100% guide (October 2022)
100% guide (October 2022)
Aggiornato 1 year ago di Ga_Sprite_PowKk

This is my new updated guide and I'm going into details and how to run this category. We'll see the new route, cash runs, etc.


I strongly recommand to use my splits to have an idea on the route and etc. If you know where the collectbles are, it's not going to be very confusing/hard to know where to drive at.

Some basic knowledges:

Map of all the collectibles (not including Fixer's Contract): ** https://imgur.com/a/GlhPVSj **

Chess (Path) solutions at Parker Square: ** https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265435423 **

List of the songs and where to get them: #Songs

Brandon Docks :

Bar (Money machine) (not useful for the run):

Never Again Simplify You Burnt Me

Coffee Shop (chessboard game) (not useful for the run):

Cluj Napoca Funeral Singers

Restaurant (not useful for the run):

Alarm Clocks Dance My My My


The Loop :

Coffee Shop (chessboard game West) (useful during A1M4 - Backseat Driver):

Cluj Napoca Funeral Singers

Coffee Shop #2/Coffee Shop #3 (chessboard game middle, and south one) (Cash Run here, number 6) :

Simplify Talk

Gun Shop (Cash Run here, number 5):

The Bottom Never Again Simplify

Lounge (poker) (not useful for the run):

Bright Idea Cluj Napoca High Class Slim Came Floatin' In

Restaurant 1/Restaurant 2 (North and South) (not useful for the run):

Talk Wake Up Sunshine


Mad Mile :

Bar (Money machine) (not useful for the run):

Going Down High

Coffee Shop (Chessboard game West) (not useful for the run):

Cluj Napoca Funeral Singers

Gun Shop (not useful for the run):

The Bottom Never Again Simplify

Restaurant (not useful for the run):

Going Down High


Parker Square :

Bar (Money machine) (not useful for the run):

Alarm Clocks Dance My My My

House (poker) (not useful for the run):

My My My You Burnt Me

Coffee Shop (chessboard game) (not useful for the run):

Funeral Singers Lost Boys

Gun Shop (not useful for the run):


Pawnshop (Cash Run here, number 1):

Dance Wake Up Sunshine You Burnt Me


Pawnee (not useful for the run):

Bar (drinking game)

Never Again

Gun Shop (not useful for the run):

Never Again Simplify You Burnt Me

Medecinal house (?) (not useful for the run):

Awake Funeral Singers Talk


The Wards :

Coffee Shop (chessboard game) (not useful for the run):

You Burnt Me

Gun Shop/Pawnshop (Cash Runs here, number 20):

Out To Lunch (Feat. The Kid Daytona) Where The Sidewalk Ends


It also exist 3 other songs that you can only get on pedestrians :

Blvck And Withe Dark Steering Ms. Crumby ub-55

#The Cash Runs

The Cash Runs, named and numbered:

  1. Future Blume / 31. For The Portfolio
  2. Bike (A3M3) / 29. Briefcase 5
  3. Briefcase 4 / 27. QR Final
  4. Plain Sight / 25. Bider7&No Turning
  5. ctOS Breach 2 / 23. Bider 5
  6. Bider 4 / 21. By Any Means
  7. Pawn Shop W / 19. Bider 3
  8. Briefcase 3 / 17. Brandon
  9. ctOS Breach 1 / 15. Briefcase 2
  10. Bider 2 / 13. Bider Final
  11. Bider1&Clara&Pawnee / 11. Criminal Convoy 1
  12. Train / 9. Ambrose
  13. Prison / 7. Hacking
  14. Coffee Shop L / 5. Gun Shop L
  15. Bunker / 3. Briefcase 1
  16. Ghost of past / 1. Pawn Shop PS

I numbered them, like that I don't name them anymore during runs but of course you can name them. I also added a "TP(the number of the cash run you're going to teleport to)↓(Mission or collectibles before teleporting)" in my splits to know which cash run I have to use.

