Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hi everyone! Currently training really hard this area, but can't be consistent for now. I'll keep training but if anybody have some tips on the timing, i will take it!

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Just watch the beggining of TheNevs speedrun, the wr on standard. So yes it seems clearly to be a strat. It first get damaged by the first gasoline barrel (clean the area and get him on caution). Next time doesn't seems to be on purpose but he get damaged by that thing whatever the fuck is that during the 4 generator phase.

So yes, like kniferun said it's a strat, not optimal for the moment i guess (@kniferun you can even say 3 times i suppose, cause you have to take an herb after get poisoned, and it can take you back to normal status, correct me if i'm wrong).

xDrHellx menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

"but it seems everyone does it"

Ok forget what i said, didn't see it was already a strat

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago


Maybe I'm wrong but didn't see somebody trying to be beaten at the begginin of the sr like in RE2.

Maybe it will be a strat in the future, let's see

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago


To answers your first quentions, cosmetic mods are currently forbidden, so everything that "modify" the game.

I read that even if you take NG+ item but you put them in the box back without closing the box, it can be accepted.

Correct me if i'm wrong!

Welcome dude

TsoBadGuy menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

@Leonthsk I think i have read somewhere on this forum that any not in game skin was forbidden, sorry :/

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

For now all of inferno pb that i've seen was around 55 but i probably miss a lot of speedrun.

If you have a video, i'm interested :). I looked at fews videos, especially for the final nemesis (the fuck is that thing in inferno)

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

That's some real good news. I don't really understand how livesplits works but it seems that you guys are doing some hard work. I'm really impressed, many thanks to yo guys

NuZ menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Yeah i don't see no problems with a 60fps if the route is the same as 120. But i'm interested in listening people who are in favor of the 120fps thing.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Yes Nuz, totally agree, RE1R is my favorite game, and it's a damn pleasure to speed it, also it don't need a huge config and that's a good thing.

I take a second shot to read again the thread. I guess i've miss some points.

It's hard to stand for a choice, a lot of arguments on the two side. I like the idea of multiple categories, but it's true that is a mess (got 3 notification on WR on RE2R by day lol, everytime i'm like "wtf is this category again ?"), it's true that a leaderboard like the RE1R one is more clean.

The good thing IMO is that for now, at least there is not real gameplay differents between the fps you run. The knife's thing is RE2R, even if it need practises and this was a little bit more complicated than just spam the boss, was completely a fucked up thing for me

Tequils menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Isn't RE1R mixed 120 and 60 fps ? It's the game that make me start speedrunning few weeks ago, played it 120 cause the game doesn't really need huge config but it seems that was 60fps run on the board (Carci for example)

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

What i mean by standard and the main category, it's that is of the category where the game is run the faster and where there's a lot of different runners on it.

"Speedrunning should be fun, easy and not complicated to start with and a high skill gap. Look at Celeste, RE4, RE2, RE3 and Remake hd"

Of course, totally agree. And this is why it's important for me to have multiple/separate categories.

I'm not sur i get what's exactly your point. Setting the 60 fps as the main category ?

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

IMO the standard is now 120 fps. It's kind of arbitary but it was the main category in RE2R. Personnaly i'm not a professional streamer. I like the idea of multiple category as in RE2R. Yes there's a lot of category, a lot are not as competitive as 120fps Pc version, but at least anybody can be playing with his "means". I can't run consistenly RE2R with 120 fps, but who cares ? I like the idea of anybody can run the game, but if you want to be competitive, you have to take the time to be it, and also provide yourself the means to (a good pc for example).

This a good things to separate versions/fps. Maybe you can't be in the most competitve section, but at least in yours, you play with equality with others runners.

Take a look at Code Veronica X, there is not a lot of category, GC, PS3 are in the same category with a huge advantage to player on the Japan PS3 version, who can be a version that take time to get. So IMO a lot of category can be a mess, but it's also a chance

trashcat178 menyukai ini
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

99,9% sure it's the herb now, just made it again, kill her and instantly take an herb cause i was low life (really bad idea)

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Yep effectivly, it seems really random. I will try to train for the classic cases, anyway it will train me to bait them grab!

Thanks all :)

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

And got a weird bug, i killed the lady, and i guess i used at the same time an herb, and for whatever reason, the lady was still alive (keep damaging me), but without hp bar. I guess this is something like animation reset maybe. Anyway happens to me like 1/200. Just made me laught cause never seen this bug on my normal playtrought and i played a lot as a kid :D

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hello everyone, so I started training this game few days ago.

Used to train zone by zone, with some runs between to be more and more used to that.

For now I can go up to the pyramid, but have noticed my few last run that i probably got luck against the vampires until now. So i just save state before and got some training against them.

I used a lot the tips explain in the guide of LeHulk (really good work, it's impressive and really helpful) to try to mash them. The most reliable technique for me now, is to mash the girl after the red bubble, but it seems that i need some training on others technique aswell.

I recorded myself training for like 10 minutes, maybe someone can see some errors i'm doing frequently :

For now, i think that i have like 10% winrate against them, that's very low lol. The main difficulties that i'm facing :

  • Can't handle the both of them when they're close, it's hard to me to get the good tempo, and usually start to panic a little and mashing.

  • Hard to see what it's the best way to deal with the man alone. Intercept him seems dangerous but for me it's the most reliable way to deal damages to him, cause he's really hard to follow, and if i'm waiting for him to stop, i usually come to late and getting damaged anyway.

For now i'm trying just to get consistent at beat them, don't care if it takes 2 min lol. These are really my main run killer for now, they're really hard and i think i never kill them without herbs, so it's finish when i die when i used the two herbs.

Thanks by advance, good night everyone.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hello, here is the video :

I have an autosave at the start of the video, i pass few times the door, to try to have some new rng, so maybe i got like some werd rng.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hello, thanks for the response, yes i will try to make a video, it will be cleaner.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceSauceDallas934 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm learning the Leon A standard run.

I'm trying to be consistent with the G adults apperance in the sewers. I learnt a lot of stuff from the Orchlon's video :

But it seems that's some times, the second last pop off the water without a way to know it (i guess, maybe not of course, that's why im asking :)) :

Talking about him : https://imgur.com/TOYwYBK

For the purpose of the screen, I have wait for him to pop off, but usually my problem is that he pop off at the moment where i'm passing, and after that is it really hard for me to pass (maybe bait him ?)

The real problem is that when it arrives, it not seems that he's not sticking out of the water like the others who are "asleep".

Someone already deal with this problem ?

Don't hesitate to tell me if i'm not clear, maybe can make a video.

Thanks by advance.

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