Subscriptions are coming to
2 years ago
Somerset, England

The site has now been updated and this has been added! Most of what I said is correct😎

I was looking though my network requests, for this site, and I found something about boosts and subscriptions so I have now gone down a rabbit hole and found that subscriptions are being added to the site All of this is from bundle.min.js (Archived page, there is also a version of this from April 1st) [quote]Enjoy the benefits of supporting, including ad-free navigation, animated username, an extra name badge, Supporters-only forum, access to beta features in development, and more! You'll also receive new monthly [boosts], which you can use to gift three random members of your favorite game communities an ad-free experience for 30 days.[/quote] I may be incorrect with what I'm saying and stuff here will probably change

People can pay a subscription to become a supporter and unlock benefits. Supporters can gain at least 1 boost a month, with this, you can boost different communities (games) and 3 people in them become boosted and gain a 30 day ad-free experience and you will be recognised as a board booster. There are supporter codes. I'm not too certain on these but they can probably be given out and be applied to your profile, like a gift card, to gain a subscription or boosts.

  • @Meta has become a supporter after I made this post
  • You can pay the subscription in intervals of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months
  • Admins can grant and revoke supporter codes
  • Admins can cancel subscriptions
  • There are both custom icons and custom supporter icons
  • Supporter icons can be in different positions
  • Ad-Free - Enjoy your experience without ads
  • Early Access - Preview features in development
  • Boosts - Share ad-free access with your favorite communities
  • Supporter Forum - Chat with other Supporters in a Supporter-only forum
  • Supporter Badge - Show your support with an exclusive Supporters-only badge
  • Extra Name Badge - Add a second badge to your username
  • Animated Username - Special animation for your username
  • Supporter Codes - Supporter codes can be applied to credit your account with Supporter access for a given period of time.
  • More to come... - We're always working on something new to thank you for your support
  • You can now gift your first Boost to one of your favorite game communities. Three random members will receive 30 days ad-free navigation on
  • Head over to the Supporter-only Forums to hear about beta features and more.
  • /supporter/forum
  • Are you sure you want to redeem this code?
  • Boost anonymously
  • These players have recently boosted this board:
  • You can control how this user experiences
  • As a Supporter, you can control how you experience
  • Supporters don't see advertisements. You can override this if you really want to see them.
  • Boosted users don't see advertisements. You can override this if you really want to see them.
  • [...] Boosts per month
  • 1 Boost per month
편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Gaming_64, VyPr 그리고 16 기타 이것을 좋아함

inb4 angery

Ivory, YUMmy_Bacon5, 그리고 chinese_soup 이것을 좋아함

Edit: I changed my mind. Please don't take the following as my opinion.

(ASSUMING THIS IS TRUE -- could just be false info)

here's ur angery

"Early Access - Preview features in development" = pay to be a beta tester for our site

"Supporter Forum - Chat with other Supporters in a Supporter-only forum" = reddit gold r/lounge subreddit, elitism

it has no features other than "ad-free" which like, just use an adblocker?

no one will use this and it's gross this site is supporting the awful model that is subscription services. its a plague on society

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
bold, jray4559 그리고 15 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

They told us no src mobile app, but now they brought the mobile app to src.

jray4559 그리고 HopeTrash 이것을 좋아함

[quote=diggity]it's gross this site is supporting the awful model that is subscription services[/quote]

ok I also don't like subscription services that much. But like. What do you want them to do here. People hate seeing ads on their free services. People hate paying for services. It's not like there's an actually good solution here where we get a service with no visible monetization and they get to keep paying people to run the website.

mythikdawn 그리고 Jubilee 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

I would prefer if it wasn't a subscription and that'd you'd only pay once. I like most of these benafits thou Also I have tried some of the endpoints in the code and a few kinda work

Gaming_64 그리고 Jubilee 이것을 좋아함
Colorado, USA

I bet you a dollar this was their plan the whole time. Make the site unusable with ad clutter, and then give your users a way to pay to make them go away.

jray4559, 8BitsOfJoy 그리고 10 기타 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

@jackzfiml I thought people wanted a way to donate?

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Gaming_64 이것을 좋아함
United States

I notice that @Meta has one

Amaz 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

Look at his name!

Gaming_64 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

I have also found some new beta features, one is even turned on, on my profile @Meta must of enabled it since I can't change it with my own post request, [quote=error]you do not have permission to change this setting[/quote]

  • New Game Leaderboards - We are rebuilding game leaderboards to offer new options, an improved look and feel, improved speed, and more!
  • User Profile Custom Game Ordering - We are adding the ability for users to choose the order in which games appear on their profile!
  • User Profile Featured Run - We are making it possible for users to feature their favorite run at the top of their profile!

Edit: I think the game ordering only appears for me, here is a photo

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Gaming_64, SioN, 그리고 Act_ 이것을 좋아함
Iowa, USA

There’s gonna be a lot of fighting for a while

You can also see @Meta has a picture to the right and if you put your mouse over it it says Speedrun supporter

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

Apparently I shouldn't of leaked that and it has been turned off Edit: @Meta has said that he didn't enable anything for me🤔 I might of somehow turned it on myself

@TooManyThings If you look at my last post they're working on improving leaderboards

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Gaming_64 이것을 좋아함
United States

[quote=ShikenNuggets]People hate seeing ads on their free services. People hate paying for services. It's not like there's an actually good solution here where we get a service with no visible monetization and they get to keep paying people to run the website.[/quote]

The middle ground here of course, is to find a middle ground where the ads are unobtrusive enough that one would be willing to keep using the site as is without turning on an adblock.

Most of the ads on are fine in my opinion, but I cannot stand the auto-playing popup video ads that play in the corner. These ads always obstruct actual leaderboard info (rather than just staying on the borders as banner ads), and more often than not, it is very hard to locate the "close button" for these ads.


Note the absolutely tiny X button on the ad in the lower left corner (I've edited in a blue circle around it for your convenience), and also the abysmal situation of having a black X button over another ad with a dark color (making the x button of the video ad near-invisible).

Obviously is not 100% responsible for how third party ads show up on their website, but I think just removing these video popup ads altogether (if possible) would go a long way.

Banner ads are the norm, but video popup ads always just screams "sketchy" and "annoying for the sake of being annoying" to me, on any website.

And these video ads covering up actual leaderboard information is just going against the site's core functionality as a whole.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
8BitsOfJoy, Amaz 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
New Jersey, USA

just wanna ask, who randomly looks through there network requests

diggity 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

*their It wasn't random, I was doing something but I can't remember what that was now

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Gaming_64 그리고 SioN 이것을 좋아함

this is cool and all but please make this one-time purchase like (old) donator

RaggedDan, Deux 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함

this doesn't seem particularly great. especially the reddit gold lounge or whatever. paying for no ads seems fine.