FranceISlide3 years ago

Runs submitted to GDQ didn't make it through, but apparently Ustu infiltrated the GDC

Harley Baldwin, level designer on Kashyyyk says: "Watching you stab that droid dispenser to death is like you're just stabbing me in the heart"

FranceISlide3 years ago

Worms 4 is easily modable. All scripts ruling a level's scenario are stored in the game folder /data/scripts. They're in .lua, openable via the notepad, and the code is fairly legible.

I'm working on Lv12 Ghosthill Graveyard right now, and I found it useful to edit the associated script, in order the spawn only the last wave of enemies: in the function Initialise(), you should input the following values: -IndexNumber=4 -WormsDead=6 -WormNumber=7 -EmitterNumber=4 -lib_SpawnCrate("Crate4") -AmountOfGoldSpawned=3

or for the 3rd wave of enemies: -IndexNumber=3 -WormsDead=3 -WormNumber=4 -EmitterNumber=3 -lib_SpawnCrate("Crate3") -AmountOfGoldSpawned=2

I guess there are other levels for which this could be useful, I'll look ahead. Also one common thing to do might be to grant yourself infinite turn time, by editing:

SetData("TurnTime", 0)

(and don't forget to backup of course)

M4T_, davidsover, dan GoliaPh menyukai ini
FranceISlide4 years ago

Hey I found a new glitch, it's been time.

  1. equip the sniper rifle
  2. zoom
  3. take a quicksave
  4. switch to another weapon (the pistol for instance)
  5. then quickload

it should look like this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17zWAocQUjsw4NslkxYZtg8kYKjoZ0ZYY/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c_VLiWJrkA5TMDiFmkG27KNFxFxWMhFV/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/16mFemoIItnX5VblCF5cW-RZyGQt_wS-2/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/12lsLSQu8x0Lh_qgotYD8E1t1Wq-mS2QH/view?usp=sharing

and now... Your character is out of the zoom mode, but your sniper rifle is still in zoom mode. What's the point? well, you have all of your fov and the damage multiplier is still active, so you can one-shot little enemies, and also it carries on for the 5 shots in your magazine. Cool huh? unfortunately it stops if you give an order, or reload, and you can't melee or launch a nade.

Let's try with the blaster now, same recipe and you have zoomed but not zoomed blaster, but this time you can launch grenades.

Also I figured out that the damage multiplier also affects grenades. (you don't need the glitch for that). So you can use this to deal extra damage.

One useful occurence is in Bodyguards, when you throw all your nades at the second bodyguard, having the blaster zoomed in kills him quicker

Reverbed menyukai ini
FranceISlide4 years ago

Hi. I've remade the category in order to suit the existing runs better. There could be many parameters to make up a new category (any% / 100%) (difficulty levels) (ship used) (glitches used) (new game / ng+) ... instead of creating all possible categories I'll just wait to see which one will actually prevail.

I also know that there are many fan-made levels, which maybe could be added to the ledearboard, I'll see.

. I also added the autosplitter I coded in the ressources, please use that as your timing method. (Especially if you are running "All Skips") - it is a newer version than the already existing one, and it takes the cutscenes in account, so that skipping them with tricks is now meaningful again

FranceISlide4 years ago

Speedrun.com updated their outfit lately, which is ok I guess, except they got rid of custom backgrounds. So now the leaderboard is just a plain page. For now, I can change the text color, and also the "banner" (which doesn't seem to work properly). I've been messing around with stuff, it's not meant to stay like this.

Hopefully customizable backgrounds will come back and we could revert back to normal (or try something new). The old background had nothing to do with the game but it was fine and I got used to it.

FranceISlide5 years ago

Hi. (I'm not sure if this belongs to the 'feedback' thread or not). I noticed that browsing the games on this site can be tedious, due to the current user interface, and this is my suggestion for another system.

First, I'll explain the problem with the current UI. When I want to filter a specific parameter, which isn't proposed in the short display, I click 'show all' and then hundreds of possibilities appear and stretch the column a lot. So I scroll back and forth, it takes a lot of time, espescially when the query is complicated. Many of the values proposed are obscure ones, tied to only one or two games, just as obscure.

