スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Over my dead body!

Legit tho, I welcome more Duo Runs. They're often times more involved than solo ones.

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

I agree with the zebra man, the jukes dude, and FlapChunks from nintendo.

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

For gear to be put in the "Exclusive" Category it has to be BOTH advantageous AND exclusive:

If its advantageous without exclusion, its like any other weapon or gear in the game and is free to be used.

If its exclusive without being advantageous, then you're just complaining about something cosmetic that affects literally no-one.

[b]BUT if its advantageous AND exclusive, then you have a completely unbalanced playing field since new runners lack the access to said advantage[b]

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

To get the "perfect" sparrow launch you need to strafe between 10-14 frames after your character first starts the "dismount" animation. Less than 10 will either kill you or not boost you at all, and more than 14 won't damage you at all and will give you a shitty "half-boost"

JukesAndStuff これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Dude its no problem. TBH its kinda a shitty challenge for speedruns.

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

It IS possible: Sorry its so long and boring and awful

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Its 100% possible, but Its definitely not easy. I'll be posting a video of my (non-optimized) route very soon. Anything that is ¤not¤ "the floor" is fair game. A reminder: Staircases, taken puddles, rubble that lies along the doorways, and anything that lies on and covers a portion of the floor are perfectly safe to land on. If you guys feel like there needs to be a penalty for touching the ground, I think tacking on 5 seconds is a fair penalty, but its up to y'all. Jackie, If you're talking about the hallway after the taken phalanxes and fallen fighting eachother, it ¤IS¤ possible with the rubble along the walls.

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Yeah the way that its split is fine and honestly... unless SRL comes around on a weekly basis, the gear is not reliably attainable for newcomers.

Zeee これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago


スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

I had the idea of "The Floor is Lava". You're not allowed to touch the ground and you have to hop from scenery object to object (e.g. rocks, lamps, bulidings and such. Sparrows wouldn't be allowed of course

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Holy shit this is an awesome idea. I've been super busy cuz of a new job but i'll hella run this

xJackieBx これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

See the issue with banning things like this is that it slowly picks away at and limits the speed of the game. Speedrunning is about two things, doing a task as fast as possible, and having fun. (I know it sounds fuckin cheesy but its true) If one of those things is not met, I don't think that's cool. If people are put at a disadvantage in the leaderboard they wanna run, that's not fun and we can't have that. HOWEVER, if we are making it so that runners can't get times that are fast enough to the fullest feasable potential of the game, that's not cool either. <- THIS is why we made a separate category. Its a Win:Win and to be honest, I think people need to just accept it. There is NOTHING unfair about having an SRL category. It harms nobody and its a positive gain for the community. I'm getting very tired of defending it hundreds of times. Just accept it as it is.

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Jackie, we're using a fair category system right now. SRL runs aren't on the same leaderboard as non-srl. Theres a double-standard with this situation and it sucks dick. I've got an explanation that I think covers the topic pretty well and why the system is fair:

If people can no longer get srl gear, its totally unfair to those who missed SRL. It puts them at a massive disadvantage and de-incentivizes certain players. BUT, its ALSO unfair to immediately make runs that use SRL gear illegitimate. Using SRL Gear makes the game reach its current fastest potential. SO, The 2 categories method is all positives between the two with no reasonable negatives. SRL gear doesn't need to be banned. Nor does it need to be on the same leaderboard as non-srl gear. No two categories are taking the backseat or spotlight. I think that's pretty fair.

Zeee これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Jackie, dude, I've been talking with zecora, he's agreed to the changes, he's been nothing but respectful since then, and honestly he's acknowledged that he's been super argumentative about the topic and he's even apologized to me about it. I understand that there was a bit of a shit-flinging contest recently but right now appealing to remove zecora isn't super productive. I'm really calling it like I see it right now, and right now it feels like you're on a bit of a witchunt jackie. Everyone, including me has gotten wrapped up and heated in the argument but currently things are cooling off.

In response to #10 of ozotuh's post, 2 of the 3 "runners" on that post are not actual runners. Pretzl doesn't run destiny, and thedickriderJP has never played destiny once in his life. I can confirm that thedickriderJP is actually just an account that was created (roughly 4 days ago) to stir up trouble.

YUMmy_Bacon5 そして Zeee これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Dude this is getting ridiculous at this point. Theres no reason to remove the category.

Look at it this way, Banning the helmet and removing the category creates a problem anyone that runs that category or wants the game to be as fast as humanly possible. However, having an SRL gear category in place negatively affects literally ZERO people.

Theres no negatives to having an SRL category. Its literally a solution to both sides' viewpoints with literally no compromises. And furthermore, why should anyone remove a category because "its retarded"? If anything's retarded its your choice to defend your post with an opinion rather than any actual reason, froggy. I'm getting pretty damn tired of people stirring up shit about this topic for no reason. The system that is now in place is fair, all inclusive, and isn't visually obstructive to the front page. Theres zero reason to change it.

Zeee これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Hey Nick! Welcome to the community, man. If you're on PS4, feel free to hit me up on PSN. PMs are broken at the moment, but you can just add me or message me or whatever. My PSN is Cleverusernombre. I can also introduce you to my buddy jukes, he's one of the few active PS4 IL runners at the moment

スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Done and done.

xJackieBx これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Alright, let's reel this shit-flinging contest back in. Keep it respectful.

xJackieBx これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

At the moment, the current FP isn't cluttered, even with the extra category there. I was the dude who cleaned up the FP a few months back, I get how shitty it looked back then.

PrettzL これを好き
スレッド: Destiny
Oregon, USACleverUsername7 years ago

Yes, we have looked at the filter, however for some its not enough. We'd rather just have separate solo categories, its easier and more fair that way

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