Idea/Suggestion Thread
2 years ago
South Carolina, USA

This thread will be used for any suggestions and ideas, such as new categories, rule adjustments, site maintenance, moderator appointments, etc. One adjustment that I am debating, on Missions and Exercises, is whether to start the timer when selecting from the menu (as the old mods did and how I timed my runs) or starting the timer when the scenario loads.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

In consideration of this, it should be taken into consideration the loading time differences between the platforms going from menu into scenario, in Missions, Exercises, or Operation Genesis. If selecting from a menu, PC would have the advantage, and without owning a copy of the PS2 version to compare to the Xbox release, I'd probably wager Xbox loading faster to some degree.

OzzyDealz likes this
South Carolina, USA

I'll change the rules regarding all three categories: from now on, time starts when the mission, exercise, or island in Operation Genesis mode loads NOT when selecting the scenario or island in the menu.

I'll retime my current runs to be consistent. I'm guessing the previous mods never enforced that particular rule as several runs on the leaderboards now didn't follow the menu rule. Quick aside: Xbox does load a bit faster than PS2, but if this time is decreased by playing on the 360 (as I do) or on the original Xbox, I couldn't tell you. I'm aware of some backwards compatible games that actually load faster on certain models of the original Xbox, but at the end of the day, this information will be irrelevant because of the new rule.


Suggestion: a Site B% category of all missions back to back. It makes sense to me, as it is in some sense a completion of the game. You wouldn't need it to be a fresh install, but it would make navigating menus faster. Nothing wrong with the current leaderboard format, but this might be interesting to more people and maybe tempt more runners who knows.

Ive just run all the missions in this way and its a lot of fun to be honest, shooting and driving is a lot nicer than praying for fossil RNG.

However there is a problem of loads, and load times between systems. Manually timing out loads is probably the way to be fair across platforms. my splits at the moment time out menu interactions as well, so that way each level time is still compatible with the current leaderboard format.

Speaking of fairness between systems, Ive discovered some things very unfortunate. Ozzy has a much more precise movement than me on rescue hammond but my time is faster? it turns out that 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯 𝘗𝘊 for whatever reason (the in-game clock is still the same though). at least in missions, PC will be much faster. Please know that your run is still better <3

thats all my news for today.

OzzyDealz likes this
South Carolina, USA

Thanks and I love the idea! Site B Any% sounds awesome, almost like a marathon. Maybe if we get more runners, the individual missions could be moved to IL leaderboards, but that's a topic for another day. As far as the discrepancy between systems, maybe we can imitate the Dead Rising leaderboards? They have separate leaderboards for playing on PC or Console and they also have loadless and w/ loads times for their PC runs.

Oxfordshire, England

I've already suggested this to ozzy but I'd like to see what everyone thinks:

Hell: Create a flat site B and fill it with 40 raptors then time how long it takes to kill all of them

Timer starts once you enter the heli and ends when every Raptor is dead.


a thoughtful idea,but there is no helicopter in site b and shooting raptors is still much the same gameplay as what we do in rescue the president and other heli missions

Oxfordshire, England

True I'll try and think of something else that could be interesting

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  1. We have a discord! Here's the invite link:

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