IsraelOreo3213 years ago

If you moderators want to try them on this leaderboard.

Note - the images are in 540x96 resolution, and I have no idea how good or bad they will look after they will be resized to 180x32 (the maximum resolution for logos on the site).



Gaming_64, FairRodTheCapacitor e 4 Altri ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

A few weeks ago I created a segmented run of the classic Kitty map, with the turbo-bot. This is the theoretical best time for the map, as of now.

Gaming_64 piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

On my first playthroughs I ran the game in a single segment, without quitting to the main menu. Then, I discovered that if you quit to the main menu and then continue the game, you spawn back to the place you started the game at (near the church). This can be used as a convenient warp point to cut away walking between places.

What do you think, should runs be separated into 2 different categories - one with spawn warps and one without them (warpless)? Or with the discovery of spawn warps, runners shouldn't care about warpless runs in the first place?

Gaming_64 piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

Unlike YouTube, you can't see milliseconds data on a video, and the retiming tools posted around here only support YouTube, if I'm not mistaken. So on the one hand you can't see milliseconds or frame-advance on Twitch, but on the other hand, if I try to download videos from Twitch (to retime it on my computer), I often get broken videos.

I tried sites like "untwitch" or "keepvid", but often I get incomplete videos, or videos that skip some important portions of the run (like the very freaking start of it).

Gaming_64 e Bob-chicken ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

I refreshed a game page, and then the icons on the page took a long time to load, and then for some reason those icons showed up on the site header:


After refreshing the page again, the icons went back to normal. Did this happen to anyone else?

Gaming_64 e Pear ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

Each category was separated into glitched/glitchless, where "glitches" means summoning monsters to do some shortcuts.

In a 100% category, you must collect all coins. But if the shortcuts by using summons are involved, you skip many of those coins; so effectively those shortcuts can't be used anymore.

So I removed the category completely. No one ran it anyway so it's not a great loss. All 100% runs must be glitchless (or normal) from now on.

Gaming_64 piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

I did a run of the game way back in 2019-10-24, which is one day after the game was released on Kongregate site. I never bothered to try to request this game myself, because I was sure it was gonna be rejected for being too short.

Anyway, now when I'm trying to submit my run (with the date of 2019-10-24), I get the message "Please enter a date after the game was actually released.". I don't want to submit the run with a different, wrong date.

So, whatever the current "release date" is, can you please update it to be 2019-10-23, which is the date of release on Kongregate? This will solve my issue.

Gaming_64 piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

Sorry to bother you again. At first the game in NoaDev's site didn't work (turns out it was because of adblocker). So then I went to Kongregate and played the game there. Turns out, NoaDev made a new version of the game called "Mini Switcher: Extended", which exists on Kongregate and a few other sites, but not on their official site.

The differences between the two versions: there are still 30 levels in the "extended" version, their layout is very similar to the original levels, but were slightly changed to make it more friendly I guess. The extended version also allows you to reset levels during a speedrun, in the original game you can only restart levels on the non-speedrun mode. The changes make some levels shorter and some longer between the two versions.

I played in the "extended" version (haven't uploaded it yet), but noticed those version differences only after I did my speedrun. I will also play and run the original game too.

Link to the extended version: https://www.kongregate.com/games/NoaDev/mini-switcher-extended

grnts, Gaming_64, e WhatsFrog ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

I found that the mobile version of Robot Wants Kitty is also available to play on browsers, here: http://www.robotwantskitty.com/web/

Looks like the same as the mobile version, but tweaked slightly to support keyboard controls. I can't play on mobile, so having the option to use keyboard will be much more helpful.

(By the way, custom levels on the makermall are available in this version too. You just need to write http://www.robotwantskitty.com/web/?go=XXX , XXX being the level number)

EDIT: If playing the web version will be allowed, could you please add "web" as one of the platforms of the game? Thanks.

MountianKing, Gaming_64, e fnanfne ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago
  • categories with "%" sign next to arbitrary names is discouraged, because it doesn't convey the meaning of the category.
  • Usually, "Any%" means starting a new game from scratch, and finishing it as fast as you can, no matter the rating or upgrades bought along the way. So, what is right now called "New game%" should actually be "any%".
  • The current "Any%" category, which means doing levels 1 to 15 in an exist savefile with whatever progression, isn't really Any%. That is usually called "New Game+" or "NG+" for short.
  • "No abilities%" - restricting the use of spells can be applied to any% run or NG+ run; it is a constraint that doesn't depends on the game type. So, one option is to split the "no abilities" category into two categories - any% no abilities, or NG+ no abilities. Second option, is to make a sub-category into the other two main categories.

Same remarks for all the map pack categories as well.

Gaming_64 piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

After unlocking it, the speedrun mode does all the timing for you. Plus the in-game timer of the speedrun gives definitive proof against potential splices.

flashhh, grnts e 2 Altri ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

After unlocking it, the speedrun mode does all the timing for you. Plus the in-game timer of the speedrun gives definitive proof against potential splices.