"But where and when do I create them???" Fear not. I will explain here:

This is going to be straight forwarded and maybe schematized, it'll also give some ideas on the route too (I'm lazy to write EVERYTHING, so yeah)

  1. The cash run (Pawn Shop PS) is going to be made after failing They can't Hide, get the song and create the cash run and follow on to the city hotspots and etc.

  2. The cash run (Ghost of Past) is going to be made after the Weapon Trade, finish the Private Intrusion and create it while going to the ctOS Breach.

  3. Create it on the way to Big Brother, here's a little drawing on where you'd do it → ** https://imgur.com/a/CmvdmBQ **

  4. Create it just like in the Any% run. But you have to take different route before that because of collectibles and stuff. Still create it at the same place as in the Any% run.

  5. You create it just after finishing Foresight, not that hard.

  6. You create it after the ctOS Breach and getting the City Hotspot. Of course don't forget to pick the song there.

  7. After finishing Backstage Pass, go straight and create the Cash Run as soon as possible.

  8. After teleporting back to the "Hacking"/number 7 Cash Run, take the same route as in the Any% run and create the Cash Run.

  9. Create it after getting the following City Hotspots → (get Ambrose and the one behind the news stand) and do the 2 other ones, to then teleport back and start Open your World. It's also going to be used after finishing Rat's Lair.

  10. Create it just like in Any%. After taking the Train.

  11. Create it on the way to Remember. Create it just as where that City Hotspot is if you know where it is.

  12. You create that one after the ctOS Breach, create it at that City Hotspot.

  13. You create it after taking the train to Not the Pizza Guy and getting the two City Hotspots, you can also do the Private Intrusion there.

  14. You create that one after finishing Dressed in Peels and getting that Private Intrusion. You do it at the NVZN mini game that you can see on the map.

  15. You create it after getting the City Hotspot, just here → ** https://imgur.com/a/laR9yxL **

  16. You create it after finishing Tools of the Trade, teleport to the train and fast travel to the bottom train of Brandon. Then create the Cash Run where you fall down (like in the Any% run when taking that train)

  17. You create the Cash Run just like in Any%. At that parking lot here → ** https://imgur.com/a/6vcsDFi **

  18. After finishing Collateral, drive up to this location → ** https://imgur.com/a/ZYmwQ5X ** and create the Cash Run

  19. Create that Cash Run after taking the City Hotspot (right next to the Wards CC)

  20. After finishing Wards CC and getting the Private Intrusion, go to the Pawn Shop (there's a City Hotspot on the way, get it) and create a Cash Run.

  21. Just like in the Any% run.

  22. Create it after finishing the ctOS Tower, at the lift part.

  23. Create next to that pool, after taking that last City Hotspot here. It's at that big building → ** https://imgur.com/a/LG1PJl5 **

  24. Create it on the way to the Mad Mile CC. It's next a Cash Run minigame on the map here → ** https://imgur.com/a/T3HXHtv **

  25. Just when you finish Mad Mile CC, create the Cash Run just like in Any%.

  26. Create it like in Any%. Don't forget that City Hotspot on the way to that location.

  27. After the Private Intrusion and those 2 City Hotspots, create it next to the next mission.

  28. After the ctOS Breach and the QR Code, take the route (like in Any%) and create a Cash Run around this area → ** https://imgur.com/a/YCRngyR **

  29. On the way to the QR Code (at the dam), create the Cash Run a street ahead of the Bider you just hacked.

  30. After cruising around for those City Hotspots, create that Cash Run where we do it like in Any%, just next to Hope is a Sad Thing.

  31. After Let's Play/Make a Deal started, exit the mission and get the City Hotspot and create a Cash Run.

  32. After the two City Hotspots was taken (and after the Serial Killer phonecall), create the Cash Run next to Pit of Paranoia.

If you have any questions, ask me and I'll put a FAQ section here (to help and answer others questions). But I doubt anyone will :(.

#Chess Solutions


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Ultime notizie
Default Timing Changed to LRT and PC/Console Split

Runs on the leaderboard are now timed with loads removed. The autosplitter is recommended to be used if you are running on PC to obtain the time with loads removed. Console runs will also be split from PC now because of this.

1 year ago
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