Tutorial: How to get around Mikulock (cannot fast travel at this time)
6 years ago
United Kingdom

If you're a noob like me you may loadwarp away from the reactor in the Institute for it only to say "cannot fast travel from this time." Boooooo! This is known as "Mikulock". Nobody knows what causes it, not even Brongle, and he knows how to make every coverslide perfect every time. It goes away when you get faster, so is to do with how quickly you complete the run up to that point, is all we know.

But Jetpack, I hear you say, I'm like you and can't be bothered getting good. How do I still complete runs?

Well, do the run normal up to the Railroad split. Then, when you get to the door of the church, make a hard save in front of it. It's best to get your gun out or something, so it's easier to tell later if the loadwarp works.

Then do the run normally up to Mikulock. Make a quicksave, and load your save at the Old North Church. The location you're looking for when finding that save is "North End", to make life easier for you. Then do a loadwarp on that door. The timing for the loadwarp is completely different to the one in the institute, so just practise for a few mins and it's ez.

Once you've successfully loadwarped, clip back down into the Railroad HQ. If you don't have any more guns for clipping, don't worry - your pipe pistol from clipping before will still be on the ground.

Once you're in the Railroad HQ the run proceeds as normal (talk to Des and she'll say "Tom get us out of here"). Mikulock is gone and you can now fast travel again.

Modificato da l'autore 6 years ago
Brongle piace questo
Arizona, USA

I found that you can do this not just here. Yesterday I did it at the door going into the MoF from where you get the power armor, and also have done it in the door between Railroad HQ and Old North Church, which is now my go to if I get Mikulocked as you end up right where you need to be to talk/shoot Dez anyway.

Not sure what places you can/can't do it at. At first I thought just anyplace where you end up inside a building but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for Virgil's Cave/Sewer when going inside it, so perhaps it only works on doors? Regardless glad to see it doesn't result in the end of a run.