All Levels for a Potential Category
8 years ago
United States

Well, it's pretty simple. Beat the game, while collecting any amount of star coins, lives, and secret exits, but also while beating all 81 levels in the game. If the dot for a level is blue, it is beaten. But it's not as simple as it seems.

There is a thing called Star World. It takes 90 Star Coins to unlock. Without Star World, beating the other 73 levels would only require 25 Star Coins. But Star World brings that to a whopping 115. So if this does become a category, I want your opinions on whether or not Star World should be counted in this category. Even though you are still only collecting 115 out of the total 219 Star Coins, it's a lot.

So yeah. Give me your opinions on the category and Star World. ;)

Hampshire, England

i will make it a category, but i will be a misc. category :)

Game stats
Recent runs
Level: World 6
Level: World 6
Level: World 6