Suggestion for Leaderboard Organization
7 years ago
New York, USA

Hey everyone, I wanted to suggest a new way to present the leaderboard for this game. Right now the individual story are treated as individual level runs but I think it would be better if everything was together. When I first checked the leaderboard I didn't even know that people ran individual stories. The best way to do this, would be to make 6 main categories with sub categories. It would be each individual story, all stories, and 100%. The sub categories would be Story Deck, User Deck, (w/ Banlist and w/out) and Reverse Duels. It might be a little hard getting all sub categories/variables in the right places, but once done I think it would be a way nicer leaderboard.

New York, USA

While they certainly aren't "full-game" runs I don't see why we can't put everything in one place, it just makes it easier to find everything. I would certainly want the changes you suggested if we can't put everything in one place but we certainly can. We can change "Full-Game Leaderboard" to just Leaderboard. For example, see how Sonic Adventure 2 has their leaderboard: I would want something like this. I don't really see how the different stories in this game would have to be separated as ILs. Of course it depends what others think, thoughts anyone?

New York, USA

Fair enough, out of curiosity can you not make the sub categories for the level leaderboard like you did for full game? Thank you for the changes you did make though looks nice.

New York, USA

So you have a sub category/variable you choose from between story deck and user deck. Then you choose between banlist or no banlist under user deck only. Finally between normal or reverse. Something like this maybe? If you don't like that then maybe make just normal or reverse duel a sub category.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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