help with auto splitter
1 year ago

help with the auto splitter for this game otherwise it doesn't fucking work

United States

Aight- Specify what exactly is the problem. Saying there is one wont help pinpoint the issues. Is it bit starting, not splitting etc.

The general gist: If it isnt starting, you need to select the game in Edit splits, go to settings and select what you are doing in terms of campaign etc.

It could also be your copy of the game could be causing the issue. Certain regions can do as such, however, it seems to be working for US, UK and JP versions at the very least

Zygalovd_YT likes this

although the very essence is that somehow I did not change the settings of the auto splitter, namely, I changed it to on barry and to full game & DLC and tried another auto splitter Rev_2_IGT_Script (1).asl

United States

So it was already on those settings when you tried to use it?

If so, is it just not splitting for you?

United States

Don't use "Rev_2_IGT_Script (1).asl", by the way. This is one I made way back which doesn't autosplit (you have to manually split) and only tracks IGT, not load removed like we use on the leaderboard. You definitely wanna use the one built into LiveSplit and make sure you do not have any ASL file in your layout.

All you should have to do is make sure you have clicked this "Activate" button

Click "Settings" here

Then check the appropriate option for you here

And make sure, in particular, your Layout Editor has no "Scriptable Auto Splitter" item in it. If it does, remove it.

The most frequent way autosplitters don't work for people is because they're running both the built in one and one through their layout, which causes conflicts and other buggy behavior, if it even functions at all. If it's not working after doing all this, it could be you have a version which is incompatible with the ASL, as Soulless said earlier. If that's the case and it's the actual Steam version of the game, we should be able to get the script updated to support it. However, if it's a cracked/pirated version (no judgement here if it is), we won't be able to.

United States

Seems like it could be a game version issue then. I know deagle at least got it to run just fine on his and I can check to see if it runs fine on my end later on.

If so, IGT can be used for both with and without loads if nothing else is wrong with vod etc for the time being due to it.

Then can see what can be done in terms of the splitter at a later date


Hi, What are "ASL Var Viewer" and how it works please ?

United States

It's a livesplit add on that allows you to display any of the variables or addresses named in the ASL file on the actual splits display. I hate having extra shit up when I'm running, so I use this instead of an SRT (I also cannot stand the look of the usual SRT program everyone uses, it's so bulky, overbearing, and ugly)

0_yami_0 likes this

Thanks, I will try it !

deserteagle417 likes this
United States

Yea, it's really nice for a lot of small things like that.

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