Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

The main board has the PS5 platform, which this game is missing.

But this board has the PC platform, which the main board does not have?

It doesn't look like this board has any runs done on PC. So I think that PC is not meant to be here

So, can a moderator please fix this?

Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

This is from the new Support tickets page.

I, currently, have 223.

CyanWes 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

So, I have created a group chat with the CEO of Elo, @Lawliepop, so that she cannot even leave😈

So far, she hasn't said anything.

  • You cannot change its name
  • You cannot leave
  • You cannot add or remove users
  • You cannot create a separate chat with the same users
  • They break easily if you send messages that are too long (screenshot)
  • The text formats, but most of the markdown options break the text. For example, try sending a header or a code block (screenshot)
  • You cannot add new lines

The above all should be added/fixed

jackzfiml, Act_ 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

This game is still alive!

Zanum, Blazer_AG, 그리고 grnts 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

Threads can be stickied if you have created one. And I am not meant to have the permission to do this💀

They need to fix this💀💀💀😳😳😳

jackzfiml, grnts, 그리고 CyanWes 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

Guys, @Meta has said that the new site is going live TODAY! https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/993176547609559070/1130522471309770902/image.png And this is gonna be the first thread about it!! - before the update even drops

Lol this thread may turn into a thread of complains or celebrations😳

But if you want to submit feedback, then I still recommend posting on, probably, @Meta 's future thread which he is gonna create, unless he uses the current thread that he has lol.

CyanWes, Merl_, 그리고 grnts 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

A reminder to update your Discord name, on your profile, so people can still friend you. Since Discord has a new system for names. Where they've removed the tag ( #0001 ) part


CyanWes, Gaming_64 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

It has been two months since this forum's last post.

I have seen people complain about this.

Maybe because we're all waiting for another beta feature.

So, let's try to become active again.😎

Let's give people a reason to buy SRC Supporter.😎

SuperGamer64, nasuper 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

Their tweet: https://twitter.com/speedruncom/status/1592594922154381312

Link: https://www.speedrun.shop


@Meta has said that this shop was developed by him with some help. He has been working on the shop since August

"All proceeds that would normally go to Elo are going to Trevor Project this week" until the 20th of November

The shop uses Shopify and Printful

Examples of shirts from the shop: Here and here

This site's footer and nav bar have been updated to include the shop

This is a pretty generic website but another way to support Elo and SRC other than Supporter

CyanWes, Gaming_64 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon51 year ago

This game's rules need updating to fit the new updated formatting (react-markdown, which currently is only used in the rules)

e.g. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/993176547609559070/1032840878764605440/unknown.png To get the bold text to work: remove the spaces

Gaming_64, an_egg_guy, 그리고 Dawndishsoap2 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

I have removed @Nedrax and @Gabriel_dazk both as moderators from the Granny games (and here) due to inactivity - if anyone is wondering

Zanum, Gaming_64 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

This is an updated version and better guide of @ShadowDraft 's old stickied thread

Here I will be using the zero-width space as an escape character to stop the text from formatting and also this ⁕ character as an alterative to the asterisk

The site uses both Markdown and BBCode but has more recently started to use react-markdown in updated parts of the site. This guide focuses on SRC's current formatting

If you have any feedback or questions: respond to this thread and I will answer you or make an edit to this guide

Bold, italics, and underlined ⁕⁕Bold⁕⁕: two asterisks ⁕ ⁕Italics⁕: one asterisk ⁕ Strikethrough~~: two tildes ~ ​_Underlined_: two underscores _

[Text here](url here) [Text here]​(url here)

Some special characters don't work when linked, e.g. colons, so link the text around it instead For URLs to this site: they don't need to be prefixed with https://www.speedrun.com , since all URLs that start with a slash / link to the current domain

The URL's scheme can be something other than http(s) e.g. mailto or tel Anchors on their own work, but open in a new tab Most text that is prefixed with www or http(s):// will become a link, e.g. www-i-am-a-link

[big]big[/big] and [small]small[/small] [​big]Text here[​/big] [​small]Text here[​/small]

​# Heading 1 ​## Heading 2

Or use this BBCode tag for heading 1 [​section=Name]

A table of contents is automatically added just before the first header

  • Like this
  • Like this
  • Like this

⁕ Like this - use an asterisk with a space afterwards

[centre]Centred text![/centre] [​centre]Centred text![​/centre] "centre" and "center" are both valid BBCode tags and can be used interchangeably

@YUMmy_Bacon5 @ then a username Capitalisation matters, and some usernames don't work, e.g. @killerkun..., so just link them instead

Certain punctuation before and after the username stops it from formatting, so just put a space between it and the punctuation. e.g. (@YUMmy_Bacon5) to ( @YUMmy_Bacon5 )

This does not notify the user

[quote=YUMmy_Bacon5]This is a quote[/quote] [​quote=YUMmy_Bacon5]This is a quote[​/quote] The equals is optional

If you don't put a value for the equals, then you won't be able to edit your forum post


All flags that are on this site are supported - more than the above To view a flag's countrycode: Open the flag's image, view the URL after /flags/ and that is what should be put

Flags without a valid countrycode do not appear at all

Speedrun1st: S​peedrun1st HYPERS: H​YPERS More emotes are supported than the above

Here is the list of all supported emotes @Meta has said that Elo still own the Twitch account from @Pac!

:) ​:) :/ ​:/ :( ​:(

Some emojis🥓 and emoticons format into images to look like Discord emojis

YouTube, Twitch, BiliBili, Niconico and images ending in a common file extension are all supported

For one of these to embed, just paste the link on its own To embed an image: upload it onto a file hosting service, e.g. Imgur or in a Discord channel, then copy the image's URL and paste it

YouTube and Twitch both support their video starting at a certain time e.g. "Copy video URL at current time" on YT Run and news comments don't support embeds

In most text inputs

  • SRC formatting: Forum posts, messages, news posts, run and news comments, run descriptions, and guides
  • react-markdown: Game Leaderboards' run notes and rules, and messages beta
  • Text with an unclosed BBCode tag or nothing after the equals makes you be unable to edit your forum post
  • Too may "quote"s or "big" tags makes the text larger than it's intended area e.g. This and this
  • 497 unclosed "centre" BBCode tags in a forum post makes the edit box appear for all logged in users - even when it isn't their post e.g. This
  • Text does not need to be on a new line after the end of BBCode tags
  • Game news, although only accessible when you're a mod, has a preview button so you can get an idea of your formatted text
  • Run and news comments do not support media embeds, formatted emojis and emotes
Zanum, Gaming_64 그리고 13 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

Most categories don't have rules and most of the misc categories have ambitious/vague names so people don't know the goal of the category Also there are no retiming rules

Gaming_64 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

Any/All and It/Its are the new pronouns, also I thought they fixed the custom pronoun exploit lmao https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/124483701970173952/1001206577136664626/unknown.png

Gaming_64, Wrap 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

For the IRL category: the rules are very vague so can they please be updated, like when does the time start and end and what is the goal of this category?

Also the Tabletop platform is basically the IRL platform, so can this get added instead of people somehow speedrunning on PC lol

Gaming_64 그리고 Deux 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

This is the 30,000th game added to the site, according to the games page https://www.speedrun.com/talk/thread/7hgdy

Gaming_64 그리고 Wrap 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago


Gaming_64 그리고 Merl_ 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago

All runs are played on the Web platform, why hasn't this been added already??

Gaming_64, dha 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, EnglandYUMmy_Bacon52 years ago
이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다
Gaming_64, MyTH193_ 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
YUMmy_Bacon5에 대해서
I like breaking SRC.
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