"Videos only"
9 years ago
New York, USA

I submitted two runs for the same category in something because I had two times, the best without a video, and then submitted the other that had a video. When I checked the videos only, my run that had the video wasn't there. I don't know if there is a glitch or something, but I think it would be better if you could have a run without video on the primary boards but still be able to have the time with video on the video only section too.

Gelderland, Netherlands

most of the times when you submit a run you need to have the video as a verification and its required to add to get the run past submission (indicated with a ¤). maybe your run without the vid never was really submitted. as for only the run with video will be on the leaderboard


New York, USA

I'm a mod on the boards, so the one without the video is up there, just not when the videos only filter is checked off

Gelderland, Netherlands

then i have no clue atm. i was half asleep while writing the other post and now im like 3/4 asleep. maybe someone else knows


Bavaria, Germany

Sounds like a bug; I've made a note of it, will check it out when I can.

Virginia, USA

it seems to me like you put your time w/o the video as the better. and since its already on, the board cant demerit your time to a slower one. maybe if you were to check on your profile under obsolete runs, it may be there. this is all speculation, no guarantee.

Bavaria, Germany

This has been fixed.

Meaning if you have a 2h run with video and a 1h run without video: If video only is checked the 2h run will show up, if video only is unchecked the 1h run will show up.

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