I understand that speedrun.com is a host for a bunch of game, disregarding their popularity, which is a good thing ; except that it plagues the UI. Exhaustively showing all values possible for a parameter with a checkbox doesn't seem to be a good idea. I think that users should be able to type what they want. Because usually they know what they want to filter, so they don't have to be shown hundreds of possibilities they're not concerned with.

So for these criteria: 'name', 'year', 'platform', 'publisher', 'developper', 'game engine', everything can be typed. There's another issue with the 'genre'. There's a whole lot of different writings for the same genres, 'point-and-click','point-n-click','point&click','p-n-c','adventure p-n-c'... Those need a standard to stick to. When filling a game entry, instead of letting users write whatever they want in this field, use checkboxes, or a tag system, there should barely be 30 of them... So when browsing a game the 'genre' criteria has just as much possibilies

Also, sometimes users don't know exactly what they're looking for, so they need to be proposed something - or they need to check the expected writing for their entry. That actually works with the current system, since you can read all possibilities displayed. This won't work on mine, except if we let the user the choice to see all those possibilities. With a mere '?' or 'show all' button, displaying all those values in a new tab. Just an almost empty html page consisting in a list of everything that's possible, in a new tab ; so it doesn't bother the user, as opposed to scrolling the same page up and down.

Now that I explained the system, let's try to sketch how it could look.

First imagine an empty board then the users can add a line they choose an operator (==,!=,>=,>,<=,<) and what type of criteria they want to filter (year, platform, genre...) and what value it should have (they type it) and they can add another value on the line and after that they can add another line, etc...

filter queries will look like a list, parameters on a same line conjugate as OR, parameters on different lines conjugate as AND.


== [PC, PS3]

= [2012] <= [2016] != [Capcom, Rockstar]

"all games, which have PC or PS3 for platform, released between 2012 and 2016, and neither by Capcom nor Rockstar"

== [adventure] == [action] != [platformer] < [2002]

"all games, which belong to both action and adventure genres, but not platformers, and released striclty before 2002"

It may look a bit convoluted, but once one gets used to it, it works easily and quickly. The UI shouldn't take too much room on the page, and it will be more efficient than checking boxes here and there in an overloaded column.

Thanks for reading, I suppose such issue isn't a priority for the devs, maybe a very few people use this filter feature anyway, certainly it's a lot of work to fix... idk. I'm just proposing.

Imaproshaman, Caidren dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
FranceISlide5 years ago


  • EPHYRA: don't warp to the ghouls using marakamda, it's quicker to go by feet (or airclimbing). Just head to the axespear (either the one at the beginning of the level, or the other in the tower). Then head to the ghouls' ground (there's a ledge to pass). Kill them, level up to 8 and take the potion


breakdance your way to the sword

OR reach the golem and airclimb to jump over the walls enclosing the sword

OR reach the golem and angleskew to walk/climb up the walls enclosing the sword (would it work ??)

OR fight the golem lv8+spear+powerpotion (you can duplicate the power potion by making a save right when the character drinks it. Then reload. You are powerful, and the potion is still in your inventory, and will be useable on the next level)

  • KARUM: I didn't understand why you would reload the level once you reach the top of the dungeon

  • AL FARUM: you can entirely skip the level with a ledgewarp (from the first big rock of Karum)

  • IANNA: there is certainly a warp to reach directly the gate you skip using angle skewing (before key n°4) ; so it would save most of the air climbing part at the beginning

PS: I give you my positive energy so you can speedrun the game a bit more before hating it spitefully

FranceISlide6 years ago

I just pin this here so people could think about it if ever the game gets run in the future.

This route allows to finish the level in 1:20 at best, the main time losses being first aiming with the shotgun, and also parachute jumps. If you fear to miss a shot you can still use the sniper rifle (found in a crate near the shotgun).

The first opponent worm will always skip his turn in this situation. He may or may not move. So at turn 3, you should watch for his position and place the girder in a consequent way (more frequently on the other side from what I've done)

FranceISlide6 years ago

I'm just sharing some researches (most of which led to nothing for the moment)

So, the purpose is to manipulate the game so that it allows the player to move at times he shouldn't be able to.

