Questions about the game.
10 months ago
Bosnia and Herzegovina

-Since Xeinok has been inactive for 2 years, I'll be referring to Jordan-

Hi there Jordan, you might remember me from Coffin Dodgers. I am very interested in running this game, although I have questions. The main level leaderboards confuse me. For all Gold time trials, is the final time RTA, or do we have to add all times we got on each track? Also, what is "Cup A"? Where is Championship Mode? One final thing, do you by any chance remember/know if there is any difference in characters? Or do they have the same stats? Same thing with the kart size.

California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
10 months ago

I personally came on after everything was set up and mostly focus on IL runs in games, so I have very little info on the formatting here. That being said, I could do some tidying up after some review. To my knowledge with the little bit of META theorizing I'd done back then, the strawberry themed racer seemed to be the most obvious choice due to her speed based ultimate, but I'd wager there's probably a better defensive type racer for the cops like most other titles. As far as I know, all racers and kart stats are identical, but I may be misinformed.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alright, thank you! When I have free time, I'll try to see if there's any difference in karts, but I assume they're only a cosmetic choice.

Jordanlol likes this
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Deleted by the author
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Excuse me for my previous post, I was wrong about some calculations on how much the Career run will take. Anyways, I tested all 3 kart sizes, and yeah, they are only a cosmetic choice, they don't have any difference in speed. What I also wanted to ask is if there is a chance to have individual cups as categories? Career take around 3-4 hours to complete, maybe a little bit more. I completely understand if you don't want to do it.

Jordanlol likes this
California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
10 months ago

That sounds doable, I'll get back in-game and see what feels right and report back after. Give me a couple days.

d4nin likes this
Bosnia and Herzegovina

So uhh, more than a month has passed, any updates, lol?

Jordanlol likes this
California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
8 months ago

Sorry, life got the better of me and have been super busy, but aside from the cliche sounding reply, I'll look into it now tonight and have a proper reply by Wednesday at the latest, as it's my next day off. <3

California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
8 months ago

From a list of points I gathered that needed addressing:

-"All Gold Time Trials" rules set before me, interpreted by me, are as follows:

"All Gold Medals in Time Attack. Time starts from beginning of first TA race and ends at Results screen of final TA race, confirming all Golds."

I see this setup as acceptable but flawed, and to further explain it: as you start the first race on "1" until the results screen of the last race. Confirming gold on each post-race screen. This is how Xeniok timed his 3-Piston run. I feel as though we need to standardized the start, as the end point is fine by my standards, the first frame of the last post-race results screen with your time clearly visible. I feel as though the start of the timer should be on the A press either in the menu or the pre-race splash screen. Starting the timer specifically on a consistent graphic like the "1" or "Let's Go!" might also work.

These can be subject to change if we can come to a better, logical setup. (I'm fresh off of work so my brain is a bit mush.)

-You've absolutely got me on what "Cup A" actually is, but I assume it's Career > Coco Cup and the categories never got finished. I'm unclear as to why, but I could add each of the cups in, named properly, if there was interest in running the Career cups as well.

-I've genuinely never touched Championship anything, whether fast nor custom, so I'm unable to properly comment on that. I can play some and get back to you soon. (Let's be real, that's a month from now.)

-Well duh, I'll add the cups and a full cup run board and you can populate it with a bunch of solid 1sts so I can come swoop them, like I did for this game and Coffin Dodgers' IL boards!!!~<3

Edited by the author 8 months ago
California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
8 months ago

"Career Cups" added as a Leaderboard. Should be able to use the drop down menu to select your cup and submit. Let me know if it seems proper or if it needs tweaking. I went ahead and didn't record a test run of Coco Cup that was sub 17mins in-race to see what was easily doable, so I'm rooting for you!

As for Championship, I still have to give it a try, but "fast" seems randomized, so hard to track on a leaderboard.

Edited by the author 8 months ago
California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
8 months ago

Updated the "All Golds TA" Category name and rules.

California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
8 months ago

"All Career Cups" added. Rules have been updated across all categories, though it appears I don't have proper access to clean up the general rules.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ah hell yeah, time to finally speedrun something lmfao

(Thank you so much Jordan :333 )

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