I know there's room for improvement
3 years ago
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

When I joined Speedrun for The Cleaner, I was hoping to be part of something amazing. Or, let's be honest, at least neat. I suppose among the small pool of speed players, I could have stood to put in more effort to my contributions.

Case in point, this video. I recorded this over three months ago, but it seems because I didn't share it here specifically, no one has followed up on it. I hope you find the tactics and other thoughts I share to be useful.

(ETA: I changed the embed to a link. Is embedding a thing in these forums?) (ETA2: Yes. Links become embeds. Okay.)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
JetpackDinosaur likes this
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Here's a couple behaviors not strictly intended: I think I failed to mention that employees are immortal/intangible when the game's paused. You can project your projectile at them and pause the game mid-throw, and the cinder block will pass right through them without collision nor dismemberment. Haven't tested the edge cases yet.

JetpackDinosaur likes this
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Not the slickest presentation, not the most erudite, but I found another improvement on Level 6.

JetpackDinosaur likes this

Hey man! Crackin videos, I did watch them before I started playing the game, I definitely picked up on a few of your moves, but I found through playing I sort of organically developed my own methods - often our kill spot is the same, but our approaches vary. The paths on my 3:35 run are roughly as practiced, but messy, and a HUGE mistake on level 3 which easily costs me 8 seconds. The last level really costs me time though, must practice your technique using the body part!

Not sure if you mentioned about glitching through the cart in your vid? noticed you do it on level 4 in your 3:26, I do it on level 2 (see below) - just tested it now, seems to work in any direction as long as there are precisely 2 squares between the cart and the cleaner, and they start travelling toward each other simultaneously. any more or less and ya get blocked.

Happy Cleaning matey!

I just did exactly the same thing with posting the embedded script, hahaa

Edited by the author 3 years ago
KinzyKenzie likes this

Hah, well, 3:09 happened. A super lucky and brisk run through levels 1-5 - the last clean still isn't great, still relying on just a basic play. I have since been working on it - basically your method using two limbs, one to alert and one to kill, that way I can sometimes get sub 40s, at best 36s in practice, much better than the 43s in my submitted run.

Also been looking at level 5, using the cart to interupt the target's path and getting the kill off in the lower right corner, before he reaches the carpet, and without the witness spotting you. The timing is super tight, basically getting the target to detour as much as possible to allow enough time for Glasses to start heading up the middle channel. Even then it's tough finishing the clean-up, the head has a habit of popping right down to the carpet along the bottom. Best in practice is 35s, so it is worthwile when compared to 39s using the left hand kill route in my submitted run, upon which I don't think I can improve, certainly not by 4 seconds.

All this in mind has me eyeing up a sub 3-minute run, but keeping WR pace through the first 4 levels is a struggle, and the new strat for Level 5 has to be so precise, I'm yet to get anywhere near a promising attempt.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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