Bone% confusion
3 years ago
London, England

Hey all, I’m a bit confused with the bone spawning in the foyer. I’ve heard it’s something about a collision glitch on edge field but I’m really not quite sure. Could it have been patched if it was an overlooked error as I have never seen it spawn there or am I an idiot. Can someone more experienced than me explain the reason it happens to me and if so the Odds-of it happening for them. e.g. 1 in 500. I just really want to get my 10th place time to eventually top 5 lol. Thanks everyone and apologies if I’m being stupid.

London, England

Second note I forgot to add. Could it have been about not using beta mode or does that have nothing to do with it

United States

I'm pretty sure the bone spawns in the foyer because of a collider glitch. Making a basement spawned bone be a floor above. I'm not sure if it still works in the newer version. DK could have patched it :/

ttoady likes this
Western Australia, Australia

As far the chances of it happening.... It's incredibly rare. We only have a few instances of it happening on camera and a few other times off camera. As far as I know it happens once in every couple hundred. I run the Thief category so I have experimented with a lot of different maps doing that to find the fastest map and route and I have done a lot of bone% and I have never seen it happen on or off camera. It's.... hard. But I'm sure you can get it with a lot of patience.

United States

Is it possible for the difficulty of the level to dictate the chance of the bone to spawn? If you were looking to beat the wr you would have to see the bone instantly in the foyer for Edgefield and pick it up. And trying to improve the wr after that would take forever. It's a very inconstant run, but at the same time, you wouldn't have to spend as much time on the map as you would any other run. When you go in if the bone isn't there you would just leave, and the average time for going from the van to the foyer on Edgefield street is 10 seconds. I think the cap for the run would be around 26 seconds, even if you did 1,000 times. 10 seconds there, 10 seconds back, 6 seconds wait for the loading screen. All the numbers are estimates. Just ranting :)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

The difficulty has no impact on where the bone spawns.

Also, from my experience the earliest you can get to the door on edgefield is about 9 and a half seconds with bad truck spawns so probably 9 seconds to the door. I would also say it takes average 11 seconds to get back into another game (including load itmes with a good SSD + accounting for bad map selections). That means the whole process of loading up Edgefield + getting to the door, and leaving the game (2 seconds) probably takes 22-23 seconds. If it takes (now this is a generous estimate) 500 attempts to get it, then it would be 3 hours of constant attempts with the fastest possible runs every time. I would say about 4 hours realistically. So it could be done within a day or two with enough dedication.

Garfungled likes this
London, England

well that was my plan. sit down for acouple hours till i get it so it will be fun hopping on a call with my buddys. expect to see some of my crappy runs popping uq! lol

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