Beginner Any% Questions
8 years ago

So i was wondering why the potion is thrown when guard armor does his dance, is it just so its out of the way and wont make menuing more awkward or has it something to do with guard armors AI?

The other thing i was wondering is wether the gun makes the gumiship slower or if its just not equpied to save the time it takes to equip it back after everything has been deleted.

Lastly does it make a difference if one was to keep Haste-G after getting Haste2-G or is it better to equip Haste2-G over the first one

Western Australia, Australia

1: We throw the Potion to remove it from our slots since Potions are not needed in Beginner and makes menuing more convenient. 2: Having the gun equipped does not slow down the mission it is highly recommended to use to prevent dying on HB2/EOTW gummi missions not putting a gun on only makes gummi menus slightly faster. 3: Having both equipped I personally do not believe it makes a difference.

Virginia, USA

In addition to what Sally's mentioned, I'll clarify about the gummi ship pieces.

The only reason not to use a gun and/or to leave Haste-G on is due to optimal menus. For example, I don't put a gun on until the second gummi menu because then I don't have to move back across the cockpit in the piece selection menu, saving two inputs overall. Gummi menus are all about doing whatever's comfortable for you while still being optimal, so don't worry too much about the pieces.


thanks for the reply you guys.

i see so its more or less down to personal preference. i've only run beginner so far and i think the gummi missions are more fun without a gun.

i understand why one could need a gun on proud though, especially on HB2/ETOW xD

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(FM PS2) New Cutscene Skip Patch + Category!

Hey everyone,

About a month ago, sh2_luck released a patch for the Original PS2 Versions of Kingdom Hearts 1 that allowed for cutscenes to be skipped. Final Mix PS2 support was not included in the previously released patch version, but as of this release version Final Mix PS2 is now supported!


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