Adding brutal doom official maps
6 years ago

Hi everyone, i'm here to convince you to add the official brutal doom maps. Since last year, Sgt.Mark.IV , the creator of brutal doom, made a 32 maps pack for doom 2. Those maps gonna be include with brutal doom, for now, it's call "brutal doom hell on earth starter pack". So why don't include them on brutal doom category ? After all, there are very interesting in terms of speedrunning. I record 3 videos for the 3 chapter, and it have rocket jumps, technical jump, level skip..... (you can found those videos on youtube by searching "brutal doom starter pack speedrun")

Thanks for reading !


I never played it but it looks okay so far. I second this. I saw you run it on UV so you might aswell ask for an UV category as most people here run on Wussy difficulty for the fastest completion time possible. I will probably ask for an UV category for each IWADs in the future because Wussy is for pussies tbh.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

yeah, doom runs have to be in UV, but I understand is some players don't want to try hard too much for this map pack. Even in easy, it still difficult.

Centre, France

Hello ! We have set the difficulty version on Wussy for the fastest completion possible, but if needed i can add UV aswell (but it's waaay harder on BD that on Vanilla) For the starter pack, i'll be adding it aswell

Centre, France

Added, after some time but i don't have much time to do things on the leaderboard, sorry, and i changed the way the leaderboard works by letting you play any version of the game


I never runned but isn't the starter pack very long, something around 45-50mn? Spliting it into 3 episodes would be better imo

Centre, France

Dunno, never played the starter pack, i assumed it would be built like TNT, Plutonia or Doom 2


I assume the starter pack is 30-ish levels aswell with 3 differents episodes but afaik the levels were made with jumping in mind. It is then safe to say that there isn't a single cheap cut which lets you finish a level in mere seconds like the older WADs (E4M3...) and that's why it would take much longer to finish. Just my two cents though, I can't be sure of that.

Centre, France

Yeah you probably have a point but if it’s like that then i don’t think it’s a good idea to split it into episodes since you get to keep your weapons and health between episodes

And i don’t really mind having a longer category to run ^^


Sorry, I didn't know that you were able to keep your inventory in between episodes: I've always thought it was somewhat like Scythe. But it does make sense to have a single category for this if that's the case, even if it is way too long for me... :p

Centre, France

Oh yeah forgot about scythe, i assumed you get to keep your weapon between but you don’t you’re right !

I guess i will just play the starter pack and if we keep our weapons then i’ll keep with the initial rules, and if not, i’ll change it

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