Advantage in being laggy
2 years ago

I am not sure how much this effects runs however I have seen that some runs have been quite laggy which means that they stay in the loading area for a while. The only issue with this is that the iron is still spawning before they get in and so when the timer starts as they spawn in the game, there is already 8 or so iron in the gen so they don't have to wait as long for it to generate therefore getting faster times. An example of this is my old run here: where I spawn in after a lot of iron had already generated. There might be need to change the timing system so maybe when the match starting in x seconds icon disappears could be the start of the timer. Would be problematic because all the runs would have to be retimed.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

thats literally nothing nobody can fix, you want the mods to ban being laggy???

I don't see any advantage of being leggy due to we just rejected a laggy run.

United States

are you talking about me?


Due to this, the team and I usually reject runs for being too laggy. I will look into a new starting frame. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

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