United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Y'all need to chill, half of you running your mouth about framerate, pausing, resolution change, do ANY of you run this damn game? Do you ACTUALLY understand the difference in the framerates? People are changing their resolutions, like Orch for example, because they may only get a mix of 110-116 during a boss fight, that 4-10 FPS makes a difference running at 120, so they change it.

Don't like 120 runs? Don't watch them. Don't think that 120 FPS is fair? Show me your video, of you doing a 60FPS run, and getting under 59 minutes, because i can tell you right now that that's possible, knifing bosses saves about a minute for each boss by my calculations, roughly. That's 3 minutes. Current record for 120 is 54:45, so thats just under 58 infact. but evidently none of you have put enough time into running this game yet to achieve that, so why the big fucking problem starting?

The mods have told you so. many. times. this ISNT concrete. The games only been out two weeks, there will be more DLC, more patches, more skips, i mean shit we nearly routed out knives for the final boss the other day because we thought it might be faster, then none of you will even HAVE this problem. Have some patience and stop harassing the mods and streamers about framerate, resolution, this, that. You're acting like children, and although not certain, im pretty sure you're not children. So start acting like adults, show some respect and just chill out.

120 and 60 split will most probably be the case down the line anyway, because nobody seems to be happy. And by nobody i mean anyone running 60fps.

xGrenadier, uhTrance そして 5 その他 これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Yeah uh, not sure what 1970s intel CPU you're using with it's onboard graphics, along with a hard disc from the paleolithic era, but that's not really how slowing down a game works in my mind, but i entertained it and gave it a try, my PC has a lot of power to it, so i swapped the game over to a dying HDD, de-overlocked my system, loaded up nearly every program i've got in the background, and had 50 of those 10 hour youtube videos open, as well as netflix that i was actually watching, all on google chrome, and just to stress my CPU out even more i recorded it locally too, game ran fine, no graphical glitches no loading errors, nothing.

Plus, i could be wrong, but downloading and uploading will both have no effect on your systems loading times, that's your internet speed, unless you're streaming the game over wifi from another device.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

So... you're literally agreeing with the fact it shouldn't be one category that's capped at 120, so why not just add two categories, 60, and 120. I can wholeheartedly say people are not going to request the difference between 120 and 144. If they want above 120, they can go run variable OoB. All 120 allows us to do is use our knife strats, 60 is normal gameplay. I really don't see the issue with having those two categories, but oh well. You're not keeping everyone happy, you can't it's impossible. But i feel like you're ignoring and displeasing a lot more people not adding two categories rather than forcing one. Decisions are in your hands, so do with it what you will, I tried, at least.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Knife isn't crazy broken on 120, I feel like that's how the knife should work in actuality. Even in RE3 if you hit the slash right you could hit multiple hitboxes or enemies with one hit, 60fps cant do that but 300+ FPS breaks the knife

Ratslul これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

I have done so much research on this game, I know the Leon A route off by heart, and I can tell you if you put 60 and variable together, 60 are already 2:30-3 minutes behind variable, just because of bosses. I've just done more tests for bosses on 60fps vs variable.

Birkin 1 takes 20-30 extra seconds, but is still doable with one knife Birkin 2 one cycle requires you to get the flamethrower, meaning you have to stop and get the extra pouch (20-25 seconds), or bank, and pick up the flamethrower (another 20-30 seconds) Birkin 3 is IMPOSSIBLE to one cycle on 60fps, the only plausible way to do it is with the magnum and it's attachments, so thats another 3 minutes to pick those up, AND having to adjust inventory for the 3 extra slots

The answer is staring everyone in the face here, variable is bad, 60fps is slow, give people the middle ground where bosses don't become just an ammo dump. Make it 60/120 separate categories.

Usokkithetree, KhecaiTheGayGuy, そして Scarfaceproduct これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Here, I performed an actual recorded test for you all to show you why variable is a bad idea for any category at all I did the test on Birkin 3 on his knife sweet spot, i waited until he was fully on the ground after shooting the eyes to avoid inconsistency, these results are averages of 3 tests for each FPS category.

