Can my 100% run be accepted please
11 months ago
Texas, USA

I submitted it right

Texas, USA

Peoples runs get verified in a few hours lol i've been waiting like 3 days im fine with it tho ik i sound petty


submit it again

Texas, USA

I've submitted it twice

Texas, USA


What happened to my records?


I think they got removed since there is a whole other forum talking about how your runs shouldn't be counted

Well that sucks

My audio is off by a few seconds cause that’s an oculas glitch and it’s not sped up cause I talk in it and in the rules it said that you didn’t have to press the button so I didn’t know when to end it and the last jumpscare should be the end


When it's an oculus glitch how did it work just fine for me?

Edited by the author 11 months ago

My oculas is 3 years old

Yeah pretty old it’s bound to have audio glitches

My mike delays a few seconds to


Mine is almost 3 years old and works just fine


It's not because of the mic, it's because ur timer keeps pausing and in one run it almost paused for a sec. It is the game audio that is desynced.

Edited by the author 11 months ago

Hey Trophy King or Caseniscool1 can you make a video and DM me it about the wheel and key glitch?


Caseniscool1 can do it because im going on vacation tomorrow so cant really do it rn

Casen can you?

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