7 years ago
Saint Helena

Hello and welcome to the Polytopia speedrun forum!

Most of the rules are laid out on the individual categories but if anything need some clarification please post it on the forum

All runs need a video as evidence, a screen recorder is preferable (check the resources) but any camera capable device is allowed to record with

I will try and verify runs as soon as I get them but this may not be instantly

I hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to seeing your runs!


Hello I have a few questions about validation rules.

Can I use an Android emulator (BlueStacks) and record my screen on my PC with Microsoft Expression instead of using my smartphone ?

If it's allowed should I record the mouse cursor or not ? (Microsoft Expression can enable/disable it)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Saint Helena

Yes Bluestacks is allowed, it is in the resources for PC players, for future reference you can use a program such as LiveSplit to do timings for computer runs

The mouse does not neccasarily have to be recorded as I have not found anything that would require it. On mobile it's more difficult anyway. If you would like a different software to expression OBS is great, but anything that records is fine

  • Good run by the way!

Thank you for your response. If I try another run I will use these 2 softwares because I noticed Expression only capture at 15 frames per second ^^'

Saint Helena

Nice to see some more people trying Battle Of Polytopia speedrunning again :) here's a questuion for you all, should there be a set difficulty for runs?


Can we use NOX - Android emulator for PC?


Having Different difficulties would be interesting and would give people a bigger variety of runs to do. I think it’s worth a try

Georgia, USA

For Full Map runs, im curious on if the game needs a specific difficulty since it isn't specified in the rules for the category?

Game stats
Latest news
New Versions for speedrunning Polytopia have officially came

There has recently been some major updates to the Polytopia game. In fact, the changes to the AI and the recent balance changes, as well as results off of the poll done in our discord server, have led us to make the decision to split Versions into 2 categories: Versions 1-51 and Versions 60+.


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