350fps 6- Slashes broke the knife 300fps 6- Slashes broke the knife 270fps 7- Slashes broke the knife 250fps 7- Slashes broke the knife 220fps 7- Slashes broke the knife 200fps 8- Slashes broke the knife 170fps 9- Slashes broke the knife 144fps 10- Slashes broke the knife 120fps 11- Slashes broke the knife 60fps 12- Slashes performed, knife didn't break, boss got up

The difference? Huge. Not just because of slashes, but the fact that a knife can break in about 5/6 slashes on 350 fps, that takes about 3.3 seconds, the boss stays down for like 10 seconds. The time it takes to break the knife is therefore increased in time relative to the number of slashes. If 350 fps can break a knife that fast, an even better PC which I don't have available can break the knife in what, 2-3 slashes?

Everyone going on saying variable is a good idea? it's not, it's really not. That's asking for the game to be unfair, and heck I've been running it at variable. The boards were so almost the best they had been. If you're only having one category, I guess you're either going to leave it at variable until it's a big problem as I've demonstrated, or you'll cap it at 60fps, displeasing people who want to play above 60 but removing that risk.

Solution? Just combine what me, cursed and Liv has been saying, have two FPS categories, Liv has made a good argument for why 120 is good. And I'm not an ass, I can see some people want to play 60fps, and that's fine too. So just make two categories, 60, and 120. That way people can apply different routes and knowledge to both FPS locks, and nobody will have an unfair advantage.

People don't want to use an external program to cap FPS because they can't do it in game? Run 60fps category. People willing to download something to cap it, or do it in game, run 120. Then it will be players choice, you're still keeping the game accessible to newcomers not having to download a cap program, and you're keeping the rest who want to run higher FPS happy too.

Waifu, KhecaiTheGayGuy, そして Scarfaceproduct これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

There are differences of opinions everywhere, and theres nothing we can do to please everyone here.

In my opinion, NG+ will be nowhere near as popular as RE7 NG+, i know like 10 people who actually touched RE7 NG, myself included, but as soon as the boards were open hundreds of runs flooded into NG+. RE2 is different, i haven't seen anyone practicing a NG+ run.

As for variable and 60 still, i think it's for the best but it will clutter the boards, and i still think variable should be changed to 120 or 144 capped, that allows for consistency in the knife strats, but not overkill. I have a good PC, I can finish bosses with a knife at insane speed, but if I upgraded to an i9-9980Xe and a 2080Ti, overclocked everything to shit, literally nobody would keep up with me purely because everything is happening so much faster, at 350fps i tested last night i can kill Birkin 3 in like, 22 seconds vs the current 39 second strat. Thats for one boss, people have reported chartacters move faster, things pick up quicker and enemies respond to shots quicker too.

60 and 120/144 is the nicest "fair" playground. Variable is asking for pay 2 win.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Im kinda on board with this actually, except rather than moving it to it's own leaderboard on this page, maybe we can add it to category extensions? That would give us a clean regular game board for Standard/Hardcore-Scenario-Framerate, and then the out of bounds could just be considered an extension of gameplay, much like bonus weapons?

Jud これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Before we routed out the first hip pouch for Leon A standard, we didn't use the item box at all anyway, so ya, pointless category unfortunately

uhTrance これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Its the steam overlay, it disables mouse. Just open overlay again and it fixes it.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

You're speedrunning for speed, if you want to play in full HD glory, you play the game normally. Lord knows you're not looking at the scenery when you're barely in a room for 30 seconds.

I played all scenarios in full graphics first, i had my enjoyment, now I want to do it fast, VHS, Betamax, or even Commodore 64 graphics, they're irrelevant if it makes things go faster.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

it's keeps a lot more people happy, but i'd still say make it 60/120, or even 60/144 or something, variable can still cause problems in it's own way.

Sure you've got to be good to compete, but someone can be good, and then also have that super PC that will insta-kill bosses.

mackmcd そして Scarfaceproduct これを好き
United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

I have just downloaded and tried Rivatuner like trance suggested, and I have told Steven, the program successfully overrides RE2 variable setting and locks my framerate at whatever i want. 40, 70, 120, 121, you name it.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Whats the big issue with a third party program? Livesplit is third party and it helps runners, SRT reading in game boss and character HP is an external program that helps runners, whats peoples problem with using a frame limited, it's no different to half the stuff we already use.

