Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Thx @SpeedIdol for the response !

Yes Jadusable2, was hopping the same

SpeedIdol menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Nice SpeedIdol!

Why do you menu just before the Nemesis Entrance ? (Remind me the menu at the beggining of the RPD on RE2 after the open that godamn door scene).

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Ok thanks for the information, will take a look !

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hello Z4T0X, thanks for the answers. Ok so i'm gonna use this version. Ok cool! So i will take a look at his videos, thanks! :)

Z4T0X menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hey everyone

I played a lot illusion of gaia (illusion of time in my country :) ) when i was a kid and this game is still one of my favourite.

I would like to start speedrunning this game. Is there any restriction on the version to use ?

I used to play this on the french version, but it seems that all of the runs on the leaderboard are on the american version.

Thanks by advance, have a great day everyone.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Yeah so i tried and as expected, the refresh rate has 0 impact on the fps. nevermind, forget what i said

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Will take a look cause I find it weird that it depends on the refresh rate, maybe i got an hallucination :D

Anway i don't really have big trouble with RE1HD unlike RE2

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

So i gave some tries based on your advice but i can't do really something. In some soom, i have constant 120 fps, but in larger places like the main hall it's more like 90-100 fps.

Anyway, it's not really big deal for the moment. I will first practice in 60 fps :)

Thx all for the answers and help !

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Yeah, i'm not a pro on those settings, but yeah it seems that was define by the monitor himself. Never understood how it impacts my fps in re1hd but anyway.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hi Grimpants, thx for the answers. Imma try all of this tonight after work.

Just a question, you can set 144Hz for the refresh rate ? Or you have to edit the config file with the notepad ?

Cause I remember struggling to have 120FPS on RE1HD too. In the ingame menu, the only two options was 50Hz or 60Hz. I managed to override this to 120Hz editing the config file directly.

Have a great day

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hi Santrax and Orchlon. Thanks for the answers, i Will try those settings.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

That’s actually sound like a good idea until i get my tower

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Yeah i'm actually playing on a mobile pc. Thinking of buying a good conf tower pc, but it's not for now. So i will keep struggling with this cpu ?

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hi everyone,

I recently start trying to run this game, so i was looking to get a stable 120 fps on it.

Actually, even with low graphics i'm having between 90 and 120 fps while i'm playing (but it's rare that i have the 120).

Few infoirmations that can help :

  • Firstly, It's a cracked version. I'm gonna buy it anyway for run it, but for now i use a cracked version and i don't know if it can affect the performances.

  • Game is install on my hdd, not my ssd. I know i can affect the loading speed, can it also affect the performances.

  • My pc setup : GPU : GTX 1070, CPU : Intel i7-7700HQ 2.80GHZ, RAM : 16Go, Windows 10.

  • For my ingame conf (i'm playing in fullscreen but for whatever reasons i couldn't do a screenshot while in fullscreen) : https://imgur.com/a/OPwY1MO

  • I'm not sure about this, i'm don't really confortable with all theses in game settings, but i saw on a post on this forum, someone talking about how lowering too much the settings will give too much work to the cpu and not enought to the gpu, which can affect performances.

Well, if you need more informations, don't hesitate to ask me questions.

Thanks by advance, and sorry for the bad english :)

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Welcome dude ;)

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hello everyone, glad to be here :) . I'm a new member from France. Few years ago i started watching speedruns cause this was entertaining, and i really like the community. I never try some speedrun myself, until some weeks ago and i'm discovering the pleasure of video recording and the management of audio sources (lol)

I really like the Resident Evil series, specially the HD version of the Rebirth. For now it's the only game i can try to speedrun.

Well, that's it, sorry for poor english and see you on this forum ;)

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