benang: Wave Race 64
GermanyJimB3 years ago

Username: JimB

Current Role in the community: PAL IL WR64 player and mostly RTA in the other 2 Wave Race games

Reasons Why I Want To Be A Moderator for Wave Race 64: I like the Wave Race series and always love to show a run of it during marathons (thanks again to Andypanther with who I showed the complete series once in 2019). When I joined the WR community I tried to give Blue Storm the place that it deserved in it (the game I played the most at that time) and brought the former mod of the game here on src to the community discord (for a peaceful transfer of power). I always hoped that this helps the community as a whole because all games in the WR series are important for me. Even though I'm more on the sideline in WR64 with my PAL ILs activities, but PAL leaderboards also need some love imho.

That's why I promise to add seperate PAL categories for the WR64 Championship runs if people vote for me. ... Oh, the mods decide who they add as an additional moderator, not the silent PAL majority that is out there? Damn. Then I might use my convincing arguments when the time comes. (And will watch less US election coverage)

GermanyJimB3 years ago

Thanks for the guide. I tried to help someone before to get the game running with dgVoodoo2 but we couldn't get it working, so I wouldn't guarantee that this solution works for everyone. Still probably the best solution to get the game running.

GermanyJimB3 years ago

Thanks for posting your findings. Haven't found time to look at it yet but your work is greatly appreciated.

GermanyJimB4 years ago

Wanna propose a PostGame% category that is Any% + the Legendary Quest that follows after the credits. Rules are the same as Any% with the only difference being the end timing: Timing is by RTA, where timer starts upon confirming character art and name, and ends after beating Hop the very last time, right before you unlock the Battle Tower. ... (Rest is same)

Here my PB of this category:

Pear dan wartab menyukai ini
GermanyJimB4 years ago

We would need to test if PAL is slower than NTSC with BEA. Do you have a NTSC version starcrytas then we both could record some test footage. Most of the time PAL is slower, but I also play Wave Race Blue Storm which became faster through the help of the PAL conversion. In this generation PAL conversion became better and better and needed to have the same speed if you allowed Online Gaming, which obviously isn't the case with BEA.

Isn't it a standard feature that a modchip like Xecuter allows to play games from other regions? At least that is what I would expect.

Next time I play BEA I will probably try the PC version since it seems to be free as abandondware if I'm right. PC should have no lags like the XBox version sometimes has, if you play on the XBox 360 with emulation then it's even worse, wouldn't recommend that.

Inv1ve menyukai ini
benang: Gladius
GermanyJimB5 years ago

GameFAQs.com has a forum for the PS2 version with relatively active discussions about the game (there's also a GC and XBox forum, but they are less active): https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/561333-gladius

Speeddemosarchive Wiki has some Speedrun notes: https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Gladius

The Speeddemosarchive Forum has the oldest speedrun notes that I could find: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/gladius_xbox_ps2_gamecube.html

benang: Gladius
GermanyJimB5 years ago


I created a discord server for anyone interested in Speedrunning Gladius and wants to discuss the game, routing or categories and their rules. The advantage over this forum is that it's more like a chat and discord is very common in the speedrun community. There's also a bot that posts messages if someone is playing Gladius on Twitch.

GermanyJimB6 years ago

I made a comparison video of the PAL and NTSC version. It isn't perfect because the NTSC video seems to not run at the exact same speed as the original video, but it still shows the differences (the downloaded version of the NTSC video also has desynced audio for some reason). So here are at the moment my best times in Exhibition with NTSC and PAL:

So far my list of differences:

  • PAL IGT = NTSC IGT * 5/6 (so PAL times are lower)
  • PAL has a higher Jet Ski speed (e.g. Startturbo NTSC 132 km/h, PAL 154 km/h) With higher speed all ingame scripts don't work as they should, like the dolphins after the start of lap 3 where you can come a lot closer to them (and pass them) in PAL while on NTSC you seem to keep the same distance.
GermanyJimB6 years ago