It revolves around the 'walk' command. I'm not talking about the key for walking, I'm talking about what happens when you type "walk" in the console.

If you were using "fly" or "ghost", you will land back on earth, but also when 38 is immobilized to witness a dialogue scene, it will allow him to move normally.

So I suppose that on the game side that's what happens, first it gives you a "frozen" state, then unlock it by giving a "walk" input.

Now, if we want to use this in a run, we have to find how to manipulate the game so it grants us the "walk" effect when it shouldn't, whithout typing it in the console (or that's just cheating)

There are other circumstances under which "walk" is given : (1) - when 38 is using a device, and you release the "use" key. Proof: type "fly" in the console, then "use" a device, and when you are finished, or the use is interupted, you don't fly anymore. (2) - when you load a save. (3) - when you're revived

So I tried to put myself under those circumstances during a dialog scene. with method (1): I load The Bridge Of Kachirho (first level of the chapter), and I harm my squadmates badly. I finish the level. On Frontline, during the loading screen, I can shoot at a clone on my right with anti-armor to kill him, and revive him. Theorically I get frozen during this, and when the reviving is over I'm able to move. Except that I never could do that during the loading screen, and I can't oneshot a clone because of their shield, and aiming during a loading screen is very difficult. But that's just an idea that I had. (2): unfortunately, it's impossible to save during those scenes, so I couldn't reload and get a "walk" effect. (3): i set the game on hard difficulty to increase damage, and shoot myself with aa during the loading screen of Frontline. I aim at my feet using the directionnal keys instead of the mouse. I'm dead, the clones revive me, I can move, great :)

but's that the only place where this skip is woth using

Now that's another issue to dig...

FranceISlide6 years ago

I spoke already of the teleportation glitch, when you die after you clicked 'jump' to grab a ledge, but before you actually grab it. Then instead of reaching any ledge, you'll be teleported at the previous one.

I think a run could me made out of this, although the route is a nightmare to devise.

Here's a video about my premises.

Currently I'm trying the glitch at every spot in every level to see where it goes. I think it will bore me quickly, so I wonder if there's any way to open the maps in an editor, and 3D-overlap two of them, so I could directly see what inter-chapter-dimensional-ledge-portal to take.

Also the loading times will puff up a lot. Mines are about 20 sec

FranceISlide6 years ago

Hi, I'm planning on running this game and I've been searching for new skips.

I assume that the glitchless category was made in opposition to the severely glitched run from Tesseract, and that glitches as "breakdancing", "airclimbing" etc were banned.

But I found some glitches that are not related to those abuses. I wonder if I can incorporate them in a "glitchless" run nonetheless. (for example Cieply and Cubeface have been using attack canceling, which is also a glitch)

  1. The first one is allows to use consumables without consuming them. If you make a save somewhere between the appliance of the effect given (power potion, heal...) and the end of the drinking animation, then reload the game, you will find your character with the flask in the hand, and it drops it if you unseathe a weapon. You can't pick up the flask anymore, but it won't disappear. Also, it's still present in your inventory. If you try to use it a second time it doesn't work. But when you complete the level and begin the next one, it will still be in the inventory, and usable.

  2. the second one is a skip in the Mines. I don't know if it was known before, but I think Tesseract mentions it (what he calls "zipping" I think). When running into a slope with a certain angle, the game will eject you upwards. (for example, for Zoe's lvl1, if you step on the base of one of the pyramides, you can be thrown in air). Here I quickly spam 'look left', 'look right', 'look left', 'look right'... to constantly give an angle to my trajectory while I'm ejected upwards by the slope.

Also I'd like to ask Cubeface how did he manage to skip the final cutscene in the Mines.

FranceISlide6 years ago

Great news ! I found a way to skip the entire From The Shadows lvl

We knew already that we could move during the loading screens. Little we knew we could quicksave too.

You have to keybind the quicksave and hit the key as soon as the loading screen appears. Then reload, and try to stay on the platform while an invisible force pushes you.

Now the question is : can this be used anywhere else ?

