SRT development and releases - RE3REmakeSRT
4 years ago

I cannot seem to right click on the SRTHost to change the settings. is there a new way to do that?

Squirrelies likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Blame it on my shitty porting of code to .NET Core. I forgot to fix the ContextMenu for the WinForm. ContextMenu was mia from the .NET Core version of WinForms and I meant to get back to it and failed to do so. If you have to change the setting in the current version, you can do it via registry until I fix it.

[Win Key] + [R] -> "regedit" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RE3REmakeSRT]

South Africa


before the game starts make changes then close it and re-open it

thank you squirrelies for the SRT cause livesplit affects the games performance like crazy

Rhône-Alpes, France

Hi Squirrelies, got a new error now :/ :

Is there some thing with where the game is install ? My steam folder is at the root of the c:/

Thx dude, have a great day

Rhône-Alpes, France

Nevermind dude, didn't upgrade the plugins, seems to work like a charm! Thx

Edit : My mistakes was to trying to use the srt from my D : (no joke) (my c: is my 250G ssd, usually i'm just using it for soft and games and put all the rest on the D : )

Should have tried this yesterday before posting a msg. Anyway thanks a lot for the srt

Edited by the author 4 years ago

no worked for me, cmd window open and close after 1 sec :(


[ArgumentNullException] System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'paths') at System.IO.Path.Combine(String[] paths) at SRTHost.Program.LoadPlugin(String relativePath) in C:\Source\Other\Squirrelies\SRTHost\SRTHost\Program.cs:line 136 [ArgumentNullException] System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'paths') at System.IO.Path.Combine(String[] paths) at SRTHost.Program.LoadPlugin(String relativePath) in C:\Source\Other\Squirrelies\SRTHost\SRTHost\Program.cs:line 136 [ArgumentNullException] System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'paths') at System.IO.Path.Combine(String[] paths) at SRTHost.Program.LoadPlugin(String relativePath) in C:\Source\Other\Squirrelies\SRTHost\SRTHost\Program.cs:line 136 [InvalidOperationException] System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException() at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at SRTHost.Program.Main() in C:\Source\Other\Squirrelies\SRTHost\SRTHost\Program.cs:line 59

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Squirrelies likes this

Thank You! it works fine! Keep up the great work! :)

Squirrelies likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Awesome! Thanks for being so patient! :D

pappgamer likes this

We all thank you! :)

Squirrelies likes this

Thanks for the new version (option menu is back again!)

Squirrelies likes this

thank you

Squirrelies likes this
Rhône-Alpes, France

Hey @Squirrelies, great work again, many thanks!

Can you explain me what is the scale factor in the options menu ? Tried to test few value, but don't saw the difference (seems to reset to 0.75 when the value is too high).

Have a great day

Squirrelies likes this
Wisconsin, USA

It is a percentage scale of the inventory icons. so 0.75 is 75% their original size.

I think the upper limit is 4.0 (400%). I forget what the lower limit is locked to.

SauceDallas93 likes this
United States

Thanks for the support! I'm having an issue where I open the SRT and the tool itself seems under scaled where the health bars and text jumble into each other making it illegible. Upon opening options and changing to 1.0 scaling from .75 and restarting, there is no change. Has anyone else ran into this and found a fix? Gonna keep attempting as well. Thanks!

Edit: I went back to try the 2050 from the link but no luck there. Back on the current version now but having issues still with words piling over each other. Thanks again!

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Squirrelies likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Can you get a screenshot of this happening?

CBItemBox likes this
United States

Will do, I'll screenshot and link image here.

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly!

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Squirrelies likes this
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Hi and thanks for the helpful SRT tool. Although I hope to find help here for the only issue I'm having with it.

While ingame (no menu) whenever my "invisible" mouse cursor happens to come across the SRT Tool when I'm in action, it will recognize my mouse clicks as "drag and drop" for the SRT tool.

Is there a way to "lock" my cursor or some other way to prevent that from happening?

Would be very pleased, since it's really a runkiller most of the time.

Thanks in advance !

edit: I'm talking the overlay used on a single monitor obv. I have tried "Always on top" in full window mode and "Always on top off" in borderless window mode. The issue occured in both cases.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Squirrelies likes this
Wisconsin, USA

@CBItemBox I'm guessing it has to do with a different system-wide DPI. .NET Core WinForm projects add a new line to Program.cs


My guess is that is related as the WinForm I made isn't very... flexible. Try this build of the plugins. It changes the DPI mode on the WinForm.

CBItemBox likes this