I thought about doing such a run. Besides practicing tracks I'm unsure about some details regarding the rules for such a run. Here are some ideas:

  • start from a clear save file (would include saving records after all tracks which would make RTA and IGT better comparable)
  • pre setting the settings of the drivers before the start (acceleration - top speed, loose - tight)
  • pre setting the 3 letter name by setting a record in the used save file or a different one
  • or just use japanese timing and start the timer with a hard reset (using the same rules as WR64)

Will still take some time until I do a run of this (most likely without retires), but these are my thoughts at the moment. A leaderboard can wait until someone posted a run here.

GoonMiester menyukai ini
GermanyJimB6 years ago

First congratulations to BradenHall for having a new best time on the Expert Circuit. Motivates me to try and beat it. Hope I can stream some attempts during February.

It's a new record, but the in-game time isn't as fast as it was submitted. I know it's some work to write the times down and calculate the sum of it, so I searched for an online calculator and found this: http://www.unitarium.com/time-calculator You can also enter times with milliseconds like HH:MM:SS.MS Maybe mention this link in the rules or at least under Resources. It looks like BradenHall calculated with 100 seconds = 1 minute instead of 60 seconds = 1 minute. So the actual record should be 13:34.887. And while watching the video I saw that the Aspen Lake time is 1 second slower than in the submitted comment. So the end time is 13:35.887.

meauxdal dan GoonMiester menyukai ini
benang: Animorphs
GermanyJimB6 years ago

After playing this game the following passage from the book gets a whole new context.

From "Animorphs - 01 - The Invasion (mid of chapter 15)": "Not really. Chapman just said that for a while longer they still have to avoid attracting too much attention. A bunch of kids start turning up dead and people will definitely notice. He said they should just wait ・kids can't keep quiet for long about seeing aliens. When the kids talk, the Controllers will find them and get rid of them." "Except that we aren't going to talk about what we saw," Rachel said. "You got that right," Marco agreed. "We aren't saying anything. We are forgetting everything we saw. We are getting on with our normal lives." "And leave Tom the way he is?" I demanded. "No way. Never. He's my brother. I'm going to save him." "Just how do you figure you'll do that?" Marco asked sarcastically. "Let's see, it's you versus Chapman, the cops, a bunch of Hork-Bajir and Taxxons, and, worst of all, that creep, Visser Three. All you can do to fight them is turn into a dog and bite their ankles. It's like being stuck in the most impossible video game ever invented." I grinned. Or at least I showed my teeth. "Yeah, it is, kind of. But I'm pretty good at video games."

benang: Animorphs
GermanyJimB6 years ago

I would say you have to die in a fight, else a Game Over is too easy to get.

GermanyJimB6 years ago

I would like to have a better argument than that I don't like the idea. So I thought about some of the consequences:

  • don't play the longest track in the game anymore. Which is either Arctic Bay or La Razza Canal. I like both tracks. Arctic Bay has such a cool wave with that falling ice block (Normal and Hard mode) and La Razza Canal just feels good if you finally find the good line that you need to go through the tight corners.
  • depending on the points of the AI you have additional RNG in the game. I just looked up the points at the end of my runs and I could have skipped one race, but I have the feeling that sometimes the AI could get more points than the player if you retire once. RNG is already in the game, because the weather conditions are random.

I know where the idea of skipping comes from, that's what you would do automatically in a normal speedrun but in this game I'm more of a racer who wants to finish every race with a clean and clear win. If I take the concept of a clean win further I even end with the restriction that it should not even be allowed to skip a buoy. I think I saw somebody doing sth like that in WR64.

GermanyJimB6 years ago

My first reaction to this question is No Retire. This option also comes to my mind when I think about optimizing a championship run but it doesn't feel right. The requirement of being 1st place at the end of the championship is a seperate thing I thought about, but without the Retire option that should happen anyway in a good run.

Wave Race 64 Championship rules also include "NO RETIRE".