EDIT : it works also on Critical Strike, so you can skip the time of standing frozen while the squad grapples down

same for Canyons Of Death

and Belly Of The Beast

and the cutscene before The Prosecutor (but that's silly, because you can't skip it if you do this)

also Lockdown

Behind Enemy Lines if you quicksave at the end of the loading screen

redmage08 dan ThinksTheClown menyukai ini
FranceISlide7 years ago

First I'd like to show you this new skip :

It's a 15 sec gain, but can only be applied to segmented runs or TAS, unfortunately. (because I suspect it's both pixel perfect and frame perfect)

Also, I would draw attention to this physical engine glitch resulting in Delta38 boucing against uneven surfaces. Rocks, barrels, curved plans, detailed meshes, numerous things may allow this kind of trick all along the game. Although this is the only lvl with a chasm to cross.

Maybe we'll find some more exploits like this...

Your_Solution dan redmage08 menyukai ini
FranceISlide7 years ago

The title says it all : wouldn't it be wonderful to run the game with jolly cooperation ?

it appears that coop mods exist for SWRC.

there's this one, which many people complain about : www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNzUgYOZsMQ

and this one, which seems to work fine : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=703155438 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=574817963

problems are :

  • hosting a server
  • compatibility between clients (with modding issues etc...)
  • the delay "press fire to join" at the begining of each level
  • AI issues
  • 07, 40 and 62 are still there

so, is anyone interested in this ?

_ EDIT :

So, I was like "yeah, that's gonna be so cool, to complete missions together, to jump on the top of each other to create new skips, no ai problems anymore..." Then I began to think a little bit... Let's examinate the benefit of such cooperation along the game, and how it raises a couple of new problems :


  • maximum prejudice : nothing
  • into the hive : quite nothing + problem how to slice the 1st console if fixer ain't here ?
  • the strength of brothers : quite nothing + problem if the delta squad is removed, then who opens the 2nd door ? if the clones are still there, what's the point of playing coop ?
  • infiltrate the droid foundry : OK
  • heart of the machine : OK
  • destroy the foundry : nothing
  • advance to the core ship : quite nothing
  • canyons of death : nothing
  • to own the skies : OK
  • territory : OK
  • infiltration of the core ship : OK
  • waking the giant : OK
  • belly of the beast : OK


  • ghost ship reckon : quite nothing
  • delta down : OK
  • unwelcome visitors : OK
  • rescue the squad : nothing
  • alone : nothing
  • troika : nothing
  • jailbreak : OK
  • tactical suppremacy : OK
  • attack of the clones : nothing
  • lockdown : OK
  • wrath of the republic : OK
  • saving the ship : OK
  • holding the line : OK
  • overwhelming the odds : OK
  • deus ex machina : OK


  • the liberation of Tarfful : quite nothing
  • hard contact : nothing
  • from the shadows : OK
  • the bodyguards : OK
  • obliterate the outpost : nothing
  • aim for the heart : quite nothing
  • critical strike : nothing
  • the bridge of kachirho : nothing
  • frontline : quite nothing
  • the gauntlet : nothing
  • detour : nothing
  • a bridge too far : OK
  • the wookie resistance : nothing
  • behind enemy lines : nothing
  • viw : nothing ? (maybe jumping over the barricade)
  • saving ammo : OK
  • live ordnance : nothing
  • fate of the resistance : OK
  • search and destroy : OK
  • heart of the citadel : OK
  • moving upstream : OK
  • the final strike : OK + problem if the squad is removed, the game freezes when removing 07 again at the end

score : OK = 26/51 so half of the time the run would consist in one player doing all the stuff and the others just waiting.

a solution to most of the problems would be to have a 5 men delta squad, with 3 ai and 2 players.

the coop would aslo mean to share ammo packs. Even if placing and combat tactics would be enhanced, the ammo management would be more difficult.

... and gameover requires to restart the whole party

so... I'm kinda nipping it in the bud, but maybe the coop idea isn't worth spending time over it.


three more things

ai of the squad is more or less broken

the rendered cutscenes are considered levels and are skipable no more.

the multiplayer weapons and the campaign weapons are not the same. For example, aa in coop mod doesn't even one-shot sdbs.

so... rip coop run

Your_Solution, redmage08 dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
FranceISlide7 years ago

The skip involves a jump on one delta's head. It would be good to get rid of that and find a safer way to pass, or to learn how to manipulate the squad better.

