the in-game timer is terrible
6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but the in-game timer is heavily affected by lag. I can't even get a sub-2 when recording but as soon as I stop I get one first try (not too hard). I'm not sure what can be done to fix this problem, but I can suggest that picture proof be good enough? Recording the end screen with confetti (would be quite hard to edit the numbers if the confetti goes behind it). At least the last level with time included should do it?

These ideas sort of hinder strategy sharing, seeing the best routes in action which would suck.

This is the reason I won't upload any IL's unless I find a strat unused in the WR.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

Well, I think that is a fine idea having a screenshot for ILs but I would say there needs to be requirements in order to submit a screenshot otherwise a video is required of the full run. Such as if you reach a certain time one would be required to submit a video instead of a screenshot. I know there is a tech issue on your end but this is a requirement I have seen in all speedrunning leaderboards for certain reasons that have happened in the past.

My suggestion for this problem would be to use the Livesplit timer during recording if the in-game time is having issues while recording. Unfortunately it would have some problems because it would have some human error in it because the timer would need to manually started and stopped.

Its unfortunate that such a tech problem has occurred. Hopefully there is a way to record without encountering the issue. It's might be recording software based, hardware based, or possibly even game based.

Craftygamers411 and Hfkool like this
Victoria, Australia

The only problem I have with a screenshot for proof is that if it's the WR, then new players can't exactly see how the time was achieved (what route to take, for example).

The problem on my end is that the screen recorder I'm using slows down my computer, as do a few others I try. I heard hypercam is terrible so maybe it was made for bad computers haha

The way the game gets the time is different to how livesplit works. And because I get lag from a recording, my livesplit will go at the same pace while I move slower than normal.

It's probably not a big deal, I doubt there are many others that have come across this. I don't expect the rules to change, just laying out a problem that exists :)

Craftygamers411 likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

I use OBS to record everything, and it usually won't slow down computers, so I will recommend OBS.

Victoria, Australia

I will try using OBS again, but last time I tried to use it the game I was trying to play was unplayable. I will try looking for low-spec settings this time around though.

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah, my only problem with it is for some reason it crashes my game if i have a recording or stream live on it and try and open the game up... Happened today during the stream...

Victoria, Australia

Damn... that must have sucked dude

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