Make it a different category which beats championships with Retire, maybe I try it out one day, but for the normal category I don't like the idea of skipping a whole course in such a short run.

GermanyJimB7 years ago


I just wanted to ask what the NG+ means for this game. Am I correct that it means that you can have some of the cars unlocked in the classes that you have to play during the run?

I also thought about a different shorter category than playing through the 2 first classes of the game. The arcade mode could have just the right length to speed run it. I will try some test runs in the next days/weeks (and stream it on twitch) because PGR2 is my favorite racing game for the XBox and I wanted some additional motivation to play it.

EmSixTeen menyukai ini
GermanyJimB7 years ago

There's a comparison video for Wind Waker on YouTube that shows the difference of the loading times for USB and game disc.

The first loading time is slower from USB compared to disc. Maybe the reason my USB run has slower loading times is that every track is loaded only once and during this first loading it's slower like in the Wind Waker video. That would also mean that USB would only have an advantage if the same data is loaded multiple times, which isn't the case for Wave Race.

So as long as my loading times from USB during a run are slower than the runs from disc that are already on the leaderboards I would say that it's OK for me to submit them. If both of you accept that and give your OK then I will submit some runs in the 3 categories with the US version from USB. Maybe we could also indicate on the leaderboard that the game was loaded from a USB device.

FrezzerFox menyukai ini
GermanyJimB7 years ago

Here is the PAL run

The ingame times are lower as I described above. For example the "Lost Temple Lagoon"-times are under 1 minute. Which is 1 minute 12 second in real time (factor 5/6=1.2).

It looks like the loading times are the same as the NTSC version. Maybe even a bit lower? Would be less than a second then. That's still no detailed comparison, I'm just looking at the timer and count in my head.

So I'm a bit unsure which version to use now. I started with the US version so I could see in Time Trial if my times can compete with the times posted here. It would still make it easier to compare the track times in the future. And it feels a bit strange to split at 1:14 with an ingame time of 1 minute after the first race.

GermanyJimB7 years ago

Looks like my USB loading takes around 1 second longer to load the tracks (comparing the counter in the videos).

I know the situation from SMS, not in detail but you often enough hear that they only allow very good runs that were done with a disc version. The loading times of Game Cube games were low compared to PS2 or XBox games because the discs of Game Cube games are smaller and the laser doesn't have to move that far than on a normal sized disc. So maybe it could be the case that the loading times are low enough to be competitive with USB loading times? There also seems to be a difference between the different loaders that you can use on the Wii (I'm using Nintendont).

I will make/stream a run with my disc version later. The ingame times will be very low compared to the NTSC version. Some Game Cube games had the option to be played in 50 or 60 Hz mode with their PAL version. It looks like Wave Race is running with 50 Hz but the game is still running at the same real time speed as the NTSC version. But the timer doesn't seem to go faster (delta t is the same?) so the resulting times are lower (only 5/6). The solution to get comparable ingame times would be to recalculate them (NTSC_Time = PAL_Time/5¤6).

FrezzerFox menyukai ini
GermanyJimB7 years ago

My timer starts with -9 seconds. I start the timer after the loading screen, during the cutscene that shows the track. That scene is playing for some time and must be skipped with the A button. I start the timer at the same time I press the A button in that scene. I haven't timed it out completely, I have only looked at my screen to see if the timer reaches 0 at the same time the lights go green. So it could be the case that the 9 seconds aren't completely accurate, but I think it's close enough for now.

My timer also has a small delay compared to the game screen. I know that's a common problem, so I will see if I can synchronize that and find the setting for that.

GermanyJimB7 years ago

OK, I'm using the US version now.

After some trouble with my TV I got my stream working this morning. I tested it and made an attempt on the Normal Circuit (). I won't submit this now, but could someone check if that attempt was ok? I made a few more errors than during some of my offline runs, so I hope that I will improve the time when I'm more used to playing, splitting and streaming at the same time.

Tentang JimB
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