discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

okay thank you for all your help!

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discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

okay cause flimsy verified mine and rounded it up so was just checking. Also are there rules against like copying other people run ideas? Such as paths or ways they sped up time or is it free game?

discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

Thanks for the help but would a 12.41 run make it to 12 seconds or am i tripping when it was verified for 13 seconds?

discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

oh i actually just edited the description didnt know it was deleted my bad, it says its pending again. Did not realize that when you edit the description it pends again.

discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

oh okay so it doesnt track that mine was 5 hours before. And it just goes into alphabetical if they were the same day. Thanks! Also do you know about the round to nearest number stuff because I would like to understand how 12.41 is not 12 but 11.45 or 10.45 is rounded to 11 or 10...?

discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

If they were by run date then I would be third as I did mine before the current third holder. And if it were alphabetical then I would also be third as there is a man with a Z to start and mine is a W.

discussione: Speedrunning
United Stateswelcomin3 years ago

Hi so my name is welcomin, I was introduced to speedrunnning in bedwars about three days ago and devised a way to get the Obtain a diamond record. I practiced it for a couple days and ended up being the third person to get a 10 second run. For some reason I am on the list for being fourth instead of third and my run was 10.26 seconds when the person in third place (for being first) is 10.45. Did I do something wrong so that I was moved down. Also another question, in the rules it says round to the nearest number and on my Ultimate Diamond Collection run I got 12.41 seconds but was given 13s when I see other people get 10.45 seconds and get counted for 10 seconds, and 11.45 seconds counted for 11 seconds. I would just like to be cleared up on a few things, Thank you very much.

Info su welcomin
3 years ago
3 years ago