Dublin, IrelandLucylover1 year ago

This has been something as part of a discussion for a while now and I'm not sure if there was a post on this before (apologies if there was) but as I was talking to Furetto last night and SnakeSocom today, the idea of these runs do seem very interesting. I tested LAS Shotgun Only a while ago and it's very possible to defeat all bosses using only the shotgun. It's possible. I tested CBS SMG Only today and it is also possible.

If they were to become categories I think even from a viewer's standpoint it would be interesting to see. We never see the shotgun/SMG in speedruns, and also we don't see certain areas of the game but here we would. Shotgun only would be the only run that would require the runner to do the portable safe puzzle too and to use powder. Even deciding if shooting zombies in the legs instead of the head could be a strategic conundrum because it's a bigger time loss shooting that weapon, or just baiting enemies could be a choice. And killing them with headshots raises DA also. Or crippling a zombie for a freer pass later.

Even the original RE2 has categories such as shotgun only and bow gun only so I believe it makes perfect sense for the remake to honor this with the equivalent. Unfortunately grenade launcher only isn't possible. Another thing is that I don't think shotgun only is possible for B scenarios as there's less ammo and higher DA. So LAS 120 Shotgun Only and LAS 60 Shotgun Only are 100% doable runs.

I'm open to being corrected here but I think SMG Only is only possible on CBS because you can acquire the weapon before G1. In CAS this isn't the case I don't think. Now I finished a run of SMG Only just now and I really went on the hunt in every corner of the game and I finished the game with around 40-50 bullets left which is tight. But I do believe strats could become more advanced and more controlled. The fact is though that the runs are perfectly possible. CBS 120 SMG Only and CBS 60 SMG Only are possible.

If there are Handgun Only category extensions then I think it would be so cool to have these with identical rules to Handgun Only. So overall, 4 categories are just waiting to be made and ran. I would run these absolutely.

Perhaps we could get a vote going? I'd really appreciate it if the moderators could consider this with some seriousness as I believe it would be an interesting addition to the boards. If ultimately the votes decide against making these categories then I would be at least satisfied that this was voted on and put to bed.

Dark_Matter_ e SnakeSocom ti piace questo
Dublin, IrelandLucylover3 years ago

I was just hoping to submit this G2 tutorial? I've never submitted one before but I thought it would be helpful. For newcomers it could help

Bunnz piace questo
Dublin, IrelandLucylover3 years ago

Hey everyone, I appreciate you reading this.

So I wanted to make the proposal of introducing a category named Zoolander%. The only rule in the run is simple: you must disable your left key, so you cannot move left whatsoever (as per the gag from the film, 'Zoolander').

Holysoul has already made the same request in the forums of RE1 and RE3. With RE1 we only need 3 submissions for the category to be born. I already know Amai Fox will submit a run for this category, Holysoul plans on doing an RE2 Zoolander% run soon and I will be doing one on Monday for RE3.

I have been doing these meme runs for a while now in even the remakes and people seem very interested in watching/running the category. Even NikoHeart did a Zoolander% run yesterday of Alien Isolation.

I did a run of this two days ago and it was the first sub 1 hour for this type of run. As far as I know, this is the unofficial WR:

Again, I understand and respect the time and effort the moderators put in to keeping these classics alive. So I will take any criticism directed towards this proposal seriously.

Thanks a lot guys!

se3cret e Subsonix ti piace questo
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