United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

Hi so my name is welcomin, I was introduced to speedrunnning in bedwars about three days ago and devised a way to get the Obtain a diamond record. I practiced it for a couple days and ended up being the third person to get a 10 second run. For some reason I am on the list for being fourth instead of third and my run was 10.26 seconds when the person in third place (for being first) is 10.45. Did I do something wrong so that I was moved down. Also another question, in the rules it says round to the nearest number and on my Ultimate Diamond Collection run I got 12.41 seconds but was given 13s when I see other people get 10.45 seconds and get counted for 10 seconds, and 11.45 seconds counted for 11 seconds. I would just like to be cleared up on a few things, Thank you very much.

Info su welcomin
3 years ago
3 years ago