Single Game Victory - Rules and Categories
6 years ago
Florida, USA

I would like to propose a "Single Game - Custom Teams" run. It would basically be "how fast can you hit the slaughter rule", but it is a much faster run.

In turn, I would like to have "No Custom Teams or Players Allowed" added to the rules of the current Single Game category. If it isn't expressly listed, it is begging to be abused, and it is very easy to 10-0 a scrubbed team with a monster very quickly.

RantronBomb likes this

I added a new category for custome teams. I see that I added the rule "no custom teams/players" to the league category but forgot to add it to the single game category. I will fix that.

SchmidttyGames likes this
Florida, USA

It really just begged me to do the run I did. Thank you for the new category. I hope others will take it on and beat my time. :)

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