Virginia, USAJHobz5 years ago

There's two methods to doing the skip if you're on PC: blind and not blind. When learning, just go for not blind for warp 5, even though it's slower. Blind method for warp 2 is so much easier that I actually recommend doing that one that way. Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure you have Coco with you. If loading from a save file, go talk to the computer once in order to dismiss the "You can swap between characters!" dialog box.
  2. As Coco, walk up to the computer and slide away from it while activating it by pressing R1 and a direction on the same frame. If you performed this step correctly, you should slide away from the computer, still get the menu, and the camera should seem a little off.
  3. Dismiss the dialog box by pressing "No" to keep Coco with you. You now have a hidden menu stored. You should be able to hear it activating if you press X. This menu will store Coco back at the computer if you select "Yes" on it by hitting up and then X. Selecting "No" by pressing down + X will put Coco back in your party. You can always tell what state you're in by looking in the bottom right corner.
  4. Walk towards the center of the room (and then away) or swap characters to fix the camera. Make sure you are Coco before the next step.
  5. You want to jump on the Future Tense elevator next, but if you hold forward and jump onto it, you'll select "Yes" on the hidden menu and get rid of Coco. To avoid this, jump down and turn around in mid-air to land on the elevator. You can practice this a bit right next to the elevator to make sure you've got it down.

The next steps change for blind vs. not blind, so I'll split them up. The main trick here is that you're putting Coco in a glitched state in which she can pass through (some) invisible walls, but can't jump (because the game thinks she's on the elevator).

AT ANY POINT if you fall off the stage or fuck something up, quickly load a save file to start over (you can do this even if the screen is black).

Warp 2 (blind): 6. Once you land on the elevator, as soon as it starts moving, press Up+X to force Coco to swap to Crash. Immediately open the save menu (L2). Press Down+X while in the save menu in order to select "No" on the hidden menu and return Coco to your party. Press O enough times to back out of the save menu. As soon as the save menu closes, swap back to Coco (R2). Coco is now in the glitched state and can pass through invisible walls but can't jump. 7. Slide off the elevator towards Warp 2 and hurry to a level before the screen fades black (after that you'll still be able to move but won't be able to see where you're going).

Warp 5 (not blind): 6. Ride the elevator all the way up to the Future Tense room. Jump back on the elevator (still as Coco) when you get there. 7. As soon as the elevator starts moving, press Up+X to force Coco to swap to Crash. Continue riding the elevator out of the Future Tense room. 8. As soon as you're back in the warp room, open the save menu (L2), press Down+X, then press O enough times to back out of the save menu. Swap back to Coco and slide off the elevator. Coco should now be in the glitched state. 9. Walk over to the weird meter to the left of the computer. Inch your way forward until you're just inside it (you only have to barely be inside it). If you walk too far, you'll fall through the floor, so be careful. 10. Swap back to Crash and slide jump over the gap to pass by the warp 5 gate. You should land on the outside of the bridge, blocked by an invisible wall. 11. Press Down+X to bring Coco back, but be careful because this will cause you to jump. You can head over to a platform in warp 5 if you want to do this more safely, but it's faster to do it on the bridge. 12. Swap to Coco and walk through the invisible wall. You can now enter any level in warp 5.

That should be everything. I'd recommend pulling up a video while looking at these steps in order to put a picture to the words. Sorry I can't record something right now, but I'm working on a full Crash 3 tutorial that'll eventually include it.

Murcaz 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz5 years ago

Yeah, they've been being discussed in the discord server. Akitaka already made a post on their forums about it too.

Virginia, USAJHobz5 years ago

"CD" and "download" have no difference. All PS4 games begin installing to the hard drive once you put the disc in.

Another point for filters: subcategories make more sense when any individual might have a reason to run more than one of the subcategories (e.g. character selections, difficulty selection in games where difficulty changes a lot, oob vs. no oob, etc.). Separating hard drive type by subcategories would lead to weird cases of someone wanting to purposely move from SSD to HDD just to get their name at the top of another list, or outdated PBs remaining on the HDD subcategory after someone has already shifted to SSD.

I still think a variable is the proper option and that we should continue looking into load-removal solutions for the long-term.

