Categories for Baba Is You
5 years ago
California, USA

We should probably get a naming convention down pretty soon in addition to establishing which categories will be ran and their rules.

I'm thinking End% (or Baba is End) means to the end screen with flowers after A Way Out?, and 100% is, of course, 100%. Obviously each category would have a no glitches/no-NGG/anything goes.

What do y'all think?


Why End"%". If you have a 100% it makes more sense to do an Any% category.

There will probably be an All Clears/All Flowers category too but, atm we don't really have enough info to know what could be considered as completion/percentage runs (All Clears/All Flowers/All Levels/100% etc.) unless you've already completed the game :p.

Imo, it's cool to have the categories named according to the achievements but I don't think it would be really clear unless each category is bound to an achievement with a meaningful name ("Baba Is End" for Any% & "Baba Is All" for 100%).

And if we make the categories name according to the game, we could make subcategories "Is Glitch" and "Not Glitch", even if I don't really think if there will be a point for glitched runs for other categories than Any%.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

I like the names Baba is End and Baba is All, but I feel like it would be easier to convey what they are by just using the standard conventions of Any%, Any% Glitchless, and 100%. Or it could be Any%, Any% NG+, 100%, where we consider the new game glitch to be a sort of new game plus. That way, if it gets patched out, the main category of Any% wouldn't be patch-specific.


Anyway, "Baba Is End" and "Baba Is All" are the only names which could work for categories so if we make any other categories (e.g All Clears/All Flowers), it would not make sense to have some "Baba Is Xxx" mixed with regular categories.

It could be nice but definitely not very convenient (and not to everyone's taste).

United States
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

We were also thinking about adding ILs for every level with clear/all levels(or whatever other name) subcats

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