United KingdomJetpackAwaaay3 years ago

Thanks, guess you actually get faster at doing that than playing pokemon! Deleting save is the real category.

United KingdomJetpackAwaaay3 years ago

Is the easiest way to reset to go into the options for save data in your switch home menu and delete the save data there, or is there a better way? Thanks.

discussione: Lara Croft GO
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay5 years ago

I think xbox controller is faster than mouse. Do you agree?

discussione: Sword Of Xolan
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay5 years ago

I'm just checking, but I don't see anything in the rules about using emulators. I assume they're OK? Wouldn't involve doing anything in the game that you can't do on a phone.

discussione: Sword Of Xolan
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay5 years ago

Don't forget that not all cards are strictly needed for any%. There may be others I don't know about cause I haven't completed the game yet, but the one that puts a "?" next to a hidden location inn each level isn't used at all in any% obviously.

discussione: Sword Of Xolan
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay5 years ago

Yeah, maybe. How many coins would you normally get on a 100 % playthrough, though? If 100 % also included every breakable, then you might get enough coins to just buy them.

discussione: Sword Of Xolan
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay5 years ago

I'm gonna run this game once I've beaten it. Probably start with any%, but I thought I'd give my opinion about what 100% would be.

I think it should be starting a new game (deleting all data) and then starting from level 1, collecting all cages and chests. Cards not allowed.

Any thoughts?

D.E.M.O. piace questo
discussione: Fallout 4
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay6 years ago

If you're a noob like me you may loadwarp away from the reactor in the Institute for it only to say "cannot fast travel from this time." Boooooo! This is known as "Mikulock". Nobody knows what causes it, not even Brongle, and he knows how to make every coverslide perfect every time. It goes away when you get faster, so is to do with how quickly you complete the run up to that point, is all we know.

But Jetpack, I hear you say, I'm like you and can't be bothered getting good. How do I still complete runs?

Well, do the run normal up to the Railroad split. Then, when you get to the door of the church, make a hard save in front of it. It's best to get your gun out or something, so it's easier to tell later if the loadwarp works.

Then do the run normally up to Mikulock. Make a quicksave, and load your save at the Old North Church. The location you're looking for when finding that save is "North End", to make life easier for you. Then do a loadwarp on that door. The timing for the loadwarp is completely different to the one in the institute, so just practise for a few mins and it's ez.

Once you've successfully loadwarped, clip back down into the Railroad HQ. If you don't have any more guns for clipping, don't worry - your pipe pistol from clipping before will still be on the ground.

Once you're in the Railroad HQ the run proceeds as normal (talk to Des and she'll say "Tom get us out of here"). Mikulock is gone and you can now fast travel again.

Brongle piace questo
discussione: The Site
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay6 years ago


Could I change to JetpackAwaaay (with the 3 a's in Awaaay) because I spelled it wrong when I signed up, and it's spelled with 3 a's everywhere else.


discussione: Fallout 4
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay6 years ago

An update to FO4 may come out, and the downpatcher hasn't been updated and the mega download has been taken down. Well, if this happens, get to v1.1.30 via this method. This method involves downloading more things, so takes longer, so is more of a last resort.

NOTE: As ever, this will only work if you own Fallout 4 on Steam. Sorry ye pirates.

STEP 1 - Open the Steam Developer Console a. Open Steam

b. If you already have access to the steam console, skip this step. If not, click the link below or copy and paste it into a browser: steam://nav/console

c. open the steam console by clicking the relevant tab next to your steam username.

STEP 2 - Download files a. Copy and paste the following code one line at a time into the console: download_depot 377160 377161 5902993248390078098 download_depot 377160 377162 7553907635122090419 download_depot 377160 377163 4142140134089715859

b. Steam will then start downloading all base game files except for voice and subtitle files. This is a big download full of unecessary stuff, which is why the downpatcher is preferential.

You can see the download progress in your normal download viewer in steam. The downloads will not appear as a "game" downloading, but you will notice a download speed is displayed, showing that Steam actually is downloading stuff. Wait until these downloads have finished - the download speed should change to zero.

NOTE: These downloads cannot be paused. Closing and reopening Steam will not continue the downloads. Therefore, Steam must remain open during these downloads.

STEP 3 - Backup Files a. Before we copy the downloaded files we need, make a backup of your current Fallout 4 game files in case you mess things up. Your current Fallout 4 game files are usually found in "C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout4" or similar.

You really only need to backup files we're replacing (see Step 4 for a list of these), but you could backup everything if you wanted to be extra safe and you have the disk space.

STEP 4 - Copy over new files a. The files you downloaded will be in your steamapps folder (usually "C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps") then in a folder called "content". In there you'll have a folder called "app_377160" (if everything has gone right) and in there will be three folders, "depot_377161", "depot_377162", and "depot_377163". The files we require will be somewhere in these three folders - which folder each file is in can change with updates. So find them. The ten files required are:

Fallout4 - Animations.ba2 Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 Fallout4 - Materials.ba2 Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2 Fallout4 - Misc.ba2 Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2 Fallout4.esm Fallout4.exe Fallout4Launcher.exe libScePad.dll

b. Copy the first 7 in the list above into the "Data" folder in your Fallout 4 folder that I already told you how to get to.

c. Copy the last 3 in the list above into your Fallout 4 folder.

NOTE: The other methods don't require you to copy over libScePad.dll. This one does. No, I don't know why.

d. You should now be on v1.1.30

STEP 5 - Test a. Test you're now on the correct version. Open Fallout 4 from Steam and run the game. In the main menu, click settings. The version number on the bottom-right of the settings box should say v1. If so, congrats, start speedrunning.

b. If not, ask for help here or the Discord.

theawesomeguy798, Jinjenia e 3 Altri ti piace questo
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay7 years ago

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.

United KingdomJetpackAwaaay7 years ago

Getting into running Skyrim! Is there a skyrim speedrunning discord please?


discussione: Portal
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay7 years ago

Have at least a video or demos, though in case of suspicion demos can be requested by a mod. So if you're going to do one or the other, demos are best. But really it's easy enough to do both.

discussione: Portal
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay7 years ago

If it's really not showing anything for you, here are links to useful things.

If you're playing anything but glitchless, it's best to use source unpack. It lets you do stuff like saveglitch etc.:

If you submit a run, you'll need to record demos. Install tyhis as instructed in the readme:

And if you want to practice a certain chamber, here are saves for each chamber:

And if you really can't be bothered waiting for 53 seconds in the starting vault, here is the official save for skipping the vault: (Note: if you skip the vault, it MUST be this save. Livesplit will automatically add 53.01 seconds to your time if you use it, as that's the length of time it skips.)

Marcus_MPC piace questo
discussione: Portal
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay7 years ago

It's empty for you? Weird, it's not for me. Filled with all kindsa goodies. Anyway, here are the splits:

discussione: The Turing Test
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay8 years ago

Would 100% just be all the extra levels too? In which case yeah leave 100%, it'd just be pretty much the same thing.

discussione: Portal
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay8 years ago

Yeah your best bet is the sourceruns discord. It's pretty active and people are always willing to help!

discussione: Rayman
United KingdomJetpackAwaaay8 years ago

I guess you could argue that 100% would involve picking up every lum, P, and +1...

Info su JetpackAwaaay
8 years ago
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