Imaproshaman, ShikenNuggets, 그리고 limga 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz5 years ago

I'd rather use a variable. You can still filter if you want to compare within only the same hard drive type, and there's no gameplay differences that would warrant separate categories.

SolidSpiderZnake, VENGENZ, 그리고 Mattmatt 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Ok, the settings thing makes sense, didn't think of that.

Mattmatt 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Can we just change the timing to selecting Continue? Everyone seems to prefer that anyways.

VENGENZ, Hypelastika, 그리고 FullyAutomato 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

As someone with the preorder bonuses, I agree they should be outright banned. You can still allow people with the preorder bonuses to play the game, just not to use the bonuses (except cosmetic suit w/o the powers, because why not). So in other words, people running with the deluxe version would have to:

  • Always have a minimum of 5 skill points (ensuring they haven't used the 5 they get for free).
  • Not use the Spider Drone without first getting all the requirements to unlock it (reach Fisk Hideout mission, Level 8, 1 Base Token, 3 Research Tokens). There's obviously the minor timesave they'd get for not actually crafting the thing, but I think at that point an exception can be made since we're talking about a static 1 or so seconds.
  • Not use the Rock Out, Iron Arms, and Blitz suit powers (without first getting all the requirements to unlock). Since equipping the suit w/o the power is just a cosmetic change, I think it'd be fine to allow that.

100% runs are where it gets a little bit trickier since you wouldn't have to spend the materials on the suit powers/gadget, but restricting them to their level requirements would at least be a good minimum bar if trying to keep track of "I have 1 Base Token and 3 Research Tokens less than my count" becomes hard to maintain. But for Any% -- which is the main factor right now -- outright ban that shit.

Hako 그리고 ShikenNuggets 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Except for gummis. You can get one-shot there.

Tojimaru, Meowskivich, 그리고 Timmiluvs 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

The thing is that a temp ban isn't something that's easy to do with the tools available. Once a run is removed from speedrun.com, it's gone until someone submits it again. Repeat that across multiple runs and levels and it adds up to a decent chunk of time. And it's not that people are making assumptions about whether the glitch is still present or not, it's simply maintaining the status quo. The multiplatform patch has only been out a couple weeks. Once more time has passed, if the glitch (or a good enough time on one of the console leaderboards) has surfaced again, then we've got proof it still exists. If not, any runs utilizing it can be removed then. There's no reason to hastily jump to banning it within the first month.

InfiniteSynchron, Deathwysh, 그리고 toca 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

The problem is that nobody had a consistent setup for it beforehand, so we can't definitively know if it was patched or not.

스레드: Celeste
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Blindfolded runs are generally considered challenge runs and don't really have leaderboards. Super cool that you've been able to accomplish that though!

HunterTheGameStomper 그리고 Jumpyluff 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Ah, I thought it was a typo. I'd assume SSD should still be selected then. If someone's using a filter, it'd be better to compare it to the faster drives than the slower.

Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, the main reason for the restriction is not to compare to PS4, but because in order to unlock the fps for this game it actually requires a monitor with a refresh rate higher than 60Hz. Requiring people to buy 144Hz monitors to compete would be a pretty silly thing to do. In addition, to use your example of how other games handle this, plenty of other games with the same monitor restriction also require the fps to remain at 60. Ori and the Blind Forest is one such community. Hope that can shine a little more light on the reasoning. I too was disappointed with the condescending reply of "nah."

Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Hard drive type refers to whatever Crash specifically is stored on.

PeteThePlayer 이것을 좋아함
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

The game already has a built-in IL leaderboard that includes downloadable replays.

DKS 그리고 Ninpalk 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Celeste
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Yeah this is known. Kevin does it in his runs of Ch 7.

스레드: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

I'm gonna go ahead and step down because I've been thinking about doing it for the past year anyways, for various reasons. I do want to leave you with some passing thoughts though, because I feel (once again) that there are a LOT of misconceptions being thrown around. I will be generalizing points made by others and responding to them, so note that I am not directly quoting here.


  • "Most of the mods rarely log in to SRDC."