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

The evident situation here, is we all have different computers, we can all run at different frames. The boards will look cluttered, like RE2, but you'll please everyone, so add variable to the boards i guess.

Whatever you do, some people are going to be unhappy. FPS made a difference in RE7, same as RE2, higher FPS made multihits with the axe easier, and the run in the end was coming down to seconds between the top few runners. My old PC I couldn't get the frames needed to get those hits, so i was out of record runnings already, but nobody cared, why? Because all the big runners could make those frames, and after everyone left it didn't matter

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Naw im not saying people who dont know how to optimize are going to leave, im saying 95% of people are going to leave, regardless of if they have a NASA computer or a potato

United KingdomXTerminator5 years ago

Okay, I have done extensive testing on this, like more than anybody on here I'm willing to bet.

In response to what Steven said, the game CAN be capped at 120, it can also be capped at 144. If you set your refresh rate to 119.98Hz or 144Hz and switch on Vsync, the game will auto lock the FPS at 120 and 144 respectively, and obviously we already have 30 and 60 FPS.

Now the knife is the most temperamental thing, I have done extensive testing at 30, 60, 120, 144, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 FPS. After each increment, the knife IS better, it hits more hitboxes per frame, and deals more damage, in turn, it breaks faster. This difference is NOT variable in large differences, the 30 frames between 30 and 60 make. a. difference. The test between 120 capped and 144 capped also acted differently, a simple 24 frames provided like, 5% faster knife breakage on the same hits, sure it's only like 5%, but 5% per 24 frames is a lot. 350FPS was a fucking shit show, i can break 4 knives in the time it takes to break 1 on 30fps.

Now here is the thing, if you cap it, you're displeasing the masses of us that have a computer powerful to get way more frames and run faster, if you don't cap it, you're displeasing the slightly smaller group of people who for some reason still have windows 98 or whatever it is that stops them from at least pushing 120.

Solution? Cap it at 120. If your PC in 2019 can't handle 120 frames, its time for an upgrade, and those few people are in a small group. And for those saying you can't get 120, turn all your settings to low, close the 50 tabs on google chrome, and you'll get 120. People saying they don't want to affect the quality of the game at a cost of running, don't run, you're playing to be fast here not look at something pretty. People didn't run RE1 because it looked nice, they run it because they enjoyed the game and wanted to compete fast.

120 is the middle ground, it is cappable, allows for everyone to do the same strats, its easily achievable with the average computer. If you cap it at 60 you're handicapping the run from the start, and basically just upsetting a lot of us. Especially people who have been routing since it came out and now have sub-1 hour, 59 or even 58.

If a group of say 10 people come along and say "hey i can't get 60fps on my game, you should cap it at 30" are we going to do that? Probably not, because that is a small group of people.

If this is going to be another RE7, we're going to have a few hundred people "running" this game. They'll submit once or twice, wont get under an hour or 1:10, and they'll leave, just like RE7. Then you'll have a leaderboard full of people who run it once and left, and you'll have the few people actually trying to run the game professionally stuck at 60fps, who arguably will all have the equipment necessary to get 120fps, like streamers.

United KingdomXTerminator6 years ago

Ressing dead thread, well all of REV2 is dead but ive reuploaded my Invis runs, i remember we deleted the categories and i just found out theyre back

United KingdomXTerminator6 years ago

Im not sure about the practicality of this particular OoB though, unless you can somehow drop right down to ethan (i think thats the area youre at). What i am interested in however is if it is exclusive to that moment or if you can OoB in different levels of where the elevator is, then its possibly a major timesave if you can clip back in

United KingdomXTerminator6 years ago

Languages yeah arent too much faster, just that one second, but one second is one second, forget not snooze melon here took the NG easy record by 2 seconds, 1 second can make a difference!

LoanSharkJoe, Melonturtle そして 3 その他 これを好き
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