by the 1st of September. Tickets are €5,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival.

SansSkill, xandertje10 en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
topic: Talk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

In no particulair order:

Lufia 2; for the savior FF1; Sunken Shrine Lufia 4; Gratze Battle Theme FF4; Theme of love Lufia 2; Fortress of Doom

vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Lufia 2 Iris%; 20:28:00 (longest due to randomness) Final Fantasy Full Bestiary; 11:33:11 (longest category that is actually long) Lufia 4 Any%; 8:56:59 (longest Any% in terms of WR. DQIX is slightly longer but WR is slightly shorter atm)

All 3 times are current WR times (Though on Iris% and Lufia 4 I've been on pace for better).

topic: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

I guess I might as well ask, would it be possible to change "crrool" to "Crrool". I didnt realise when making the account the first character wouldnt default get capitolized :3

topic: The Site
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

Thats what this thread is for:

Assuming you run the game and would like to take over the moderation ofcourse

cuboid9 vinden dit leuk
Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

I would recommend Final Fantasy 1 if you wanna try getting into RPG speedruns. The PSP version is a very easy run to get down, takes less then a day to learn. PSP emu works pretty well luckily (as I'd imagine most people dont have PSP cap) so feel free to contact anyone in the FF1 community if you're interested

Gelderland, NetherlandsCrrool8 years ago

The date and time From : 5th of August – 19:00 (GMT + 2) Till : 7th of August – 18:00 (GMT + 2) (and then afterparty/cleanup till 20:00/22:00)

Location AwesomeSpace Utrecht MarcoPololaan 8

Public Transport Tram: stop at Utrecht 5 mei Plein Bus: Take Line 7 and stop at Marco Pololaan

Contacting info Please join the public discord with the link down below:

Submissions You can find the submissionsform here:

If at all possible, we would like the runners to batch submit all their runs at once. That said we will not enforce this as a policy; you can still add games as an afterthought, just make sure to keep it at a max of 5 runs. Also, if you have alternate submissions for the same game (e.g. SMB1 any% and/or 100%), please submit each alternative as a separate run.

Submissions will close on July 27th (midnight CEST, transistion of Wednesday to Thursday). You can view current submissions here:

Mass housing We currently do not have mass housing available. If you want to stay overnight, ask one of the runners living near the event through discord or other means.

Entry fee We are using a ticket system for the event. We request runners pay their ticket by the 4th of August. Tickets are €5,- per person. Viewers can pay upon arrival.

Bamz0rs, Thextera, en j4sp3rr vindt dit leuk
Over Crrool
Lid geworden
9 years ago
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Final Fantasy
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Pokémon Sword/Shield Category Extensions
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Laatste run 6 years ago
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
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Laatste run 7 years ago
Gevolgde spellen
Multiple Pokémon Games
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Laatste bezoek 11 months ago
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Multiple Pokémon Games
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Laatste actie 23 days ago
Pokémon Ranger
Pokémon Ranger
Laatste actie 1 month ago
To The Moon
To The Moon
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Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
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