I'd be curious to know where this data is coming from, because I personally always have a SRDC tab open (pinned in my browser) and logged in. The only times it's not logged in are days where my computer is off completely (which is pretty much only if I'm out of town for things like AGDQ). This doesn't fit the data Timmi was collecting, so I question the validity of the data (on the server-end, not on the collection end). It's possible something about not logging out for extended periods can perhaps break the "last logged in" data.

  • "Many requests such as category extensions are ignored."

We actually don't ignore any of these requests. Usually what happens is someone starts a discussion in the mod discord and mods give their thoughts. Almost always, these thoughts are concluded with "but I'm open to what the community wants." Here are some recent examples: https://puu.sh/zhAml/697b319f00.png https://puu.sh/zhAnx/faca3b1371.png Also, for category extensions specifically, we looked at what category extensions are and how they work on SRDC. Extensions are specifically tied to a game, not only a series. So to move mini-games to a category extension (and/or to add other categories), we'd have to create a category extension board for every single KH game that we track minigames for. That would include splitting mini-games by game versions (something we've been against historically since there aren't usually differences across versions) and just a shit-load of work in general to change a system that's already working. Even then, we were absolutely open to creating extensions for any games that had arbitrary categories that would see multiple runners and some longevity. We simply didn't want to make categories that nobody would run since that kind of defeats the purpose of a leaderboard (why have a board for comparison if there's nobody to compare to). That's also a lot of stuff to update if we ever make a minor rule change across the series/game, although that's not a point that was ever brought up in discussion (just something I thought of now).

As for splitting 0.2 categories by console, we heard that request as well. We ultimately decided against it because PS4 Pro was added as a separate platform by SRDC. This means that people can already use the built-in Filter function to compare PS4 times w/o PS4 Pro times and vice-versa. This is how we should have handled the HD KH games too -- combined all final mix versions and simply used the Filter function to compare. Not using the Filter function leads to headaches like having people submit a run under the PS4 category with a platform of PS3 (a very common occurrence and one that's easy to miss during verification). I warned about this possibility back before we made platform-specific subcategories for the HD games, but we decided to go with what the community made clear they wanted instead of following the convention of the website (again, we don't just ignore community requests).

  • "Communication from the mods to the community is very poor."

This one's probably true. This is on all of us. But it's also hard to want to communicate with people who make pre-judgments without basis. For me, personally, I am the mod that's not in the KH Discord server that Timmi mentioned. I was actually originally in the Discord starting from day 1, however, it was made clear that several individuals there had a problem with me for some reason. Every reason I've heard has been rooted in a false assumption, but even when that was explained, they still talked shit about me behind my back. Example (one of many; name removed): https://puu.sh/zhB9I/5fd7629c40.png https://puu.sh/zhBcJ/23abb6a9fd.png Clearly misconception was cleared up (they go on to apologize profusely later on in the convo). Months later, in reference to me: https://puu.sh/zhBsb/5aaadad423.png

So rather than stay where I'm not wanted, I left the server and just relied on other mods to relay information for me. It's clear that information was not always properly relayed, but that's on me for not following up.

  • "Most mods don't make changes."

A lot of the mods that used to verify/reject runs and make changes all the time (myself included) stopped doing so because of the overwhelming public backlash they were receiving for changes or rejections (the above DM comments started after a tweet basically saying "fuck the mods"). It really sucks when you care about a community so much and just want the best for it but just get shit on every time you try to improve something or uphold rules. Even people with really thick skin get worn down eventually (my personal verification rate likely follows an inverse trend with the timing of anti-mod tweets/discussions). This bullet point isn't so much explaining inactivity (because we should still actively make changes) but more just a forewarning for whoever takes up the reigns next and a request that people basically stop being assholes.


So there ya go. Once again, several misconceptions brought up thinking we're against change and ignore/hate the community. I don't agree with this method of trying to change the mods, but I've been wanting to leave for a while anyways, so why not now.

Edit(s): formatting

Melwing17, BlitzPhoenix98 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Celeste
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

It's not the same credits, FWIW. Different music and no slideshow. Can be sped up though.

스레드: Celeste
Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

I agree that ending on flagpole would be nice, especially if Epilogue doesn't add to the in-game timer at all. You could still have a requirement to show the file time in the video if you wanted, it just might happen later after the credits or something.

Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

(100 Acre Wood is optional too, obviously.)

Timmiluvs 이것을 좋아함
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