스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

If the issue is just connection you could local record

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

Sorry for the delay, seems like noone is against the practice, it is definitely allowed,

It'd be most useful for dark ending, one problem is that exiting the game during a 106% run will most likely mean that you can't use the timer glitch. Levels completed with it won't count as beaten when relaunching the game on at least the PC and x360 version (thanks jade for the test).

Gl on the runs :)

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

We have so few console runs It's actually one of the first times this question comes up, I don't think the commu in general would be against it.

I'm waiting on some feedback from the other mods, we'll let you know as soon as possible

ScruffyButtons 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago
  1. I don't believe its possible to skip the cutscene on anything else than pc sadly :/ However if you're running any% timer ends when the cutscene starts so it's not part of the run and not a problem. If running Dark ending or 106% it's in the middle of the run and you unfortunately have to sit through it.

  2. Brownie skip is possible on every platform, you may have already seen this vid but it helps a lot :

  3. There's quite a lot of platforms and the vast majority of the runs we get are pc, dividing every category by platform would essentially create a big mess of empty or almost empty leaderboards. You can however already filter the lbs by platform to get an idea of the console rankings.

baq, kdx2a, 그리고 Oelfeuro 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago


Not sure it's the latest but better than nothing :)

Thanks to Mij who had it backed up

Mijzical 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago


you should be able to click on the the second one on that list,

Edit; looks like mediafire blocked the dl :(

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

Livesplit can't go over your game in fulllscreen mode, if you're playing windowed however, to make livesplit always show on top of other windows :

Right click your splits on Livesplits, edit layout > layout settings > "always on top" checkbox bottom left

FranceMisteur6 years ago

Hey wow surprised to see the notif aha Thanks for answering tho and yeah as you can imagine I moved on so no worries at all :> You're making good points tho and I agree that without any competition it wouldn't be really interesting of course, although there'd be some incentive if the category is created but yeah realisticly you wouldn't see much activity on there. the other point is also very true in that I feel almost half of the levels in the game would be frame perfect with little or a bit of effort, making a lot of wr ties if there was ever competition. Already thought about that one and it's a real shame.

I think you're right and all this is reason enough to not add them, tl;dr shoulda deleted my post if I remember it existed aha

Talking about helpful ressources I'll look it up again but I'm quite sure I don't have anything of real value outside of some IL strats maybe but ye :>

Thanks for your time and sorry for the bother

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

The vast majority of players are on PC here, the misc categories naturally catering more to pc players is just a consequence of that, because they were only created and ran by them (although light level and any% alt doesn't work only on pc). If five or ten console players had ran and asked for a spelunky% or something to be on there it would certainely. That's why Matte is saying only numbers of runners on the lbs count. They're the only ones that are gonna be involved and interested by those changes / discussions / new (misc) categories.

I think this doesn't have to be about console or pc specific categories (especially cause race mode is also coming to pc at some point); at best all categories are all inclusive but the current miscs often use 3rd parties or stuff you can't do on console, naija% has it's own savefile if you want to be competitive, Ogmo% uses third party to just run the category, ... But more about the actual interest regarding this possible new category (by those who can run) it as it was said prior to this.

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

No you can't, to be clear macros aren't allowed, you can rebind buttons around but you'll have to input the jump and the two pauses manually

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

Oh yeah my bad that's really weird, doesn't look like 60fps at all, this might be a bit random but if vsync is what causes the problem it might be worth try to disable it and limit the game's fps with Rivatuner maybe ? It's a program we use to stabilize the game at 60fps, might be worth a shot I'd say.

You can find it on that page : https://www.speedrun.com/smb/resources

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

The 120Hz monitor is definitely the problem, if limiting to 60 fps works that's the solution :p

All runs here (with the exception of all glitches) are ran in 60fps, almost sure it's in the rules, so yeah again if limiting to 60fps works there's no problem here :>

gl on the runs :)

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

Excellent, de rien :)

gl hf !

ps. Si t'as d'autres questions n'hésites pas a passer sur le discord si tu veux des réponses plus rapides

Emilio_ 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur6 years ago

Bonne chance ! :)

T'en fais pas si tu as du mal au début, je pense que la plupart des joueurs on mis un petit temps a comprendre le truc du fait que ça soit a moitié a l'aveugle.

Je ne conseilles pas du tout la technique autojump par contre c'est juste random si tu le passes ou pas, vraiment le sprintjump est la clé d'un brownie skip consistant, ça, le rythme auquel t'enchaînes ce sprintjump et un bon repère pour le premier saut. (crux en donnes un)

Pour ce qui est des sprintjumps tu peux les train n'importe ou sur le jeu (pas a l'aveugle) pour te donner une idée du truc (1-7 est un bon exemple). Si tu relâches sprint très rapidement juste après un walljump et que tu re-sprint immédiatement tu verras que tu seras moins décollé du mur et que tu vas enchaîner les sauts plus vite. (C'est aussi un coup de main a prendre donc je conseille de le train hors du brownie skip avant). Et pour ce qui est du rythme il faut que ça vienne a force de t'entraîner ça devrait pas être la partie la plus compliquée, (tu peux mettre les SFX a fond et écouter le moment ou meat boy touches le mur sinon) si tu veux train ça et le reste en voyant ce que tu fais, bmxbandit a fait des niveaux spéciaux auquels tu peux accéder depuis l'éditeur :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6B4cfZXWT9BVUhpbnpESzVXaFU/view?usp=sharing (Si tu ne sais pas comment accéder a l'éditeur, en anglais par contre) :

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur7 years ago

There should be a another workaround, but the beta definitely fixes that.


"The Beta is only available to Windows users that own the game on Steam. To access the beta, right click on Super Meat Boy in your Steam Library then go: Properties -> Betas -> Enter Code (smw1234567890) -> Opt In

This will unlock the smwbeta branch. When you select that branch it should update and give you the beta version of the game."

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur7 years ago

As vorp said, this is used in all glitches category, (only Uber's run uses it atm). It will be fixed in the new patch aswell but for now setting monitor to 60hz should do it that's weird, maybe rivatuner would do the trick ? (in the ressources section).

FranceMisteur7 years ago

I recently discovered this game and I was wondering if you could add ILs to it since the game heavily rely on those, there's already some runs on yt. Alternatively, I don't want to beg for it but if you don't really care anymore I would be willing do add some stuff.

Should have asked here before on the tweets my bad, didn't remeber about the new thread notif thingy.

스레드: Super Meat Boy
FranceMisteur7 years ago

For a new category to be added here it would have to be somewhat competitive (and somewhat non-arbitrary), you would need an amount of players doing those kind of runs. In the case of a boss rush, it really wouldn't be interesting for this game, because it would basically just be praying for a good Larry and IL escape. Some people ran reverse boss order but it's kind of the same deal (with more duping) and it will most likely never be a category aswell. Mods can't just create tons of categories with one or two players in the leaderboard. That said there's nothing restraining you to do those kinds of runs on your own.

Emilio_, Crucrux 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
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