The end of Savig Ammo is blocked by crates, and it's possible to get over it once landed on the bomb spot block. But it's to high to get onto it directly. Maybe commanding a clone to pose the bomb could be a way to provide against the lack of heigh.

Or jumping on a trando ?

At 4:50

FranceISlide7 years ago

I tell you about it, but I'm pretty sure it can't work. In The Final Strike, there are slanted beams aside the walls of each 4 great rooms. Caulk makes it unclimbable, but passed a certain heigh you can progress on it. So the dissiculty is to reach the spot where you can walk on the caulk.

In the first room, we "may" succeed, for the path seem clear. But unfortunately I can't perform the skip. I guess Delta 38's jump is too low. Frustating, really...

In the 3rd room you can actually do this, by jumping on cylinders from the turret balcony. But it helps not, the last turret is surrounded by a kill zone. (But you can join 07 just before the end of the game)

Your_Solution dan ThinksTheClown menyukai ini
FranceISlide7 years ago

This is a way to avoid the bomb planting in The Bodyguards level. You can actually jump over the barricades, as the caulk wall is not very high on some parts. To proceed, jump on the ledge of the window, but don't look through it. I'm therefore facing the opposite way. From there, I can get on the barricade, but there the caulk wall is to high. I didn't succeed to jump from there to the near spot where the barricade can be crossed, so my solution is to use my squad (it's not like every day...). I bounce on the head of a clone, and reach the aimed spot.

I can now defeat the bodyguards alone, and surprise ! Grevious is still here !

This trick is difficult because :

  • there are enemies nearby
  • the jump is tricky
  • the clones ain't necessary on the right spot
  • Tarfful may die

And it's only a ten seconds gain. But if someone succeeds to do it without the clones, that would become interesting.

Your_Solution dan ThinksTheClown menyukai ini
FranceISlide7 years ago

When training for the run or searching glitches, OOBs, etc... the console commands are often useful and make good tools to work with. But to which extend those "tools" can be applied to a run ?

I believe that two things can be considered cheating a be prohibited :

  • using cheats (of course)
  • modifying the internal properties of the game via other commands or file corruption.

I'm going to talk about the sniper rifle. It has a strong damage modifier on the zoom, so we better zoom at every shot for a maximum efficiency. But it bothers me a lot that the sniper has a double zoom, it makes it harder to de-zoom in urgent situations (like an elite dodging and leaving off the lens)

Therefore, I allowed myself to change the key bindings a little bit. I have two "zoom" button :

  • on "shift" (I usualy fire with "shift") : fov 0 | fire | onrelease stopfire | fov 0
  • on "middlemouse" : fov 0

so that when I fire a weapon it zooms and dezooms automatically to benefit the damage modifier. I need the second button for the sniper, that won't de-zoom but will go to zoom x20. By pressing quicky the middle mouse it goes back to normal.

Considering I only changed the bindings, that wouldn't be considered has cheating imo. Still, you can't do it via the game menu and have to use the command, so it may be considered cheating then. So ?

To this extend, why not deactivate the double zoom with "set dc17msniper numzoomfovs 2". It would solve the problem and simplify the playthrough, but would be considered cheating.

Are any of these techniques ok ?

FranceISlide7 years ago

This is another way to skip Aim For The Heart. Compared to the old route, it's quicker by 15 or 20 sec. But it's a very dangerous path, with black screens everywhere, tricky jumps, and many ways to get stucked in gaps between high gradients and scenery. For an hypothetical live run I recommend not to use it, because a fail would be painfully punishing.

Your_Solution menyukai ini
FranceISlide7 years ago

This is a quicker and safer way to perform the skip.

At the angle of the barrier, there is a bump on the ground, from which you can jump onto the barrier. On this segment of barrier, there no caulk (curiously). But on the next there is, it this caulk wall we were getting round by clipping through the level. So from where you are, you can jump onto the caulk, and there you have enough height to safely jump onto the cylinder.

The momentum is easier to control this way, and it represents a 3-4 sec gain. (Yes that's not as incredible as Your_Solution's findings)

Your_Solution menyukai ini
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