Zanum, grnts e 2 Altri ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago
  1. Can we have a timing rules for individual days runs? When does the timer starts and ends, exactly? Also, is the moon part of day 4?

  2. I think the days shouldn't be defined as misc categories - they serve more like ILs, and maybe can be moves to IL leaderboard

  3. Can we have a variable or subcategory for specific scenarios for each day? You can't compare runs on different scenarios in the same day, like the Gas run of EZPiig and the locusts run of StevedaGiraffe. Some scenarios are inherently slower than the others.

Gaming_64, EZPiig, e plank ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

I saw that in the few runs doing this category, at the start of the level there is a regular crystal that "requires" you to fall with the cart as you collect it.

Instead, you can collect that crystal by holding right in addition to holding left - Croc will tilt very slightly to the right, and will manage to collect that crystal, without falling.

Will only save like 5-10 seconds though, but could be nice.

Gaming_64, Thermospore, e Paulmall ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

(The update notice has been updated. See my message below.)

Gaming_64 piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

Just a reminder for everyone to read the game rules before you submit runs. Mostly, runs must show the entire run, contain the audio and music from the game, and show the final time and deaths count in the credits.

Also, I added a new rule which comes in place from 2021-01-15: the coin count in the top-right side of the screen must also be visible during the run.

IsraelOreo3213 years ago

I watched several speedruns from the recent GDQ, and some of them use the term of Coyote jumps for... something. What does this term means in the general context of games/speedrunning? I don't think I encountered this term before.

Gaming_64 e Ivory ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

Due to recent questions about how "active runners" are defined, and also my previous definition is no longer correct, I decided to check and determine the definition for active runners once again. I don't know if the logic was changed recently, or if I did a mistake when trying to determine the logic previously, but whatever. Here is the current (correct) logic, at least while writing this post.

There are 2 counters for active runners:

Games list:

If you sort the games list by "most active" or "least active", you will see an active runners count for each game. This is the number of players that submitted at least one full-game run in the last 30 days. The number ignores IL runs.

Game statistics page:

In the "Statistics" page for each game, you can see a number next to the field "Number of currently active players". This name is misleading, as it has a completely different and unique logic from the previous counter. A more appropriate name would be "activity score".

The logic for the score is as follows: Each runner on the leaderboard gets a score between 0 and 1, based on the time elapsed since their most recent run (either full-game or IL run). This time is based on the "date" field, not submission or verification dates.

If the runner submits a run that happened right now, the score is 1. That score is gradually going down to 0 over the course of 100 days, with diminishing rate. A runner that has not submitted any run in the last 100 days, will get a score of 0.

Then, the score of all runners is added together to a total sum of activity scores, and then this number is round up to the ceiling integer. If you hover with the cursor on the number next to "Number of currently active players", you will see a tooltip with the exact total score before the rounding.


Runs without a video:

Interestingly, if the recent run of the runner doesn't contain an embedded video, the score is halved (starts from 0.5, and gradually going down to 0 after 100 days). That includes:

  • Runs with no video link at all, in leaderboards that allow this
  • Runs with an external link that is not embedded on the site (like YouTube or Twitch); those links can be for linking to a picture, a video in un-notable sites, Google Drive links, or something else.

Formula for the activity score:

I checked the activity score of several runs based on the time elapsed since the date of the run until today, and put it into a polynomial interpolation calculator. I can't know the exact formula, and I won't show here the 7-degree polynomial I found that seems to give a perfect fit, but a friendly approximation to the formula would be:

Score = 0.0001 X^2 - 0.02 X + 1 (Where X is the total days elapsed from the date of the run)

As I said, for runs without an embedded video the score is halved, so an approximation to their score is:

Score = 0.00005 X^2 - 0.01 X + 0.5

This is how the approximation formula looks like: https://i.imgur.com/eiLZ8w5.png

Gaming_64, YUMmy_Bacon5 e 14 Altri ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

Instead of things like "Today", "2 days ago", "3 months ago", etc, can I somehow change the notation of the displayed dates to the actual dates?

Edit: I know I can hover on the text of the date description, and the tooltip will show the date itself. But I was curious if there is a way to show all the dates at one glance.

Gaming_64 e ckellyspeedruns ti piace questo
IsraelOreo3213 years ago

First, I know this is not a browser cache issue.

When you update the trophy icons, the url to the new image has a new parameter for icon version, and it takes time for the site to use the new version parameter. But I'm curious, how long does it usually takes?

Specifically, I'm having issue with the game https://www.speedrun.com/hasty_shaman . At the time of writing this, you can see that only the 1st place trophy was updated (gold chest), the 2nd place trophy is still the original version.


I updated all trophy icons about 16 hours ago.

Gaming_64 piace questo
Info su Oreo321
Mathematician, web developer, and a 20+ years gamer. I mostly speedrun 2D adventure/puzzle platform games.
5 years ago
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